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Capítulo 3: Meeting new people and Registration

-Next morning-

"Get up and take a shower I will washed your clothes and put them on the sink in the bathroom." Soi Fon said trying not to look at the almost full nude Obito.

"Thank you and I should also tell you that I will be using the persona Tobi again for a while so please call me that." Obito said before going to take a shower.

After finishing the shower he put on his clothes and grabbed his Akatsuki robe and ring from his kamui dimension as well as a darker version of Tobi's mask(basically dark orange swirling mask that focused around his right eye).

Coming out of the bathroom Obito meets Soi Fon near the entrance of her house.

"So your even wearing your old akatsukj clothes and the mask." Soi Fon said rising a brow not expecting Obito to go that far.

"Of course, Of course how could I not it just brings back so many memories. Look Look I even made the mask a darker orange to match division 2 colors." Obito answer in a high pitched childish voice.

Soi Fon was in complete shock at how childish he became and sighed.

"Don't do anything to embarrass me got it." She gives him a death stare.

"Oh my how scary of course senpai I wouldn't dare." He said comically falling to the ground in a bow.

"Whatever let's go." Soi Fon headed out towards Shin'o Academy.

"Hai." Tobi runs after her.

While they could kamui or run to Shin'o they don't because Tobi's constant complaining about being hungry.

"So senpai what are some good breakfast places around here. Do they have pancakes or waffles or biscuits or bacon or Oww." Tobi was interrupted by Soi Fon punching him in the head.

"Shut up you just said you wouldn't embarrass me." Soi Fon glared at him.

"I'm so sorry senpai don't leave me." Tobi flailed around falling to the ground grabbing Soi Fon's legs.

"Get off of me Tobi!" Soi Fon kicked him


"Another word and we skip breakfast." Soi Fon said gripping his skull.

Rapidly shaking his head he silently follows her.Making it to the restaurant the sit down at the back.

"Hey over here waiter!" Tobi jumps up waving his hands rapidly.

"Tobi..."Soi Fon growled.

People started looking towards the noise whisper.

"Isn't that Captain Soi Fon."

"Is she on a date?"

"I like that mask"

"Is that you Soi Fon it's been a awhile." Rangiku walk up to her.

"Refer to me a Captain Fon." Soi Fon said already annoyed by Tobi.

"Is that a boy Soi Fon don't tell me you really are on a date." Rangiku gasped.

"No we are not we are on our way to register him to Shin'o Academy." Soi Fon replies

"Oh so that means he's free game." Rangiku grabs Tobi's arm and puts it between her cleavage.

"Oh my Senpai why didn't you tell me you had friends with such large.....assets." Tobi said squirming around with a blush appearing on his mask.

"Why don't have team for this hurry up and order so we can leave." Soi Fon glared at him.

"Hai senpai!" Tobi rushed around and grab a chair for Rangiku.

"Hello my name is Tobi it's my second day in the soul society and my senpai is bringing me to Register at Shin'o Academy will you be my friends."

"My name is Rangiku the sexiest woman in the soul society and currently 10th seat of the 10th division."

"Why are you even here 10th seat Rangiku." Soi Fon asked.

"Oh Gin wanted to meet up and chat after so long." Rangiku said excited.

After a couple minutes Soi Fon and Tobi finished eating and began to leave when Gin walked in.

"How strange Captain Fon actually walking around with a man." Gin smiled attempting to converse with her.

Soi Fon completely ignored him walking right by signally Tobi to follow.

"Bye Bye Rangiku I have to go now." Tobi tried to run past Gin but was stopped by Gin's hand. "Hello my name is Tobi it's nice to meet you but I have to get to my Senpai." Tobi moved his hand out of the way.

Gin just turned his head and watched as they left before turning back to Rangiku and sitting down.

Back with Soi Fon and Tobi they are almost at Shin'o Academy but now with increased speed.

"Senpai there it is!" Tobi points going into a full blown sprint bumming into people.

"Why does he have to act like an idiot." Soi Fon followed.

"Lieutenant Nanao I need to register him quickly so I can get back to work." Soi Fon said pointing at Tobi.

Nanao was suprised at the sudden request but complied nonetheless. "Here is the registration form just fill it out and come to the exam exactly one week from today." Nanao handed Tobi the form and watched as he grabbed the paper and looked in silence.

"Um Senpai I don't know this language." Tobi said sheepishly scratching his head.

"Just give me the damn paper." Soi Fon snatched it out of his hand and began writing his information.

"Name." "Tobi."

"Height." "6 feet."

"Weight." ".....Senpai you shouldn't just ask that."

"Tobi answer the damn question." "1–155lbs."

"Age." "31."

"Time in the soul society." "1 day."

"Place of resident." "Senpai's house."

"Alright I can fill out the rest myself." Soi Fon began quickly writing stuff down.

"If I may Captain Fon how will he pass if he can't read or write." Nanao asked.

"We've got a week." Is all Soi Fon said before giving her the form and leaving with Tobi in tow.

"Bye glasses Senpai." Tobi said waving his hand.

Making it back to Soi Fon's house she grabs some books from her shelf and places them in front of Tobi.

"Hurry up and learn our language it should be easy with your Sharingan." Soi Fon said.

"Oh about that actually your language is the same as mine." Tobi replied.

"So why did you have me do the form for you." Soi Fon said crushing off part of the bookshelf.

"T-To strength or bond." Tobi back away.


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