Kittycuddler - Profile


LV 14
2024-01-16 Beigetreten Global

Abzeichen 5

Moments 15


Old memory / original flavour Gege is 🔥🔥🔥

He Juan let out another soft laughter, the sound akin to the foretelling of a hurricane. "Fine," he spat out, gently kicking Mu Yuze's shin with the tip of his shoe. "Kneel, omega. If you can't make me finish in five minutes…" a dangerous gleam danced in his silver eyes. "...I will punish you. Hard."

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka


If he has been with his Gege for 3 years shouldn’t he be 17 already?

Mu Yuze's heart soared for a fleeting moment before it abruptly crashed and sank to the pit of his stomach. He patted his cheek a few times and shook his head with a self-deprecating smile. What was he thinking? How could it be possible for He Juan to return his feelings? After all, he was only a sixteen years old brat who only knew how to cause trouble and throw tantrums all day long.

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka


Wonder how the higher ups knew about this?? 🤨

Fifty armed officers got into ten different cars which would then diverge to surround the harbor from all directions. Even though the higher-ups had confirmed that the meet-up would take place in Jingnan Harbor, they still had no idea of its exact location and that's why a lot of impromptu decisions were needed to be made on the spot.

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka


One of the most vigilant / exemplary police officers in the force does not have a password on his phone? 🤔 seems OOC

"Xiao Ze's colleague, Kang Guanyu." He Juan replied absentmindedly as he swiped to unlock Mu Yuze's phone – the omega had not put in any password, He Juan took notes to remind him of it later – and opened the messaging app. He mentally apologized for going through Mu Yuze's phone, but Kang Guanyu had sounded so urgent that he felt bad for refusing. If it was really important, he would hate to hinder Mu Yuze's work. At least, he wanted to help even if it was just checking some videos.

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka


Well, I have will faith in Gege as we know he acted righteously when he beat up Han Shan all those years ago. 🤞

In that photo, He Juan and the male foreigner were standing face-to-face, talking, in a certain port with the background of cargo ships behind them. He Juan was wearing a pristine white suit, with a dark blue suit jacket draped over his shoulders, his hair was similar in length as now. He had a casual, almost languid smile on his face; seven parts indifference and three parts cordiality. It was evident that this was not their first meeting. Instead, they looked more like… business partners or something.

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka



Under the showerhead, Lu Yizhou's cock was still achingly hard, thick and heavy as it jutted against his stomach. He let out a ragged exhale, closed his eyes as he roughly jerked himself off to the echo of Ellen's moans beside his ears and the moist sheen on his dazed golden eyes, red-rimmed with the trace of passion. 

Villain Saving System (BL)

Villain Saving System (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka


Would love to see this animated 😃

Flashes of blue pierced through the tide of darkness, dispelling one spell after another. Lu Yizhou's entire body seemed to be enveloped in a layer of light. He was moving faster, lighter and stronger with each mannequin he defeated. With his face flushed in exertion, hair fluttering gorgeously down his back, he climbed up from the mountain of mannequin corpses just like a cold blooded female warrior!

Villain Saving System (BL)

Villain Saving System (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka


Wine for breakfast?!! Hardcore household

How…?! He carefully did not let the surprise show on his face as he sipped the wine, letting it flow smoothly down his constricted throat. First, the two women were still alive and then, just as Lu Yizhou wanted to match the discoloration on Luca's arm with Diana's, it was no longer there! It might only be his imagination but Luca's skin seemed even firmer and smoother than before!

Villain Saving System (BL)

Villain Saving System (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka


This image of doll at the training grounds made me laugh so hard [img=recommend][img=recommend]

If Lu Yizhou thought that Jillian's madness would stop there, he was sorely wrong. Jillian tucked him in his arms when he was working, eating and sleeping and in the end, he even brought Lu Yizhou to the training ground where hundreds of soldiers were sparring!

Villain Saving System (BL)

Villain Saving System (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka


Doesn’t the world reset after the Host leaves?

Tears welled up in Luqiu Hong's eyes as she brushed her brother's unruly hair, fingers lightly grazing on the hairpin that hadn't left his hair for ten years, despite the crack and the missing gems. "I'm so proud of you, Lan." Before they could get sentimental — because seriously, ten years was more than enough for them to brood — she ushered Heimo inside. "Anyway, you stink badly. Go take a bath and break the news to Ningning yourself. She will be elated."

Villain Saving System (BL)

Villain Saving System (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka

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