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Capítulo 41: Basketball Camp. (4)

I know I said the same thing last time, but this time I'm truly back and will upload according to our regular schedule (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). I kept underestimating the weather in Canada and got sick because of it. I won't do that again, and for sure, we're officially back. Thank you for waiting, and please don't forget to comment on the things you see or want to see in this novel. 

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The gym's entrance swung open, revealing Yoshimune Shizuo and Mitsuyoshi Anzai standing side by side, both wearing welcoming smiles. Behind them, a group of coaching staff members awaited, and three individuals holding cameras were positioned to capture the unfolding scene. The collective gasp from the 30 players echoed through the gym as they stepped inside, their eyes widening at the unexpected presence of the film crew.

A ripple of surprise and curiosity spread through the group, with many players instinctively turning their gaze toward Shinji Koganei, knowing that he has a YouTube Channel. It was as if the unspoken question hung in the air: Was he the reason for this unexpected filming? In response, Koganei, with a casual shrug and a playful expression, conveyed that he, too, was in the dark about the situation.

Since his parents advised him to vlog the experience by himself, he didn't know how to film while participating in physical activities. It's not like he could strap the camera around his head while playing basketball. That's why he didn't plan on filming the actual training sessions. Fortunately, people were filming it. Even if they were not employed by their family, they could buy the footage from them and use it. 

A murmur of surprise and intrigue rippled through the group. Some players exchanged excited glances, recognizing the potential significance of being featured on the [Rising_Hooper] YouTube channel. Players like Kiyoshi and Hanamiya have received nationwide attention, their social media accounts receiving thousands of new followers. So, of course, everybody wanted to experience the same thing.

Others, however, furrowed their brows, questioning the reasoning behind allowing a YouTube channel to document their basketball camp.

As the players exchanged puzzled glances and hushed murmurs, Yoshimune took the initiative to address the curious atmosphere. With a charismatic smile, he spoke up, "Good morning, everyone! I hope you're all excited for what's ahead. Today, we have a special addition to our camp. We've got a team of freelancers who will be capturing your journey and experiences here." He started, making sure everybody was paying attention to him.

Slightly nodding his head after the players quietened down, Yoshimune continued, "These filmmakers are here courtesy of the Koganei family and the [Rising_Hooper] brand. It's a fantastic opportunity for all of you to showcase your talent, hard work, and the spirit of camaraderie that we will be fostering during this camp. Embrace it, have fun, and let your passion for the game shine through."

The chatter among the players intensified, with discussions ranging from excitement about potential exposure to the platform to reservations about being on camera during their training. Sensing the need for order, a coaching staff member took a step forward, clapping his hands sharply to cut through the rising noise.

"Alright, everyone! Settle down," the coach called out, his authoritative tone asserting control over the gym. The players gradually quieted, their attention refocusing on the coaching staff and the upcoming camp activities.

Yoshimune, seizing the moment of hushed anticipation, concluded, "Now, let's make this camp an unforgettable experience, both on and off the court. Work hard, support each other, and enjoy every moment. The cameras are here to capture your journey, so give it your all!"

The gym fell into hushed anticipation as Yoshimune Shizuo gave the teenagers some to digest the words he said. A couple of seconds later, he took the stage once again, his vibrant energy and engaging presence captivated the attention of the 30 players, who stood in a semi-circle, their eyes fixed on the camp organizer. With a warm smile, Yoshimune continued.

"Now, let me introduce the man who will be guiding you through the next ten days and beyond. You've probably heard of him—Coach Mitsuyoshi Anzai!" He said, pointing his open hand to the individual standing right next to him.

As Yoshimune took a step back, the spotlight shifted to the seasoned coach. Coach Mitsuyoshi Anzai, a figure synonymous with Japanese basketball, surveyed the group with a firm yet encouraging gaze. His presence alone commanded respect, and the players instinctively straightened, fully aware of the significant responsibility of being under his tutelage. Almost every player, in Japan, who has played under or trained with Mitsuyoshi Anzai knew some kind of success at the professional stage. 

