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Im currently 18 and in a sci-fi reading phase. I've read over 2000 novels so far in the past 3 years on multiple websites. Sick of the lack of spaceship books so I'll write my own :D

2021-09-20 Beigetreten United States

Abzeichen 3

Moments 42

Replied to Hamapo

real talk, this sudden romance with "lotus" is so random and weird, you had a carefully constructed novel, then you threw a wrench into it with weird predator vibes and unwanted romance. This isn't cute or nice to read its creepy and offputting.


that night, lin fan entered through her back door ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

This detestable woman. Did she really think she could come and go as she pleased? Lin Fan ran a restaurant, not a backdoor.

I Signed-In For A Billion Dollar Mansion From The Very Beginning

I Signed-In For A Billion Dollar Mansion From The Very Beginning

Urban · Legendary Youth

Replied to Adrion_Lord

a spear can be used a staff... a spear is basically a staff with a spear tip. a staff is also a perfect long range blunt weapon that can let you attack multiple zombies at a distance just by swinging it, even an untrained person can do this. if your talking blunt weapon like a baseball bat, that'll put you in arms reach of a zombie. 1 wrong move and a you'll be scratched or bitten by the zombie, vs even if you mess up with a spear you can drop it and run and still be safe. In multiple zombies fighting you, I think a baseball bat or mace would be worse than a spear as to attack you must be in the attack distance of a zombie, plus it would get more tiring swinging around a weapon with all that weight in a shorter form rather than a longer form like a spear

Replied to Adrion_Lord

spears are the easiest weapon an untrained person could use. it can double as a staff for smashing and knock back/stuns, and you can always brace the spear and let the zombie charge into the point. even if you dont hit the head you can still stick it in their body to hold them in place.

Replied to Frona_Gorgophone

i guess that's true, shooting unrelated people is a very narrow-minded and selfish thing to do in the first place- argumentive speaking shooting bullies at school is still a selfish and narrow-minded way of resolving a situation, but as a bullied unmatured teen it does happen and makes sense from their perspective. MC is supposed to become a demon lord, though I do find him quite childish in his reasoning and mindset. From acting like a spoiled child to the demon girl to giggling about killing people he just met in that captive room. I would have recommended a colder MC in the same situation, with a mindset of they're being 2 sides to every story- my side and the wrong side. The setting you described would have made the MC grow up really quick leading from his mother's death to his tragic childhood. Those tend to grow up a kid quite fast leaving all the childish stuff behind. Or an older man who had society beat down on him with a series of unfortunate events leading to his death (company corruption, gf cheating, toxic family members, etc). On a company gathering with all the bad people gathered they transmigrate like your mc etc etc. idk you can make it a family company or something and piece things together. Anyways my rant is over, good luck with your novel!

I didn't hate all of my classmates; there were some that were really good to me. The night before however, I had convinced the two of them to meet me at some place, so they wouldn't be at school by the time I was about to commit my deed.

On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Fantasy · Frona_Gorgophone

Replied to Intuition_0070

If the author ran with the whole "Bc he's undead he hates living things" trope from the start, maybe it would have fit better. But the problem is the author decided to make him an ordinary dude (band player or whatever) and because he died to some terrorists in the final moments of his life, the author twists it to become the sole reason he hates humanity with a passion. Like it's just sloppy writing at this point, he could have written it as maybe a celebrity getting unfairly ostracized in his career by the general public and because of that gets dragged through the mud for years before taking his own life, or a world-class researcher who was helping fight a super virus for the world, only to meet his unjust end through greedy politicians who twist the narrative into having the general public hate him, dying in his last moments hating the very people he tried to save who didn't even bother to look deeper into the politicians lies, etc. But I digress, anyway the point I'm trying to make is such instances of weird twisted logic in the story break the immersion and ruin the quality of the story. TLDR: Fire breathing dragon is cool and makes sense but "because a man died of overly hot, hot sauce causing him to breath fire as a dragon in his next life" is just kinda weird. For your second point about how because he is an undead now and feels no empathy etc, that's a cool and nice genre and I'd love to see more but the problem with this one is the author has a fetish for humanizing the victims that just make this story too much for me, I already went over this in my first review and i'm not saying he should become the protector of a village, or save every tom dick and harry he comes across, the author just goes TOO far in the opposite direction. You could argue maybe some people like reading about him killing random humans he comes across and i'd say fine I guess that's ok, but humanizing every person is too much. It's like having a documentary play about cruel chicken farming conditions and the suffering they go through in their poor 3-month life just as your trying to eat some goddam fried chicken. There are more points I could make but this comments getting a bit too long. TLDR: There are plenty of ways to make the MC kill humans but the morals and logic here kinda scuffed. It's like reading a war novel where the authors trying to have you root for the Germans in WWII where they get oddly specific on each atrocity committed making this kinda the NTR of Undead category, just TOO far for me. *But some might like it ._.

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