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Capítulo 32: An Unknown E-mail. (2)

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After absorbing the contents of the email, Koganei's initial reaction was a momentary blank state of surprise. The prospect of an invitation to a basketball camp under the auspices of the Japanese Basketball Association had an electrifying effect on him. However, what fueled his excitement went beyond the camp itself.

His hands instinctively came together in applause, not for the opportunity to attend the camp, but for the three additional prospects that unfolded before him. Firstly, he recognized the invitation as a golden opportunity to generate engaging content for the YouTube channel he and his sister were diligently nurturing. Basketball camps, with their blend of skill development and interactions, promised a trove of valuable material to share with their growing audience.

Secondly, Koganei saw beyond the boundaries of the basketball court. The sender, associated with the Japanese Basketball Association, held a certain prestige and influence in the Japanese basketball world. The potential to establish connections with someone of such standing wasn't lost on Koganei, and the prospect intrigued him.

Finally, he would have the opportunity to play against the best basketball players in his age group. Since there was no national competition for the Winter Cup (in Junior High), Koganei didn't have the opportunity to see the other talented players, touted by the media, in action.

Despite the palpable excitement, Koganei exercised discretion. The email, while extending an invitation, lacked specific details about dates, locations, and other other crucial information. Rather than rushing to share the news, he chose to bide his time until more concrete information materialized. Patience, he reasoned, would allow him to present a more comprehensive picture to his family and strategize ways to get as much content from the camp as possible during his stay there.

The remainder of the day unfolded with Koganei's mind engaged in contemplation. Thoughts meandered through the possibilities of who else might have received the coveted invitation. The anticipation of sharing the news with his parents made him impatient and unable to sleep.

As evening descended and the glow of his computer screen illuminated his room, Koganei continued to ponder the exciting prospects that awaited him. The promise of the basketball camp had not just opened the door to skill enhancement but also presented a chance to forge connections and elevate the content of his burgeoning YouTube channel. In the quietude of his room, Koganei harbored a quiet optimism about the opportunities that lay ahead.



The morning sun painted the sky in warm hues as Koganei navigated through his routine, the familiar rhythm of his daily rituals setting the tone for the day ahead. Mounting his bicycle, he pedaled his way to school, the crisp morning air greeting him as he arrived on campus.

Mitobe, his steadfast companion, awaited him, and together they embarked on the shared journey through the school day. Classes passed in a blur, accompanied by the usual banter and camaraderie that defined their middle school experience.

As the afternoon sun cast its golden glow, signaling the end of classes, Koganei and Mitobe hastily made their way to the basketball gym. There, standing alongside Coach Kimura were two unexpected additions to the scene – Tomori and Asuma. Greetings were exchanged, and a hint of surprise played on Koganei's expression.

With a friendly smile, Tomori explained the reason behind their presence.

"Coach told us about your plans to create a basketball program." He started, looking at Kimura for confirmation. Seeing the latter nod, he continued. "Since I haven't received any offers from good schools yet, I thought about it and decided to join you in the experience." He said, Asuma silently nodding his head while standing next to Tomori.

At first, Koganei was surprised and confused because he thought they had already been taken by some schools. However, those emotions were soon replaced by elation as he walked up to them and dabbed them up. 

"That's crazy!" He said, still not believing that they already managed to gather four players. He thought about putting the player recruitment notice on his YouTube channel before school started, but he didn't expect to already have this many guys willing to join.

'If you add Kiyoshi and the rest to mix, they already had eight players.' He thought, feeling like things were going too smoothly. However, he didn't mind it as he liked it that way. 

Eager to delve into the basketball action, Koganei wasted no time in rallying the newfound team members. "Come on! let's go to the locker room. It's been a long time since I trained with this many people." Said Koganei as he forced his two friends and teammates to the locker room, ready to kickstart the training session.

As Koganei enthusiastically led Asuma, Mitobe, and Tomori to the locker room, the air buzzed with anticipation. Minutes later, the quartet emerged and donned the training jerseys they brought since the school forbade them (players who graduated from the team) from using the team's material. So, every piece of equipment they would be using was their own. Kimura, a veteran of the game, couldn't suppress a smile as he watched the fresh faces ready to embrace the day's training session. Memories of his early days on the court resurfaced, and he shook his head to dispel the nostalgia, focusing on the task at hand.

