Jellybean11 - Profile



female LV 13


2021-11-26 Beigetreten Canada

Abzeichen 11

Moments 156



With Maxi's permission, the maidservant tightened the golden laces beneath her ample bosom before arranging the gown's flowing skirt.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


I can picture riftan sneakily throwing it away🤣🤣 “It must have fallen off somewhere...what a shame...”


Maxi made a mental note to purchase a whole sack of this so-called face powder before she returned to Anatol.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


Sad violin music🎻


"Carried off by the fenrirs, most likely."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


Ahhh why can’t Riftan ever see her in action like this??!😭

Gasping for breath on the ground, Maxi finally dared to look back, and the terrifying sight made her shudder. Their pursuers were in disarray. The golem raised a gargantuan leg and ruthlessly crushed the monsters as if they were nothing but insects.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

Replied to Shari_0238

Ahahahha this gif😂😂😂

Maxi quickly thumbed through the pages. Though only part of the rune was there, any mage proficient with magical devices could deduce its function. She eyed Calto suspiciously.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

Replied to Aki_rika001

Exactly! It’s like he doesn’t understand why riftan, who’s cold to everyone, is so in love with her and wants to know why. Very curious dude

Her face flushing, Maxi raised her voice. "I-I will not stand by while you do that! Sir Kuahel merely acknowledged my capabilities as a mage! The man has no interest in me whatsoever beyond that!"

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

Replied to zwirbel

Omg what NOVEMBER??! Ahh I have to wait that long?😭😭🥺 do u know why?

"I left him with Sir Kuahel. He seemed to have something to discuss with him in private."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

Replied to DaoistFHsaIl

HAHAHAAH this is perfect😂😂

"I left him with Sir Kuahel. He seemed to have something to discuss with him in private."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


Love details like this. The writing is just🤌💋

Maxi recalled her first winter in Anatol. She remembered preparing thicker garments for the sentries in a hurry because of the early frost. It sent chills down her spine to think that the monsters had been working on the dragon's revival since then.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

Replied to Aki_rika001

Ohh yikes okay thanks!

Riftan coldly glared at the woman for her blatant threat. Maxi bit her lip when she realized that Princess Lienna was deliberately trying to keep Riftan there to rile her. It was obvious that the princess's hostility toward her stemmed from Dristan's long dispute with the Duchy of Croyso.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

Replied to Sandsea212

Same here. I think he is curious about certain things with Maxi but not anything romantic. He is just a very curious and observant dude. I think he also admires her bravery and can recognize her efforts.

Her face flushing, Maxi raised her voice. "I-I will not stand by while you do that! Sir Kuahel merely acknowledged my capabilities as a mage! The man has no interest in me whatsoever beyond that!"

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


Awe riffy🥺 that’s hard to hear. It must still be so hard for him🥺💗 broken promises hurt so much and this one means a lot to him😭😭

After taking a long moment to quell his surging anger, Riftan said in a subdued voice, "Do you even mean to keep your promise to me?"

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


Pshhh he just wants an excuse to squish her face🤣🤣🤣💗

Riftan pinched her face, cutting her off mid-sentence. He repeatedly squashed and tugged her cheeks so that she looked like a puffer fish. Then, in a chillingly soft voice, he said, "Engrave this in your mind: I am your direct superior."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

Replied to AnaH

He is literally physically incapable of it🤣🤣🤣

Maxi sat down. Placing another chair across from her, Riftan took the silver flask from his belt and poured her a cup of wine. After vacantly staring down at the cup, Maxi gulped down the contents at his silent urging.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


That’s actually hilarious

Because the monsters refused to come near them from apparent fear, the two were able to converse without being interrupted.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


Wow wow they work so well together! Quite a team 😉

Kuahel promptly gave chase. Icicles rained down from above as she rushed after him, and she quickly summoned a shield. If she had not been prepared, they would have both been full of holes.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


What dispute are we talking about here? I forgot

Riftan coldly glared at the woman for her blatant threat. Maxi bit her lip when she realized that Princess Lienna was deliberately trying to keep Riftan there to rile her. It was obvious that the princess's hostility toward her stemmed from Dristan's long dispute with the Duchy of Croyso.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


I really want blueprints of the entire castle so I can picture it in my head better

"More than one hundred rooms in the main keep alone. The tower and annex hold some forty chambers. When you count the guard barracks and knights' quarters, there are 250 rooms."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

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