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Capítulo 10: Chapter 10


He and Dinah were in her apartment, having dinner as usual. She'd been on a mission for a few days so she hadn't been home.

"Congratulations on your first mission. Batman told me what happened." Dinah said as a floating fork brought some spaghetti to Dante's mouth. "He also told me about your proposal."

"You don't approve?" He asked as he finished chewing.

"It's not that. I just didn't expect it. The fact that you were able to convince Batman is impressive on its own." She said as the boy in front of her took another bite. "I have to ask, what brought it on?"

"I was just thinking that we wouldn't be able to grow properly if the League kept handling everything for us. We have to take action and think for ourselves." Dante explained as the cup of water in front of him rose to his lips.

"That's a rather mature way of looking at it. I expect that you know where to draw the line and ask for help." She said, staring intently at him.

"I'll try my best." He said in a noncommittal manner, drawing a chuckle from her.

"Is that the best I'm going to get?"

"Yep." Despite what he said, she didn't seem offended, only concerned.

She let out a soft sigh as she looked at her son. "Just be careful, okay?" She was only satisfied after she got a nod from him.

So far, he had proven himself to be responsible so it at least assuaged her worries a bit.

"There is one thing I need your help with." He said, drawing her attention.

"What is it?"




Sitting on her bed in her room, she performed a routine maintenance on her bow and arrows. Her father had always drilled into her head the importance of proper weapon maintenance.

After Jade left, things became tough at home. With his other daughter having run away, he could focus his attention on 'training' his second daughter and that training was brutal to say the least.

Unlike her sister and her father, she had shown an aptitude in archery. Her father hadn't missed that, calling in a few favors to make sure she was more than sufficient in using the weapon.

Her ears perked up as she rolled off the bed to a standing position, drawing her bow with an arrow already notched.

A figure entered the room through the window, revealing themself to be a female with long black hair.

"Jade, what are you doing here?" Artemis asked, not quite releasing the tension on the bowstring.

"Hey sis, long time no see." Jade said, leaning against the wall. "Are you going to shoot me with that?"

Almost reluctantly, the blonde haired girl lowered the bow to face the ground. "What do you want?"

"Oh come on. Is that a way to greet your dear sister? I just came to check on you since dad's on his way to prison." Jade said.

"What do you mean he's going to prison?" Artemis asked in shock.

"It means he was stupid and got caught. I would've come sooner but I've been…busy." Jade said, unable to look Artemis in the eyes.

"Thank you but dad's been gone long before now so I doubt you came here just for that. What do you want?"

Jade rolled her eyes with a groan at Artemis' words. "Fine, I have an offer for you. Some of my friends got into trouble and had to leave town for a while. Now they need people t-"

"Are you trying to recruit me into the league of shadows?" Artemis asked in shock. "I don't want anything to do with that."

"Right, because you enjoy playing hero. I know you're smarter than that. I was hoping it was just you rebelling against dad but it's time to drop the act." Jade said with a scoff.

"It's not an act. I don't know how you expected me to react but I want no part of it." Artemis said after a moment of silence.

"Oh com-"

"Leave!" She drew her bow once again. She may not be the most innocent person due to her parentage but even she had her limits.

"You're going to regret this, and when you do, don't come running to me." Jade said with a scoff, turning and leaving how she came.

A frown appeared on Artemis' face as she went into her closet, changing into a green costume. She took up her bow and quiver, pausing at the window for a moment before leaving.


In the conference room, three people were seated around the table, Superman, Batman and Black Canary.

"What is this about?" Superman asked, seeing the serious expressions on the faces of his fellow leaguers.

"The boy needs you, Clark." Batman said, cutting straight into the matter.

"No, he doesn't." The man of steel said, looking away.

"We hoped you would step up on your own and take responsibility but it has become clear that you don't intend to do so." Batman continued.

"Superboy didn't ask for this, he didn't ask to be created but it doesn't change the fact that he's here and he needs you." Black Canary said firmly.

The man was silent for a while before the woman then added. "Superboy needs his father."

"I'm not his father! I only remind him of what he can't be." Superman immediately denied, defending his negligence.

"Do you really think that? Are you really okay with continuing to ignore Superboy? He is an innocent and confused boy and the only person he can look up to wants nothing to do with him." Canary said, her tone turning stern.

Dante and Superboy didn't ask for any of this but that didn't give room for her to shirk her responsibility. In an unorthodox manner, she had become a mother and frankly, she enjoyed it.

Dante was fun to be with after dealing with the stress of her costumed job. Having her own mini me was more fun than she thought it would be. It also helped that he was understanding as well to not complain about her sometimes busy schedule.

Martian Manhunter helped as well, taking up his part of the responsibility in taking care of him. Superboy needed someone to mentor him.

At that moment, Superman silently looked away from the table, causing her to frown as she spoke up again.

"If you refuse to take up responsibility, I will tender my resignation to the league." She said, causing even Batman to look at her in surprise. "I won't be a part of a league that condones this kind of negligence. It's either that or I petition for you to be removed. It's your choice."

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