"Welcome to the squad, Asuma, Tomori. Today's all about honing those skills and getting comfortable as a unit," Kimura began, setting the tone for the session.

Koganei, sensing the enthusiasm in the air, chimed in, "We're gonna push ourselves today, guys. No slacking off!"

Mitobe, his towering presence silently echoing agreement, nodded in solidarity.

"Now, let's break it down. Koganei, you've been killing it in the mid-range lately. We're going to capitalize on that. Passing, three-pointers, and finishing drills. Make those defenders dance to your tune," Kimura explained, pacing around as he outlined the plan.

Koganei, already visualizing his dazzling moves, grinned. "Got it, Coach."

Mitobe, his gaze focused, listened intently as Kimura continued, "Mitobe, we need to get that shooting stability back. We'll work on your mid-range game, and then we'll dive into some post moves. You're gonna be a dual threat out there."

Mitobe, appreciative of the tailored approach, nodded. "Sounds good, Coach."

Tomori, the defensive powerhouse eager to unlock his offensive potential, awaited his instructions. Kimura turned his attention to the determined player, "Tomori, ball-handling and shooting drills for you. We're shaping you into a two-way player. No reason your offense shouldn't complement that shutdown defense."

Tomori, ever focused, responded, "Got it, Coach."

Asuma, the versatile player capable of excelling in various aspects, received his instructions next. Kimura explained, "Asuma, mid-range shooting drills for you. You're good at a lot of things; let's make 'great at mid-range' one of them."

Asuma, ready for the challenge, grinned. "Sure thing, Coach."

The gym echoed with the sounds of bouncing basketballs as the players dispersed to their assigned areas. Kimura, observing the diligent efforts, occasionally stepped in with feedback and encouragement.

Amidst the drills, the players engaged in a lively exchange of banter and encouragement. Koganei, amidst crisp passes, teased Mitobe about his "soon-to-be unstoppable" mid-range jumper and shared a laugh with Tomori and Asuma about the prospect of becoming "two-way monsters."

As the training progressed, the conversations seamlessly blended with the rhythmic sounds of the gym. The camaraderie was palpable, a testament to the shared journey these players were embarking on under the seasoned guidance of Coach Kimura.



As the days passed, the group solidified their bonds, Koganei seamlessly integrating Tomori and Asuma into the group chat that had initially connected him, Kenji, and Mitobe. The digital thread served as a virtual hub for coordinating their daily basketball sessions, a testament to Koganei's eagerness to make these gatherings a regular occurrence.

Their workouts transitioned to the local outdoor court, a shift prompted by the unavailability of the school gym. The school decided to close it for now because of the principal pettiness. At least, that's what the players thought. Still, this adjustment, however, brought a silver lining – Kenji's newfound ability to join them every day. The shared passion for basketball bridged the gap between the individuals, transforming them from training mates to genuine friends.

Nine days marked as sweat, laughter, and the rhythmic symphony of basketball echoed through their afternoons. The chemistry among the five teenagers evolved with each dribble, pass, and jump shot, transforming the court into a canvas where their shared aspirations painted vibrant strokes of connection.

On the eve of the school's winter break, the 26th of December, the group seized the opportunity for an extended training session. The impending break brought a wave of enthusiasm, and they dedicated an extra hour to refining their skills. The court, usually a space of athleticism, echoed with laughter and the clatter of basketballs against the pavement.

As they dispersed, the winter chill clinging to the air, Koganei's body bore the familiar fatigue of a satisfying workout. Yet, a subtle realization lingered – the intensity of their training had become a familiar companion. Returning home, Koganei's steps were light, the physical exertion now a testament to his body's adaptation to the rigorous routine.

Settling into his room, Koganei, with a towel draped around his shoulders, contemplated the journey of the past nine days. The camaraderie, the shared time on the court, and the mutual growth had transformed this group from a collection of individuals into a cohesive team. It's just that one of them hasn't joined the team, yet. 

Seated at his desk, Koganei initiated his computer routine, a habit ingrained from his past life. Every four hours, like clockwork, he would check his email account, and this time proved to be particularly eventful. As he opened his inbox, two new emails awaited his attention – one from the Japanese Basketball Association (JBA) and the other directly from Yoshimune, the billionaire and basketball enthusiast.

The JBA's email unfolded a detailed tapestry of information regarding the upcoming basketball camp. Dates, venues, age requirements, participant numbers, and essential items were meticulously outlined. Koganei absorbed the details, mentally preparing himself for the unique experience that lay ahead.

