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2022-12-11 Beigetreten Global

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Axel sighed. "I never saw it coming either. But, it is what it is," he said with a shrug.

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Book&Literature · Snollygoster


I believe that it's time for the beetle to be squashed

Even before that, the paparazzi had gotten their hands on a different video. It showed Axel, the retired genius, being touched all over by Akiko Matsushima.

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Book&Literature · Snollygoster

Replied to world_domination

check out the Dance of The Dragons

"Well, there he is, the King," Ragnar said, and a few minutes later, The Targaryen procession arrived. Tywin Lannister and his family made their way to welcome the King. Once the King got out of his carriage, everyone present knelt, everyone but Ragnar, but no one saw it. He had chosen his spot mainly because of how hidden it was. Ragnar didn't want to kneel to a Targaryen, at least not for any of the ones alive. Aerys would eventually become crazy, and Rhaegar was already crazy about the "Prince who was promised" prophecy. To a Nord, kneeling to someone meant you considered the person an honorable or capable leader and would accept the person's leadership. Ragnar didn't feel any other house other than House Stark worthy, and as such, he didn't kneel.

Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin

Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin

TV · Caio_Bernardo

Replied to Garuda_King

nope not happening here. There's something else altogether here. Don't worry there won't be any kind of cucking done by the MC or MC being cucked.

We don't go around with each other in Magical Britain as she didn't want to spread the word about us at all. Even though her parents knows about me she's keeping it under the wraps so the harpies as per her terming will not come after me. Even though I told her that she could just change her face and I can change my whole get up with my illusion, but she was adamant about and I don't have any kind of idea why she is like that.

Game Of Thrones: Compilation

Game Of Thrones: Compilation

TV · Writing4Fun

Replied to mc_fish


"Penelope Clearwater, I think that she will be the girls prefect of this year for Ravenclaw."

Game Of Thrones: Compilation

Game Of Thrones: Compilation

TV · Writing4Fun

Replied to Garuda_King


We don't go around with each other in Magical Britain as she didn't want to spread the word about us at all. Even though her parents knows about me she's keeping it under the wraps so the harpies as per her terming will not come after me. Even though I told her that she could just change her face and I can change my whole get up with my illusion, but she was adamant about and I don't have any kind of idea why she is like that.

Game Of Thrones: Compilation

Game Of Thrones: Compilation

TV · Writing4Fun

Replied to mc_fish


Hearing that I smiled, because with this I'll be able to access the Alchemy books in the restricted section of the library that is only available for the professors. Nodding at her I said "I'm thankful for that. So when can I submit the list of materials that are required for my classes?"

Game Of Thrones: Compilation

Game Of Thrones: Compilation

TV · Writing4Fun


I don't remember the novel name but there was a novel about Merlin and lot of other kids going to another dimension to study about Magic

"But... the Aether World, that place has mostly been sealed off from the other two worlds. Not much about it is known except for the fact that a wizard named Merlin from the Mid world had managed to get there and when he returned, he was the greatest in the Mid-world."

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Book&Literature · Snollygoster


a reincartor or transmigrator

Andromeda beamed proudly, "Yeah, and the best one yet too! Magical Britain has made rapid progress in the last 10 years under her leadership. It has jumped from 30th place to 5th place in the world's most Magically advanced countries in just a decade," she said. She really looked like an elder sister bragging about the achievements of her little sister.

HP: The Arcane Thief

HP: The Arcane Thief

Book&Literature · Snollygoster

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