Ala_Huckbar - Profile



LV 1
2020-06-12 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 1

Moments 1078


I'm sorry, what makes this tier 3 zombie dignified?

The golden armor quickly changed colors once it was complete, and produced a camouflage effect. The man pointed a finger at the nearest zombie, a dignified Tier 3 zombie, and a needle shot out from his armor hitting the zombie in the brain killing it. Marlo pulled the dead body towards himself and retreated to a cave in the cliff-side. He examined the zombie's body thoroughly, but its biology made no sense to him. Broadly it still resembled a man in that it had two arms, two legs, a torso and a head, but that was where the resemblance ended. It's skin was almost metallic to touch and its internal body was nothing except bones, muscle and what he assumed were meridians - there was no other organ in the body! The head had a wide mouth and two eyes as well as abnormally large ears. When he cracked open its head he did not find a brain, but instead a crystal in its skull suspended by what Marlo had earlier assumed were meridians. The needle Marlo shot earlier had torn all the meridians to pieces, but the crystal was completely intact!

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher

Replied to The_archer1202

That's just his failure. Nothing to do with Marlos.

"Since he wants me to pay for his recovery, he should also pay the price." Lex would not admit he was slightly bitter about being rejected. It was totally to cover the cost of his MP.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


Why did this quest fail? The quest was to sign him up as a valet, not demand his eternal servitude.

As soon as the enthusiastic giant was done with his speech, Lex received the painful notification of the failed Quest, as well as the 1000MP that he lost. But at the moment he wasn't paying attention to it, his focus was entirely on Marlo. To be honest, he was really starting to admire the man. It was a pity that he could not get him to join as an employee.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher



"But no matter how tempting the offer, if I accept, I will become a subordinate for life. I will have to bend my knee, have to bow my head, and that I cannot accept!" His voice was suddenly full of vigor again, his eyes burning with determination. "Maybe to others it may seem like a stupid notion to give up such an opportunity for my pride, but to me there is no reward high enough or threat grave enough to make me yield! Everything I am, I have built step by step, encountering foe after foe, overcoming death time and time again! Maybe because of this, I will be stuck on Earth for the rest of my life, with no hope of breaking through. Maybe there will be countless others who will surpass me in the universe, reaching heights far greater than my own, but no one, NO ONE, on Earth or in the rest of the universe, can ever make Hanson Marlo Bravi III kneel!"

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


Why do we care?

Larry was oblivious to all of this. Deep in his heart, he knew the only reason he was continuing to struggle was because he had seen a small glimmer of hope. Would that glimmer of hope be strong enough to carry him on his journey? Even he didn't know.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


Ah, $300 billion dollars; more than the net worth of anyone on Earth!

"See you tomorrow, kid," said a particularly fat man as he watched Larry leave the practice room. Larry didn't respond, but the fat man didn't mind and simply watched him leave with a mocking look on his face. Who could believe that the welp before him once underwent a $300 billion procedure to allow him to cultivate, but still failed to do so? Nobody knew why he could cultivate now, but nobody cared too much either. Not everyone in the cultivator community took pleasure in bullying him, but everyone took him as an example of how quickly the mighty can fall in the cultivation world.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher

Replied to Evelyn_Wiles

You have to be able to protect yourself or have influences protecting you to feel safe, yes? Duh? Is this not obvious to you? Aren't you depending on your country's ability to protect you/deal with criminals to feel safe?

The cat hesitated, but eventually said nothing. Internally, she couldn't wait to leave! The power she felt earlier was tremendous, and someone with that strength would not be afraid of her father's influence. That meant that she wasn't really safe, and she did not dare to tarry.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher

Replied to Vanadhi_Lucia

Did you see her bully the weak?

The cat hesitated, but eventually said nothing. Internally, she couldn't wait to leave! The power she felt earlier was tremendous, and someone with that strength would not be afraid of her father's influence. That meant that she wasn't really safe, and she did not dare to tarry.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


Ok, so I underestimated the multipliers. Originally, at 1 star rating, it would have taken decades to recover. Now, it is more or less instantly. Let's lowball the multiplier assume 30 years vs 3 minutes. That's a difference of 10 million times the rate for a 0.5 star rating difference. Or a difference of 100 trillion every star rating difference.