However, it was Yoshimune's email that held an unexpected surprise. The list contained the names of the 30 players selected for the prestigious 10-day-long basketball camp. A jolt of excitement surged through Koganei as he scanned the names, and to his delight, he found Kenji's name among the chosen few.

Unable to contain his joy, Koganei grabbed his phone, fingers dancing over the screen to dial Kenji's number. Within seconds, the call connected, and Koganei, exuberant, posed a straightforward question: "Did you check your email?" Kenji, initially perplexed by the urgency in his friend's voice, replied with a casual "Nah. Why would I do that?"

Koganei, perhaps more excited than Kenji himself, scolded him lightly and insisted he look at his new emails. Accepting the scolding with a good-natured laugh, Kenji followed Koganei's instructions, throwing in a friendly insult to keep the atmosphere light. Koganei chuckled, appreciating the friendship that had developed between them.

As Kenji navigated through the two unread emails, a sudden gasp of joy echoed through the phone. The exclamation was enough for Koganei to visualize the elation on Kenji's face. "We're about to get some serious training," Kenji proclaimed, his excitement contagious even through the phone. With a shared laugh, the call concluded, leaving Koganei with a sense of anticipation and eagerness for the imminent basketball camp.

Eager to share the great news, Koganei bounced downstairs, spirited energy propelling him as he prepared to deliver the exciting revelation to his family.

As he reached the bottom step, he halted abruptly, catching sight of his big sister toiling away in the kitchen, crafting a delicious aroma that wafted through the air. The memory hit him like a basketball to the face—his parents were out for the night, wrapped up in a certain project, a movie they'd been working on for months.

Still, he went ahead and greeted his sister, Akane.

"Hey, sis!" Koganei greeted with a grin, trying to shake off the fleeting disappointment of not finding his parents at home. As he experienced the feeling of having loving parents for the first time after coming to this world, he didn't want them to leave his side. Their presence alone could calm him down as he didn't have to be paranoid and pay attention to everything to keep himself safe as he did in his previous life. He knows how it feels to have an immature mother who doesn't care about your existence. So, he enjoys spending time with his parents in this life.

As his big sister, Akane, focused on the sizzling pan, she turned with a warm smile after hearing Koganei call her. "Hey there! You seem happy today. You found yourself a girlfriend?" She teasingly asked, still concentrating on the food she was cooking.

"Tsk, stop playing." He responded, thinking about how he doesn't plan on getting into a relationship until he turns 18. His adult mind wouldn't allow him to do that, after all.

Still, he ignored her antics and continued speaking. "Yeah! I got invited to an under-15 basketball camp held by Yoshimune Shizuo and the basketball association!" Koganei exclaimed, unable to contain the excitement. Momentarily he let go of the sense of unease he felt about not seeing his parents at this time of the day.

His sister, still holding a spatula, looked genuinely thrilled. "That's fantastic!" She exclaimed, surprised at first, but calmed down after a few seconds of celebration, her logical side butting in. "But it should be a given, right? As the MVP of the Winter Cup in the Tokyo area known to be the fiercest in basketball at any level, you should be called up for any camp." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

Hearing her words, Koganei couldn't help a sly grin from appearing on his face. Of course, he expected to be called if things like this were to happen. He knows his current strength, after all. What he's truly excited about is the prospect of getting to know, playing with, and against the best basketball players of his generation. That's what he was truly excited about.

As Akane continued cooking, she chuckled. "Well, it's no surprise. You've been putting in the work, kiddo."

"What do you mean kiddo? You're barely older than me. Don't make me tell on you when Mom and Dad get back." Koganei said, starting to move backward, anticipating the overhead slap coming his way. As he thought, a gush of air flew past his face. Thankfully, he managed to dodge out of the way.

His sister chuckled once again as Koganei almost fell trying to dodge her attack. "They won't be back tonight. Remember? Movie stuff?"

"Oh, right!" Koganei's excitement dimmed for a moment. "How's the movie going, anyway?"

His sister sighed, a mix of exhaustion and pride in her tone. "Long days, but it's shaping up. We've got a good script, and the actors are doing their best. Shooting's gonna take a whole month."

"Wow, that's a lot," Koganei remarked, genuinely curious. "How much money did they invest in it?" He asked, suddenly finding out that he had been so engrossed in his basketball training that he didn't pay complete attention to what was happening in his household. Maybe his parents avoided telling him such pieces of information, but Koganei thought he should know about things like that.

