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Capítulo 2: Trouble

"Rugby, huh never heard of it."

The man looked rather baffled by the sport that the boy prefers.

"You never heard of rugby, what shit hole do you live in."

Landon knew the man will probably not know rugby, he just wants to start an argument of what the better sport is until someone helps the two best friends.

"Nah, seriously man never heard of it, guess I have to check on it, It better not be some golf, tennis type of shit."

Landon's face slightly lit up as they talked, because what he noticed maybe saved his life. It was a police car racing towards the confrontation.


The police cars lights lit up and the man noticing the police started to climb in his black truck and tried to speed away.


The encounter ended with the man that pressured the best friends getting into a speed car chase with the police.

They arrived at the front gate of the school and glanced at each other for almost 30 seconds.



"Man, that was fucking insane."

They both were still rather startled by the unmanageable situation that occurred with them.

"Since when did you have so much guts, Landon?"

"I don't know man, it was all natural."

Landon looked at his palms, like a superhero discovering he has superpowers.

"We should go in, I think we're late."

"How do you know that, huh Doug?"

"There's nobody outside."


Despite being one of the smartest in school, Landon couldn't notice something so obvious and stupid.

Landon turned and observed the schools gate and turned to Doug.

"Why don't we just go home, when our parents ask, we just tell them our situation."

Although Landon did rather well in school, he frankly hated going to school or sitting in his class, he even disliked the idea of school.

"That's fine with me, but will your mother believe you, Landon."

"I don't know that woman's mood changes 180 degrees real quick and don't worry about me, I'll handle myself."

They both were in deep thought weighing the pros and cons in skipping school but with their legitimate excuse they decided its reasonable, after the situation, they should have headed home.



The little bell on the door of the 'Coup Salon' ringed inside making all of the gossiping ladies haltered their gossiping.

Landon lazily entered his mother's salon, that she began when she arrived here in the United States.

She used to live in Somoa and for several months in South Africa, and finally coming to America 15 years ago, with a baby boy.

Explaining the reason why he's so large, with that Pacific Islanders genes, he is expected to be big.

" Teuila, your hunk of a son is here."

A lady shouted towards another lady who is busily doing another ladies weaves. Landon was kind of used to it, them calling him a huck. He is quite a narcissistic guy.

"Why are you so early young man."

The woman doing the weaves lifted her head and met eyes with her 15-year-old,6ft 2 son.

"I need to talk to you, Tina[1]."

Landon gave all the ladies rather suspicious looks and remembered how he found about Doug's brother being sent to jail.

'They're all a bunch of snitches.'

His thoughts sounded quite like the people he hated, gangsters. He and his mother headed to the storage room.

"You need to give me a damn good explanation boy."

She wasn't even a black woman, but being surrounded by all these women for 15 years she turned to one of them.

"A guy from the gang that's chasing Billy pointed his gun at me and Doug."

I spilled the whole can of beans, not hiding an inch of detail explaining every event in order.


Landon headed to their apartment at the back of the salon, entering his room was like a breath of fresh air.

All around his walls filled with rugby players, Schalk Burger, Dan Carter, and his personal favorite Damien Mckenzie, one of the reasons why he wants to play full back.


He could hear his mother coming in, the door was loud as hell, so any robbers trying to rob would face the full wrath of the mother and son duo before they even know it.


Landon hearing his mother calling his Somoan name he knew serious business was up.

"You called mother."

"Yeah, We're going to Cape Town."

ThreedustReal ThreedustReal

[1]: Somoan for mother.

Hope you liked the chapter sorry it's so short.

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