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Tsar Of Another World Tsar Of Another World original

Tsar Of Another World

Autor: chevar28

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: How I Got Here

In a black space with nothing but darkness and quietness, there is a small ball of light looking at the screen and picking some options. Well, that ball of light is me, and let me tell you how I got here. It started in the autumn of 2020 and I died from being hit by a car.

As I was doing the 6 miles run for my ROTC class at 6:20 am. I was going at a steady pace with some people behind me and some ahead. "Vehicle from the rear!" I heard behind me so I shifted over to the left side while still jogging. I thought the car had turned on the four-way behind me since I didn't hear so I went back onto the road and that's when I got hit. Before I fully died I saw the car that ran me over and it's a hybrid.

"Fuck!" the light ball shouts and it was more of in his head since he can't speak. "I got killed by a hybrid. What happened to the infamous truck-kun like in the novels or is it only for the people of the east. In the West is the hybrid-kun?" he asks himself then sighs "so should there be a god or system, maybe a cheat.? he waist in silence as he looks around and still sees nothing.

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