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Dream Bullet Dream Bullet original

Dream Bullet

Autor: Sandarbh_Raj

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Goodbye (Chapter 1)

???- "40° East "

??- " They are flanking us from the right"

????- " Shit, I need ammo"

? – " Can you cover me, I need to loot"

?? – "yeah sure if I can handle the rush"

??? – "Spread out"

???? – " Ohh shit kronten is knocked by

the third squad"

? – " Cover me I am going to revive him"

kronten – " oh shit! come fast or they will kill me"

? – kronten take cover I am coming"

I threw the smoke grenade for cover smokes starts to fill the area around kronten.

Jake rushes toward kronten taking advantage of the smoke.

Jake –" Nice one Michael"

???? —" take cover Jake there is a heavy sniper"


As soon as I heard that sound Jake was also knocked.

Jake —" Shit those campers caught me, Don't come here They are targetting us. Try to flank them"

Samuel —" I am trying to knock one of the opponents with my m416 spray.

Micheal — "I will try to cover Jake and kronten from Car but the enemy spray is very strong"

Samuel —" oh shit the zone is coming we have to fall back to the safe zone with our UAZ"

Michael — " Oh no the tire of our UAZ is being busted by the enemies"

kronten —" Help me now I am in the cover of a damn rock"

Jake — " I am right behind Kronten so help me too while you are at it."

Samuel-"Don't worry I am coming"

............... .................

[Game Over]

Shit everyone was knocked down

We were so close to the victory but

those shithead ganged upon us.

Jake-" You guys didn't revive me."

Samuel-" You make it sound like we were having a jacuzzi bath while you were knocked."

Kronten- Hey Michel why aren't you speaking?"

I can't even think about something in peace.

Michael -" Just thinking about something"

Samuel-" You went into the sage mode or something?"

" Ha hahaha haha Ha"

Now they start to laugh at lame jokes but at least their mood is better now.

Jake- " What about the tournament?"



Michael -"..."


Mom-" Michael come down for dinner"

Michael-" Just 2 minutes"

{5 minutes later }

Mom-" Michael what are you doing, come down immediately."

Michael -"Just a second mom."

{15 minutes later}

Mom-" Michael."

Michael -" just a minute mo-"

The wait isn't the voice coming too close, is mom coming up.

I move my eyes from my monitor only to find my mother standing beside me

Mom-" Any excuses?"

Michael-" None."


Micheal- " what was that for?"

Mom-" Should you be asking this young man?"

Michael-" Noooo."


Michael-"too strong damnit."

Mom- " What was that honey"

Shit, I spoke that.

Micheal - " I am going to meet My friends."

Mom-" Who are you going to meet now? But I doubt you can get yourself a girlfriend."

Michael - " ....The last part was unnecessary."

I dashed passed my annoying mother and was soon near the bridge and on the other side was my friends.

I increased my pace kicking alive my now fast diminishing strength in legs.

my friends they were screaming somethings but as they were all saying together I couldn't quite understand it and as I crossed the road halfway I heard their voice.

Kronten- "Stooop"

Jake-"No come faster "

Samuel-" No he must jump"

Man they were divided but I sensed the urgentness in their voices and soon found the reason for it.

it was a white truck now seconds way from me.

oh isn't it the same thing that those anime showed what was it isekai or something?

well that doesn't sound bad in itself but I would miss my mom, my friends and my smartphone too

and I forgot one think

Michael - " I should have said her Goodbye"

" Beeeeep"

And I lost my consciousness.

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