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Capítulo 2: Introduction

A class filled with different personalities. Talking so loud.

Playing so hard.

Focuses on studying.

Doesn't care.


They're busy with their own worlds.

A boy enters the room.

As he trip with his shoelace, he's head bumps in the wall.

His height is of an average person.

He grab his head with his long skinny arms and said "Ouch!".

His ringing voice echoes around the room, and all of the class stared at him.

He's wearing a smile that lightens his surroundings.

His thin almond eyes closes forming a moon as he smiles.

The wind blows and his messy hair dancing around.

He open his eyes with it's baby blue color.

His triangle shape face framed with his natural chestnut color hair.

His face with blemishes and his good posture.

As he walks into the room with his long skinny legs everyone stared with his appealing appearance.

The professor let the boy introduce himself.

"Good Morning Everyone my name's Wendel. I came from the province of Zamboanga Del Sur. I'm 17 years old. I hope we'll get along."

Girls are talking loud.

They are attracted by his appearance.

He walk to his chair, sit down and the class continued.

In the other side of the building, a girl daydreaming.

She's tall but not too tall.

With her wide smile, she looks bright.

Her heart-shaped face filled with blemishes but glows as her white-tone skin blooms.

Her tied messy hair hanging in her face she grabs it and put it behind her ears so smooth.

She's cheerful but her classmates find it weird, because she laugh too much even in the smallest things,

but once she said to herself

" I laugh too much because I want to forget my problems. I overthink things too much. I just wanna laugh and forget my problems even in just a moment of time."

When the professor leaves she stands and goes to the comfort room.

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