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Capítulo 34: Following Nick

Liz pov:

'What is Nick doing?' I followed him outside Arendelle.

Nick was quick, he also didn't need to worry about obstacles as he just slammed in to them reforming seconds later.

He is so fast, why is he so fast? he going to where the trolls were?

Liz quickly shifted her direction she could just take a short cut. Taking her over the small valley Nick would have to go through.

Haha, i'm getting so much better! Should i show Nick? Wait he sneaked away again without me.[insert grrrr] He has been doing that a lot lately, yet he is constantly staring. What goes through his mind!

Liz got to the troll camp before Nick did. She knew all the trolls left but why was Nick coming here.

I should hide so i can watch him. getting behind the bushes were actually easy but trying to get a nice view the area. "You know a giant ice staircase isn't exactly stealthy. If you want to spy you need to work on those skills."

Nick was behind her pointing to a very clear ice staircase.

UGGGHHH stupid! i forgot to get rid of it. "i...I....I just wanted to know what you were do-doing." "Fair enough you could've just asked though, also your stutter less so good job."

in reality he did get a hang of her stutters when talking to most other people. Besides the magic lessons with Nick she has been doing speech exercises with her sister. She just couldn't stop when Nick was around.

"why do i always appear so idiotic..." not realizing she said that aloud. Nick was speechless, "why do you think you look idiotic? You have some serious compassion for becoming better. You didn't even stutter that time, your work with your sister is taking great strides."

Liz went beet red and ran out of the bush tripping over her self. How could she say that aloud, why did he have to be nice about it. Was it being nice? He wasn't actually nice, it was more he just said what he thought the truth was. HOW DID HE KNOW ABOUT THE SPEECH EXERCISES! Nick was clearly not sure what he should do as she stumbled out of the bush.

"You ca-can be truthful i a-am a total loser..." she had her head on the ground due to her face being red. "Eh, not really honestly the most disappointing part of you is that people call you an ice witch, but your the most....." Nick didn't finish his sentence for a second making his word sound really hurtful. "Most what, l-l-lame." "Sorry, i don't really know what word to use for once i don't really have a word for it except charming. Though i don't think that should be the right word."

I looked at Nick he was human, but as i stared. I notice he is red, just like the time before. Does he go red when he can't describe the words he is looking for?

Liz smiled at Nick in the moonlight, until a crashing could be heard. Breaking both out of their thoughts.

SpadesPenndragon SpadesPenndragon

Pov chapter, this is a bit of a test chapter since i dont normally write in first person, i would like to know if i should continue trying this in the future every now and again or just not do direct first person pov and instead continue with my style of thought 2nd person pov

Also side nore i will be doing "tests" for this novel for the sake of any other novels i may write/am writing.

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