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Capítulo 9: I Am Back

I deeply apologize for the very long absence.

I legit had forgotten I had written a fan fiction until now 😅

Reason why I had been away was because life had gotten a good grip on me before and I had to focus on real life, but now I'm chilling so I can afford to be here once again!

Anyway, simply put, I am back and I will be pumping out chapters again soon.

I just need a bit of time to reboot and familiarize my mind to my story once more! I know this isn't a chapter but I just hope it helps in knowing that I am working on it right now so please be patient 🙏

Other than that, that's all. Once again sorry for the long absence and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!

Mike_Cockaka Mike_Cockaka

To be completely honest, a chapter won’t come out until I can fully reconnect to my story once again and understand what my plots were and so forth. It has been a very long time since I’ve written anything again.

So until then. I’ll see you later!

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