Uzoyibo_Esther - Profile



female LV 3

Just a reader I guess ☺️

2023-06-19 Beigetreten Nigeria

Abzeichen 6

Moments 41


Ahh don't scare me. I stay in the dark everytime 😂


Yet, staying alone in the dark has its own cons and she is about to find out in a couple of minutes.

The Great and Lonely: Kai

The Great and Lonely: Kai

Fantasy · lifeisdynamite_


' Her lips are dried like she just rise from the dead' 😂😂😂😂

She stops in front of the mirror at the end of the hallway, examining herself. She groans, seeing how unkempt she looks. Her face looks pale and her lips are dried like she rose from the dead a second ago. Her hair sets the final touches to making her look like a zombie straight out of a movie.

The Great and Lonely: Kai

The Great and Lonely: Kai

Fantasy · lifeisdynamite_


Ahhhhhhhhhh 😂😂

She swallows, subtly brushing her hands through her hair to keep the strands in place, "They are out of stock." She lies.

The Great and Lonely: Kai

The Great and Lonely: Kai

Fantasy · lifeisdynamite_


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Why do I feel this old woman is a diety or maybe a goddess

"It must be killed no matter how in love you are with it." The lady's voice drops lower that the girl barely hears her last words but she doesn't care, she just wants to leave. "You can go now."

The Great and Lonely: Kai

The Great and Lonely: Kai

Fantasy · lifeisdynamite_


Aubrey hmm. What a special name for the female lead

"Oh no, that's not it." She smiles, a genuine one this time. "It's Aubrey."

The Great and Lonely: Kai

The Great and Lonely: Kai

Fantasy · lifeisdynamite_


😂😂😂 good humor

She pinched the crease of her gown and wished, ‘I hope the castle isn’t in the middle of a forest.’

Conquering His Cold Heart

Conquering His Cold Heart

Fantasy · sanimimosa7


Wow I wasn't expecting this one 😂.I must say I was taken aback when I saw this

“Trust me, Anna. I will give you the most painless death that anyone could ever desire.”

Conquering His Cold Heart

Conquering His Cold Heart

Fantasy · sanimimosa7


Rex is a gem, I really appreciate his love towards Regan. Who also noticed that all the princes name starts with R? 😂

"I had wanted to find any evidence against him and let him face punishment for torturing Evelyn that way."

The Masked prince

The Masked prince

History · Ada_5253


Actually it is better the devil you know than the angel you do not know

Meanwhile, Daisy didn't think she had a chance with Lord Blackthorne. For the past two days, she had found peace in going back to her normal life and trying to think of a reasonable way to get away from this family without marrying a powerful man who was surrounded by secrets and dangers. It was said, "better the devil you know than the devil you don't."

Midnight Surrender

Midnight Surrender

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


😂😂 This is soo cool

He smiled a little. "I assure you, Daisy, that I have no intention of marrying you without the intention of touching you."

Midnight Surrender

Midnight Surrender

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


Swears this is just me, just me

"Don't you ever crave a life filled with adventure, excitement, and perhaps a touch of danger?" he asked with a voice that seemed to invite her to such a world.

Midnight Surrender

Midnight Surrender

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


I empathize with Daisy. That feeling of betrayal, though I haven't explicitly experienced it, buh one thing I can tell is that it is painful

She felt betrayed and abandoned, her father's words echoing in her ears like a cruel taunt. The man who had once loved and protected her had now turned his back on her, leaving her at the mercy of Katherine and her vile daughters. Her heart ached at the thought of her mother, who had endured so much for her sake. But enough was enough! She couldn't endure this anymore.

Midnight Surrender

Midnight Surrender

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


And just when I thought Daisy was gonna give Katherine a very sound slap ahhhh

But before she could do anything, her stepsisters jumped in, one of them grabbing her by the hair and pulling her back.

Midnight Surrender

Midnight Surrender

Fantasy · JasmineJosef


Yeah but sometimes it isn't always like that

She envisioned a life of comfort and elegance, not because she coveted riches, but because she was hungry for vengeance. Daisy knew that the best revenge would be to live the fine life her stepsisters could only dream of, leaving them envious and bitter, while her father would come to regret his mistreatment, realizing too late the valuable bond he had lost.

Midnight Surrender

Midnight Surrender

Fantasy · JasmineJosef

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