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Rugby:The Story Rugby:The Story original

Rugby:The Story

Autor: ThreedustReal

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: The Beginning

Rugby, a sport that penetrated the world, except one continent. A continent where football reigns supreme alongside many other sports not played by the rest of the globe, North America.


The sun has risen through the darkness of the previous night and the warmth yet again embraced the hopeless.

On the outskirts of the Bronx considered the slums by many. Lived a boy called Landon Parker, a South African born teenager that loves the sport, that is praised at his home country the most, rugby.

Big, Tall, Fast, Strong a decisive mind, he is a pinnacle talent for the game. Yet locked in a country where rugby isn't even known.


The Bronx June 5th

Landon Parker was walking down the pavement, unhindered by the situations and encounters around him.

Standing at 6ft tall and weighing 140 kg and only 15, nobody would want to have trouble with him.

His fellow schoolmates are all teenagers infested with the disease of crime. With his introverted personality, Landon doesn't have many friends, but none of his friends are really close.

Except for Doug, an Italian immigrant living in the Bronx and like Landon, a rugby fanatic.

Deep in his thoughts, Landon strode down the gang-infested streets and could faintly see his best friend Doug LaRusso, a small boy but filled to the brim with confidence, seen by his big strides and upright posture.

"Hey, Doug!! "He screamed on top of his lungs so that his small friend could notice him.

Doug noticing Landon headed straight to him in a small sprint.

" Caio, Landon how have you been?"

" Can't complain, I heard about your brother. "

Landon knowing almost everything of his friend, and the gossiping ladies at his mother's salon, he knew of Doug's brother situation.

"Don't worry, it's his own fault, he beat up a gang member and I'm glad they sent him to prison, if the gang finds him he's dead meat."

"Man, I wish I could just leave this place, leave this hole, racist, corrupt fucking country!! ."

You could hear through his voice all the hardships he had to endure during his life.

"Easier said than done, with what money, you're still wearing the same piece of crap you got three years ago."

Despite the serious nature of the conversation, Doug could still joke, showing the strong bond of the two.



The conversation continued as they walked towards their high school until they haltered their steps to see a black truck pulling up alongside them.

"Your Billy's brother right?"

A man slid down his windows and looked at Doug who is slightly trembling to know the reason is for this encounter.



Both Doug and Landon answered unknowingly and briefly looked at each other and then focus their sight on the man again.

"Man, white boys are funny when they're scared, bunch of pussies."

"I am Billy's brother."

Landon answered instead of Doug, you could see Doug's and the man's confusion written on their faces.

"You trynna be a hero lil boy."

The man got out of his car and pulled out a gun and aimed it at Landon, unfazed Landon stood still not even trembling or backing off.

"The nerves on this boy, your quite big, huh, you play ball."

The man looking intrigued at the size of Landon, wondering if he plays basketball.

"Nah, I don't play pussy sports."

"haha, laughing my ass off, so your football kind of guy."

"I don't play that pussy sport either, I play rugby."

ThreedustReal ThreedustReal

This is my first novel, i hope you liked the first chapter and many more to come ;-)

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