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[Update] My Return And Where I've Been

Hey there, everyone. This is Shiro - the author of this story, if you're somehow not aware of that.

It's about time that I finally give you an update about my situation, and why I haven't released a new chapter for close to half a year.

To get the unpleasant stuff out of the way: Around Christmas last year and the beginning of this one, I ended up losing a close family member. I retrospect, this had been a long time coming - my family and I had been taking care of them for a year already before then, due to their declining health. However, it still hit like a truck, and I was not nearly as mentally prepared as I thought myself to be.

It took until around the beginning of this month for both my life and my mind to recover to the point where I feel capable of writing again.

I genuinely hope that all of your lives have been way better than this!

About the future: Expect a new chapter to be released by the end of next week. It'll take me a bit to get back into the swing of things, but I'm sure I'll manage! ^ - ^

I originally wanted to wait with giving you all an update until I had a new chapter ready to post, but upon thinking about it a bit more, it just felt wrong to make you all think I'm dead (or whatever else you might have theorized) for another week.

As for anything else? Well, I didn't just waste this half a year. Expect some potentially exciting news to come over the next few months.

May all of you have a beautiful day, and see you next week! I'll slowly start to sift through every message that I received by then o7

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