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Lost Treasure: A churchmouse dream Lost Treasure: A churchmouse dream original

Lost Treasure: A churchmouse dream

Autor: DelphineIU

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Prologue

The moon goddess Selene was said to be a lonely spirit with a broken heart.

After she found him making love to her only sister, she was said to have turned her husband, the only person she loved more than life itself, to ash. She left home, feeling betrayed and hurt by the people she cared for, and went off on her own, wandering the world in search of someone who could love her unconditionally and never betray her.

The Goddess looked for that one person for thousands of years, but she soon discovered that no one, gods or men, could really love anyone 100 per cent and that if given the chance, many would prefer someone else other than the partners they claimed to love completely. She was so depressed and lonely as a result of this realization that she decided it was best to give up on love and stop looking.

However, on one of her many roaming sprees, Selena came across a very attractive man lying helplessly on the leaves-covered ground of Mitto's dense woodland. She could see that this man was bleeding profusely from several scratches and bite marks from a big black wolf that lay beside him, who was also bleeding from a wound caused by an arrow embedded deep into its throat, and she could tell that the animal was taking its last breaths of life.

Selene stood above the man, listening to his slow breaths and almost feeling every groan he let out from the excruciating pain he was in. She wanted to help, just as she had wanted to help every dying person she had seen on her travels, to take away their pain and allow them to live again. But, like the others before him, she was unable to intervene. It wasn't her job to save people from death; that was her father's job if he felt like it. And, besides, she could tell this was meant to happen, that this incident was meant to take the man's life, so she couldn't interfere with the other gods' will.

She looked at his very handsome face one last time with a sympathetic look and then decided to walk away, as she had done so many times before. However, before she could step away, his eyes slowly opened and revealed orbs as green as the forest itself, staring helplessly back at her, and she immediately came to a stop, like a force field.

Something in his eyes enslaved her. They were purer and more majestic than any human's eyes she'd ever seen, and as they trapped her, they secretly pleaded to be rescued.

Suddenly, she couldn't imagine a world without him; it felt hollow and devoid of sense, and then she thought to herself, "should I let the world lose something so precious? Wouldn't it be completely unfair?" Bending to his level to softly stroke his hair, she murmured, more to herself than to him, "I can't imagine what fool god would want such a magnificent creature as you out of the earth." She stood up straight, looked at him again, and then commenced to pace.

"What should I do with you?" She questioned, more herself. "If I save you, they'll know, which might trigger a problem like last time, and I'm not sure I'm ready to deal with it again... or should I just go?" She returned her gaze to him, her mind racing at a thousand miles per second. He was dying fast, and it seemed that the wolf was as well, and that's when it hit her:

If he were to mysteriously transform into a non-human no one would notice! Will they? Well, I suppose not.

And the perfect idea came to her right then and there. She intended to kill two birds with one stone. Why should she save one when she could save both?

Serene moved as rapidly as lightning, putting her hands on both the man and the wolf, then softly whispered,

"Your hearts were filled with anger, you let it out and harmed each other, and now you must learn to love yourself, for one cannot exist without the other." With that said, she combined the two, resulting in a light so bright that it illuminated the entire forest in a split second before dying down just as quickly.

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