The biggest shock, however, was received by Bastet and Falak. When the wave of spirit energy entered the Inn, it wasn't spirit energy that entered their bodies, but a higher and more complex form of energy! Bastet, who was asleep, woke up to a feeling of horror and excitement! Excitement, because she had instantly recovered enough to where she could leave Earth immediately on her own, and horror because she knew all too well what level of power that energy represented. Falak, likewise, knew what it meant and immediately stood outside Bastet's room, awaiting his mistress' exit in case she needed him.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


MC is clearly dumb. You sell service based on what it costs AND what it's worth. Furthermore, the price of something has to be at least 100% more than the base cost of the material, to even think of making a profit..

Lex smiled as he allowed the Inn to swipe the card in Hugo's room. The man didn't even ask about the price, and this was exactly the kind of customer Lex liked the most. Using the recovery room cost the Inn 30MP a day, so Lex had set the price as 50MP. Using the recovery pod a day cost the Inn 150MP, so he set the price as 250MP! As for the ORR, it cost the Inn 1000MP per hour! Lex hadn't determined a price for that yet, and would consider it when he needed to.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher

Replied to Tekbox

Except he literally teleported.

The Innkeepers explanation seemed far-fetched and Hugo instinctually felt like it was impossible. How can there be an Inn that connects to various worlds across the universe? Then he remembered that he entered this place by teleporting using a golden key, and that made him a little unsure.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


So is his family also cultivators? If not, that means normal civilians are living on the moon? How is this a secret?

Will called a few old friends to put the word out he was looking for a Death soldier. Initially, he expected to wait a few months at the very least to get a response, but who knew he got a call just one day later. In front of him was a young mercenary who had made a small name for himself doing expeditions on the moon. Unfortunately, the cultivation world is not a peaceful one and someone had killed the soldier's family while he was away on one of his expeditions.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


So the zombie was chosen as a pro bono guest?

"The most basic necessity, I guess, is someone who can't afford the Inns commodities," she replied, sitting on Lex's shoulder. "But there are a few conditions. Firstly, no one can be a BP Guest more than once. Secondly, they must have a certain need that the Inn can fulfill. You can't randomly accept a homeless man as a guest; even though staying at the Inn for a while would solve his homeless problem, once he returned, he would not be any better off. This means that anyone who becomes a PB Guest needs to be better off somehow when they leave. As the foremost universal establishment, our services can't be shallow or without lasting effect. Once a PB Guests' needs have been met, they can stay for at most one day to rest and prepare before they leave. Thirdly, PB Guests don't need to use a golden key to enter. If you see someone you think deserves to be a PB guest, you can directly assign them the status and when they should be invited, and the Inn will directly bring them in at the time you chose. You can only assign PB Guests once a month, though. Most of the time, PB Guests will be chosen directly by the Inn. When and how the Inn will choose, I cannot say."

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


Why not use the recovery room?

Picking up his phone, he texted Marlo about his requirements for the weapon he had asked for. Although yesterday he was a little out of sorts with his random "enlightenments", some of them truly did make sense. Having finally sent the message, he put on a tracksuit and went out to jog. His body had recovered a lot by now but he was still sore, a little movement would do him good. Furthermore, he needed to think of ways to distribute more golden keys, as the last one still had not been used.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


Maybe don't be retardedly arbitrary.

He put both the reward items in the Gift Shop, the Candy for 500MP and the Whistle for 1500MP. His pricing was a little arbitrary, but he eyeballed it based on their use and what cultivation level they corresponded to. A true test of their pricing would be determined when he established more footfall.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


Why specism?

He didn't want to discriminate against his guests, but he thought having zombies as guests would lower the prestige of the Inn, and he absolutely had to maintain the prestige of the Inn! He was depending on it to build a relationship with Bastet, and that was a very important part of his future plan.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


But if you recognize the incompetence of your children and the reason... why not fix it?

He could barely walk on his own, much less face any difficulties, so it was impossible for him to use the key and search for opportunities. But who could he trust to use the key for him and search for opportunities on his behalf? His "niece" who he got the key from was not a cultivator, otherwise he would trust her enough to do this for him. The old man had children of his own, but honestly, he did not trust their competence. They'd grown up privileged and sheltered, akin to a plant in a greenhouse. Even if it was their intention to help him, he could not rely on their competence. He could hire someone, but how trustworthy was a hired hand when it came to treasure?

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher


So this is why Marlos is so insane? The issue is that the MC was dumb even before.

In the background, Mary was floating in the air and watching Lex with a stupefied and irritated look. Whatever, she would ignore him for now. His spirit was damaged, which affected how he thought. Once his spirit recovered, so would his sanity. She hoped.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher

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