Every person that came to this camp had one goal in mind, to make it as far as possible with basketball. If that wasn't the case, and they wanted to leisurely play basketball at the amateur level, they wouldn't have agreed to join this camp. So, when Coach Anzai spoke, everybody listened as every one of his pieces of advice could propel them to new heights and the teenagers knew that.

"Good morning, players," Coach Anzai's voice carried a gravitas that instantly settled over the gym. "I don't like to mince words, so I'll get straight to the point. Last year's Youth World Championship was a stain on Japan's basketball legacy. It was humiliating, and I won't allow that to happen again." He started, a solemn hush descended upon the gym as the players absorbed the weight of Coach Anzai's words.

As basketball fans themselves, the teenagers watched the Youth World Cup and they were pretty embarrassed after the competition ended. It was so bad that the coach of that under-17 team got fired before he could even return to Japan. Now, coachless, a lot of former professionals wanted to take on the job and submitted their applications. Unfortunately, they were all rejected as Mitsuyoshi Anzai himself, decided to take charge of the entire National team, his status in Japanese basketball giving him that power. 

From the under-16s to the senior team, he will be taking care of, training, and coaching all of them. That's why he immediately accepted his best friend's offer to oversee the camp as soon as he received it as this was a great way to scout players for the next International Youth Championship in two years. 

Still, the revelation that he would now oversee all age groups, from the senior team to the Under-16s, underscored the gravity of the situation. The teenagers exchanged glances, a shared understanding that they were embarking on a journey under the guidance of a coach deeply committed to redemption, not for himself, but for the country.

"Today marks the beginning of a new chapter," Coach Anzai continued, his tone unwavering. "I don't want any of you to experience the bitterness of defeat on the international stage. The effort to rewrite our story starts now, with each one of you."

A pregnant pause allowed the players to reflect on the challenge ahead. Coach Anzai's piercing gaze swept across the faces of the young athletes, his unwavering belief in their potential evident in every word.

"You are the future of Japanese basketball," Coach Anzai declared, instilling a sense of purpose in the players. "And I believe in your ability to rise to the occasion. The journey won't be easy, but I know you're up for it."

With those impactful words, Coach Anzai nodded toward a member of the coaching staff, signaling for the Japanese team manager to step forward. The team manager, a seasoned figure in the world of basketball administration, began detailing the schedule and objectives of the camp.

"As you can see, the next ten days are packed with training, drills, and team-building activities. Our goal is not just to enhance your skills but to forge a cohesive unit capable of facing any challenge on the court," the team manager explained, his voice echoing through the gym.

By the time the briefing concluded, the players were armed with a clear understanding of the journey that lay ahead. The gym, once filled with whispers and anticipation, was now charged with a sense of purpose. As the clock neared 9 AM, the players were ready to officially commence the camp, their determination visible in the way they gripped their basketballs, ready to take the first step toward redemption and glory in the realm of Japanese basketball.




The day unfolded on the bustling film set as Tsuji Koganei and Hirano Koganei, the industrious parents of Shinji, prepared for another day of capturing the essence of their ongoing project. Carrying cups of steaming coffee, a ritual that signaled the beginning of a long day, the couple warmly greeted everyone around. The genuine camaraderie they shared with the people on set reflected the mutual respect and fondness that had been cultivated throughout their collaborative endeavors.

Entering the office room, the nerve center of their operations, Tsuji and Hirano delved into the intricacies of the day's filming schedule. As they meticulously reviewed the plan, their seamless coordination highlighted the synergy that had become second nature to them.

With a radiant smile, Hirano initiated a conversation, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I received the footage Shinji filmed yesterday this morning. We'll finish editing it today and send it to Akane. She will choose when to post it."

Nodding in acknowledgment, Tsuji expressed his curiosity. "How many freelancers did you bring along to capture the camp experience?" 