His sister grinned, turning off the stove. "The budget is around 5 million dollars. They're almost gambling the future of their production company with this movie. Still, I believe they would make a masterpiece as the script is that good." 

Koganei nodded, realizing the effort his parents were pouring into their passion. "Well, I'll tell them about the camp when they're back."

"I'm sure they will be proud," his sister said, ruffling his hair. Laughing as Koganei slapped her hand away from his head, she continued. "Now, help me set the table. Dinner's almost ready."

A couple of seconds later, the aroma of a home-cooked meal wafted through the air as Shinji and Akane sat down at the dining table. The warmth of the family setting enveloped them as they prepared to indulge in their dinner.

Akane, ever the curious one, couldn't contain her excitement about the upcoming basketball camp. "So, Shinji, spill the details. What did the email say? Where's it held? What are you going to learn?"

Shinji, his mouth half-full, obliged, recounting the specifics of the camp—dates, location, and the exciting prospect of learning from the best. The conversation flowed seamlessly, a familiar rhythm for the siblings.

As they savored the meal, Shinji's eyes gleamed with a mischievous spark. He leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "Hey, I was thinking. What if we film during the camp? It could be great content for the channel."

Akane, taken aback, raised an eyebrow. "Film during the camp? Are we even allowed to do that?"

Shinji, undeterred, grinned. "Well, here's the thing. Anton Kogi, Yoshimune's assistant, said we could ask for more info by replying to the email. I'm thinking of doing just that."

Akane pondered for a moment, a forkful of food halfway to her mouth. "True, true. But not everyone might want to be on camera. We need to be considerate of that."

Shinji nodded in agreement. "Exactly. That's why I'll mention it in the email. See what they say about it."

Amused but intrigued, Akane chuckled. "You're going to write the email yourself?"

Shinji, ever the competitive spirit, shot back, "Of course! Why not?"

This prompted an outburst of laughter from Akane. "You, a middle schooler, writing a professional email? When did kids start doing that?"

Slightly offended, Shinji declared, "How about a bet? The one who writes the better email by tomorrow gets theirs sent to Anton. I'll write a better one than you by tomorrow."

Akane, still amused, accepted the challenge with laughter. "Alright, you're on. But remember, you're dealing with a future lawyer here." 

Hearing that, Koganei slightly flinched. However, his proud, arrogant, and competitive side couldn't let him give up like that. So, in Shinji's mind, he started thinking of ways he could use to write a better email than his sister. However, cheating was out of the question since he was too proud to do something like that.

The evening unfolded in a backdrop of dimmed lights, creating a cozy atmosphere as Shinji immersed himself in the task of drafting the email. An hour had passed since they finished dinner and Koganei held his laptop, in the living room, the soft glow of the computer screen illuminated his focused expression, a testament to his determination to win the impending bet he made with his sister.

As he pondered over the choice of words and structure, Akane, sitting across the room, suddenly remembered an important matter. "Shinji!" she called out, gaining his attention.

Looking up from his work, Shinji raised an eyebrow inquisitively. Akane, with a hint of mischief in her eyes, shared a piece of news. "I finished opening a bank account for you. I'll send you the details later, maybe through text or an email," she added, the mention of email accompanied by a playful smirk.

Shinji, though rolling his eyes at her playful banter, couldn't hide a hint of appreciation. "Oh, thanks, sis. That's... unexpected."

But Akane wasn't done. She continued, "And guess what? I also created an AdSense account for you. You know, this month we posted 15 videos. The Winter Cup series, those three documentary-style videos? They've hit a total of 14 million views. The other 10 clips related to the series? A whopping 6.3 million views. And your tactical breakdown videos for the semifinals and finals? Those got 1.3 million views."

Shinji, slightly taken aback by the numbers, nodded in acknowledgment. "That's... quite something. I didn't expect that much traction." He said, slightly admonishing himself for not paying attention to the numbers his videos did. Still, after remembering his sister's presence, he calmed down and trusted to take care of the channel. However, he had categorically refused to let Akane touch his Insta and Twitter accounts. He wanted to manage those on his own.

As a matter of fact, a couple of days before, he made a viral tweet, enforcing his belief that he should manage the account on his own. 

(This is the tweet.)

