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20% Dear Chim
Dear Chim Dear Chim original

Dear Chim

Autor: Evil_Godess

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Dear Chim 1

Jimin's POV

I was standing in front of Y/N's room with teary eyes. I opened the door of your room and took one step inside and looked in the entire room but met with no one but silence.

I took slow steps towards your bed and sat on your bed which smelled the same as you, that smell of lavenders and rosemary never failed to calm me, never failed to smoothen me, never failed to warm me and never failed to remind me that you are no more by my side.

A tear left my eye without being noticed by me, I wiped them instantly.

I looked at my laps then turned my head to my left that's when I saw something which drew my eyes towards it, a photo frame. The frame that was kept on the night stand near the bed. In that frame I saw myself with Y/N on my back smiling widely. I smiled sadly yet happily.

I started scanning the room while doing so a large wave of memories took over me. Suddenly I felt something warm on my face... tears.

I wiped them but they didn't stop, tears kept steaming down my face.

After crying for good 30 minutes I stood up only to stumble and earn a rough kiss from the floor. I gave a small grunt and when I was about to stand up I saw something below the night stand, I bent a little and stretched my hand to see what it is.

As I touched it I realised that it is a diary. I pulled out the diary and sat on the ground with folded criss cross legs. It was a red diary with golden corners.

I opened the diary to the first page and saw your name written on the front page in a beautiful hand writing which I know was yours, a small smile crept my lips.

I turned to the next page,



Dear Chim,

I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, I never believed in love at first sight, but I could never forget the feeling I had when I saw you smile at me, the way your eyes sparkled, the way you said my name, you flirted with me and I was so happy. You put your hands on my shoulder and gave me the prettiest smile I've ever seen, you entirely took my breath away. But as soon as she stepped in the room your eyes, your smile and your hands all of it was gone. You hugged her and smiled but what hurt the most when you kissed her and introduce her as your girlfriend.

I just knew in that moment I would be nothing more to you but just a friend...

- Y/N

Evil_Godess Evil_Godess

New book!!!!!!!

I think I will finish this book in 2-3 days >.<


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