Hirano, holding up three fingers, revealed her strategic decision. Tsuji's approving nod conveyed his satisfaction that she hadn't overcommitted, a tendency she occasionally exhibited, especially when it came to their children.

Casually, Tsuji inquired about the negotiation process with Yoshimune's team, wondering how Akane, their daughter, played a role in securing permission for their filming crew. Hirano beamed as she corrected her husband, saying that Akane was the sole negotiator and that her negotiation skills ensured a smooth collaboration between [Rising_Hoopers] and Yoshimune Shizuo's entourage.

Tsuji, pleased with the news, remarked on Akane's impressive achievements. "She's on track to becoming a lawyer, and I believe she might take the bar exam this May at just 20 years old." He commented, proud of what his daughter did. 

The mention of their children's success stirred unexpected emotions in Hirano. Watery eyes and a subtle quiver in her voice betrayed a depth of sentiment that caught Tsuji by surprise. She commented on how fast her children were growing and how they were starting to make clear paths for themselves. 

Brushing off the moment of vulnerability, Tsuji, with a hint of pride, declared, "Well, of course, they're my children. Excelling is a matter of course for them."

His nonchalant confidence earned him a playful yet well-deserved slap on the back of the head from Hirano, laughter rippling through the room as the couple, surrounded by the trappings of a film set, embraced the blend of familial warmth and professional dynamism that defined their collaboration. The intricate dance between work and family played out, showcasing the resilience and affection that anchored the Koganei household amid the whirlwind of their creative pursuits.




On the other side,

The basketball court buzzed with energy as the skills assessment came to a close. At one of the courts, the coaching staff gathered for a strategic discussion after determining where every participant stood in terms of skills and fitness.

Coach Mitsuyoshi Anzai, flanked by his three key assistants—the offensive and defensive coordinators and the conditioning coach—surveyed the gathered reports containing the results of the physical tests conducted on the camp members.

The conditioning coach, meticulous in his assessment, highlighted several names with a yellow marker, signaling outstanding physical prowess. Coach Anzai, recognizing the names, wasn't surprised as they had, before the start of the camp, certain players they wanted to focus on. Additionally, these were some of the same players identified by his offensive and defensive coordinators during the skill assessments.

As the trio of coaches pored over the reports, Coach Anzai delved into a deeper conversation. "So, have we divided them into teams for the upcoming scrimmages?" he inquired.

Nodding, the offensive coordinator responded, "Yes, Coach. We aimed for balanced teams, using the footage provided by Yoshimune before the camp started."

Coach Anzai, however, shook his head, signaling a change in strategy. "No, forget about balance. I want to see specific pairings going head-to-head. Intensity over equality. I want to see how they match up against and with each other."

When pressed on which pairings he had in mind, Coach Anzai didn't hesitate. He pointed at 10 individuals, outlining the pairings he envisioned for the upcoming scrimmages: Koganei with Akashi and Kiyoshi, Maki with Mitsui and Murasakibara, Hideki with Aomine, and Fujima with Midorima.

The offensive and defensive coordinators exchanged glances, a tacit acknowledgment of the challenge presented by Coach Anzai's unconventional approach. However, they nodded in agreement, ready to implement the new directive. 

They could understand what the man had in mind as the players he paired together seemed to complement each other when it came to playing style. So, seeing how they worked together and developing on that would help them, the coaching staff, tremendously in the future when these same players integrate into the national team.

"Let's see how these pairings fare against each other. I don't care about their current skills. I just want to know and see how they communicate, strategize, and adapt on the court," Coach Anzai emphasized.

The trio of coaches dispersed to relay the new instructions to the players. The buzz of anticipation filled the air as the camp members, now divided into teams based on Coach Anzai's chosen pairings, prepared for the upcoming scrimmages. The court, a canvas for competitive clashes, was set for an intense showcase of individual and collective prowess under the watchful eyes of the coaching staff. The stage was primed for the players to prove their mettle, with the unique pairings adding an element of unpredictability to the unfolding drama on the basketball court.

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