Megulomania - Profile


female LV 1
2023-06-06 Beigetreten Canada

Abzeichen 1

Moments 9


This review will be divided into the different volumes: Volume 1 - Crimson Rebellion A story initially centered around Raizo, the main character, embarking on a quest for revenge against the traitor who sold out his clan. The initial atmosphere matches both the grim bits and the occasional levity of the original Akame ga Kill story, but after a few the story evolves and includes original elements that build an extended universe and lay the seeds for the wild stuff in later volumes. The story themes also transition from Revenge to finding a Greater Purpose which slowly brightens up the tone alongside Raizo's development from a revenge-driven boy to a man. So what you may initially dismiss as simply being edgy is actually building up character growth, which is nice. In terms of writing the quality is consistently great without many mistakes and the story development is also pretty good. Volume 1 is a solid 8 out of 10 in my book. Volume 2 - Crimson Reckoning Part 1 This is where the seeds planted in the first volume start to unfold. A new faction is introduced to the war and the presence of other worlds and crossover elements are slowly weaved into the narrative. Ultimately leading up to the introduction of several new characters and revealations. It is more of volume 1 initially, but at the same time it's playing its cards right to establish more and more with stakes rising to match that. Volume 3 - Crimson Reckoning Part 2 This is where the wild elements that a more prominent role with the story being centered around Raizo going into other universes for reasons, which leads to a grandiose adventure that ends up featuring a lot of anime you may or not be familiar with. The strong character development and world-building continues in this arc stronger than before. Your enjoyment will vary depending on how familiar you are with all the anime, but it's an enjoyable read. The characters are also quite strong at this point so if you're into that then that's also a good point. --- Overall this is a pretty good fic, very long-form (Over a million words) so take your time with it and it'll slowly unfold before your eyes. Worth a shot.

Replied to RedTheVariant


"That's right. A collective pool sentience from which all conceptual or abstract existence derives. All of human history from across infinite sets of realities that are individually endless are housed within this metaphysical mindscape. The ideas contained within this pool are true abstractions. Platonic concepts, the Realm of the Forms, Jungian Archetypes… There are many names you could potentially associate with the concepts within the Collective Unconscious and it is only one layer of the Unconscious. Gaia and it form the underlying systems within the Planet's 'hardware'. Each Archetype or Platonic Concept contained within the pool is one in which an infinity of tens is latent between oneness and George Cantor's Absolute Infinity."

Crimson Rebellion

Crimson Rebellion

Anime & Comics · Atmanium_studios

Replied to Kronosama

Bro wat

ch 13 Kill the Executioners Part 1: The Prison

Crimson Rebellion

Crimson Rebellion

Anime & Comics · Atmanium_studios

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