Seeing the surprised, but happy expression on Shinji's face, Akane leaned in with a grin. "Well, guess what? I've got good news. I received the payment, and it's already in your freshly minted bank account. Don't worry about taxes; I'll handle that part. You just keep creating content."

With a swift motion, she handed him a card, a tangible representation of the digital success they had achieved a couple of weeks after they started the channel. Shinji, now holding the card, felt a mix of gratitude and surprise. The journey from thinking about making YouTube content to monetizing the videos they made had taken a swift turn, and the tangible proof now rested in his hands.

As Akane shared the screenshot of the payment through a text, Koganei's eyes grew wide in shock. 

"We earned this much?" He asked, not wanting to believe what he was saying. However, the smile on his sister's face, he couldn't help believing it. 

'This is amazing!' He thought as the soft glow of the computer screen cast a muted ambiance in the room, shadows playing on Shinji's face as he stared, wide-eyed, at the significant deposit notification on his freshly minted bank account. His heartbeat danced with an erratic rhythm, excitement and disbelief coursing through him.

Taking a deep breath, Shinji leaned back in his chair, allowing the reality to sink in. A smile, born from the sheer surprise of success, gradually crept onto his face. The ease with which money flowed from the [Rising_Hooper] channel presented a stark contrast to his previous life's YouTube endeavors.

In a moment of introspection, he reflected on the irony that the financial winds had shifted in his favor, unlike the modest earnings from his prior channel in a different lifetime. The revelation sparked a renewed appreciation for the unpredictable nature of the digital realm.

Turning his attention to his sister, Akane, Shinji couldn't help but express his newfound exhilaration. "Did you already grab a piece of the pie?" he quipped, his voice a playful undertone to the awe still lingering in his eyes.

Caught off guard by the question, Akane shot him a quizzical look, her expression a blend of curiosity and mild confusion. However, Shinji, brimming with enthusiasm, didn't give her a chance to respond. He pressed on, delving into the complexities of compensation for Mitobe and others who had actively participated in the video-making process.

Akane, sensing the imminent descent into a convoluted discussion about dividing earnings, interjected swiftly. Her tone shifted, taking on a surprised and somewhat irritated note as she queried why Shinji wanted to allocate portions of the earnings to others.

Unfazed by the change in tone, Shinji adopted a matter-of-fact stance. "Well, they put in effort to the making of the videos by appearing in it. It's only fair they get paid. They are like the actors in a movie. Without their presence, there would be no video." He explained, a touch of his intrinsic generosity coloring his words.

This declaration, however well-intentioned, did little to appease Akane's initial surprise and mild irritation. The idea of sharing the newfound wealth with other people seemed to catch her off guard.

Still, Akane sighed as she heard Shinji's insistence on sharing the earnings with everyone who contributed to the videos. His selflessness wasn't a discovery.

A couple of weeks ago, their parents had given Koganei money for his basketball shoes, but upon buying them, he used the rest of the money to buy Akane a necklace and bring their parents out for dinner. So, although she's irritated that Shinji wanted to share the YouTube earnings, she wasn't completely surprised.

Shaking her head at the memory, Akane knew she couldn't dissuade her brother from his generous impulse. Seeking a middle ground, she proposed a division of the earnings: Shinji would keep 90 percent and she would take 10 percent.

As Shinji contemplated this arrangement, his concern extended to others who participated in the videos, like Mitobe, Kimura, Asuma, and Tomori. Akane, recognizing the limitations of such a distribution, suggested a more comprehensive approach. Kimura, she believed, wouldn't accept such a small sum, and the others could wait until the new year to formalize contracts based on their appearance time in the videos.

Shinji reluctantly agreed to the proposed division but couldn't shake the lingering discomfort of using others without compensating them. Since his previous life, he learned not to owe anybody anything, especially the people you consider friends as they could quickly use that to turn against you. What do you think would happen if others discovered that he was making 10s of thousands of dollars alone while using them for content? That's why he wouldn't allow himself not to compensate the people appearing in his videos as he's, in a sense, using them for profit. Akane's practical reasoning, however, helped him overcome some of the moral dilemma.

Akane, taking charge of the situation, assured Shinji that she would refine the specifics of the contracts for individuals appearing on the channel. The siblings engaged in a thoughtful discussion, navigating the complexities of fairness and the practicalities of running a YouTube channel.

Eventually, as the night settled around them, the siblings closed the doors of their house and retired for the night. They both had to wake up early the following day.

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