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Capítulo 4: Chapter 4: Awakening Chakra

[Quest Failed: Join the Academy


Reach the Academy on time and pass the entrance test - N

Hidden Quest - N - Be recognised as a genius and admitted to the academy

Hidden Quest - Y - Fail to enter the academy and declare that you will become a Ninja without anyone teaching you


Ninja Training - N

(Hidden Title) - Academy Genius - Learn +20% faster when training with a teacher.


No training from academy

No Entry in to the academy

(Hidden Title) - Discarded Genius]

I turned and walked through the Academy gates. The other half of the orphanage walked with me, some of them gave me a look of approval and others a look that just plain said your crazy.

I quickly selected my new Title.

[Light (Discarded Genius)

Discarded Genius - Learn +40% faster when training without a teacher.

Looking at it that means my training speed when it comes to any thing I learn without help will increase by 40%, adding that on the trait I got from the system my training speed will be even faster.

Body - Civilian

Chakra - Civilian

Elements - Fire 20% - Water 30% - Earth 30% - Wind 0% - Lightning 0% - Yin 0% - Yang 0%

Kekkei Genkai - ********* (Locked - Requirements Unknown) & **** ***** (Locked - Requires two elements at 50%)

Control - 20%

Allegiance - Self/Hidden Leaf

My new title wasn't bad for the path I had chosen. If I was going to become a ninja without going to the academy, I would need to train hard and improve my body, chakra reserves, chakra control and element affinity. As I wouldn't have access to either the ninja library or a teacher, I would also need to keep an eye out for any chance to copy ninjutsu.

As we reached the academy I could see the caretaker Keiri was waiting for us with a sad look on her face.

"Light... come with me please" She was speaking in a soft tone, trying not to draw attention to us. She quickly moved us in to a back room and sat down on an shabby looking chair with splinters falling off it.

"Light.. I am sorry... But I need you to leave the orphanage" She kept her eyes on the floor, not daring to look directly at me.

"Why?" Out of all the questions I had, it seemed like the most important.

"I... cannot say... but... I don't have a choice" her voice broke slightly as she spoke and I could see a tear fall to the floor as she spoke.

She was obviously being forced by someone to get rid of me. The question is, who? The Uchiha from before maybe? but why would they want me on the streets? Silence filled the room, Keiri would let out a small sniffle every few seconds, trying very badly to hold her her emotions in.

"I understand. Thank you for everything" I gave her a slight bow. I did think about making a fuss but even if she was kicking me out, she obviously didn't want to, also, in my memories she was always kind to me and every other kid that had been sent to the orphanage.

I walked out of the orphanage and headed for the forest just outside the village.

Okay so I am now homeless and have no living family members in the leaf village to stay with. I thought about going to the hokage, as it would be under his power to resolve this, however, I don't know who I can trust at the moment. While I know the 3rd Hokage had the best intentions most of the time, I didn't like him, he let Danzo get away with so much, killing so many innocence and he kept the 2nd Hokage's policies in place, Isolating the Uchiha and causing their eventual destruction.

Hopefully my incomplete system comes with a gamer's body and I won't need to sleep, I have a feeling that letting down my guard right now would be a bad idea, I don't know who wanted me out of the orphanage but I was much more venerable now, I will need to train and get stronger as soon as possible.

The orphanage was situated on the outskirts of the village so it didn't take long before I reach the forest just outside the city walls. There were a few Chunin ninja at the gate as I left but they didn't seem to take much notice to me leaving the village. I walked deeper and deeper in to the forest until I got to a dense set of trees. They looked sturdy and provided at least some shelter.

"Ok time to train"

What should I focus on first? Genjutsu, Ninjutsu or Taijutsu?

Genjutsu? No even if I know the theory of how it work's without someone or something to practice on it would be useless.

Ninjutsu? I don't know that many hand signs. The anime wasn't ready great for showing the hand signs. I let out a short sigh.

That leaves Taijutsu. great, more exercise. I wonder if I can bring martial arts from my world in to this one? I had taken classes on a few different martial arts in my old life.

[Quest: Create your own Taijutsu style

Rewards: A unique Taijutsu style unknown by other ninja

Failure: Nothing you just suck at Taijutsu]

Wow, f**k you to system.

I walked to an open space and started with my first Martial art, Jujitsu. It's a martial art know as the "yielding-art" its core is to manipulate your opponent's force against them rather than confronting it with one's own force.

After an hour of performing moves on imaginary opponents I had progressed further than I had in my previous life. My quick learner trait and title really did have a great effect. I only knew the basics of jujitsu, so every move I created after would have to be all my own.

I continued for another couple of hours, also testing out Karate and Mauy Thai. Both of which I progressed incredibly quickly in. Mixing in these styles together would make my taijutsu very unpredictable, Jujitsu would allow me to restrain opponents and also allow me to redirect attacks. Karate would allow me to face my opponents in a more face to face setting, Karate is a striking art using direct punching and kicking as well as knee strikes and elbow strikes. Lastly Mauy Thai would be my most aggressive stance, while karate uses Knee and elbow strikes, Mauy Thai focuses on them specifically and is used to cause as much damage to an opponent as it can.

[Quest Complete: Create your own Taijutsu style]

[Light (Discarded Genius)

Body - Genin - Low

Chakra - Civilian

Bound Weapon - (Locked until Chakra reaches Genin level)

Elements - Fire 20% - Water 30% - Earth 30% - Wind 0% - Lightning 0% - Yin 0% - Yang 0%

Kekkei Genkai - ********* (Locked - Requirements Unknown) & **** ***** (Locked - Requires two elements at 50%)

Control - 20%

Allegiance - Self/Hidden Leaf

Ok, it seems that I had progressed my skill far enough for the system to acknowledge it as my own style. After all the work I had put in my body stat had even updated to Genin rank. However, I was still weak, my body at a low genin level and no chakra it wouldn't do me much good.

'How do I awaken my chakra?' I sat below the largest tree and tried to remember everything I could regarding chakra.

I closed my eyes and tried to feel my chakra veins, focusing primarily on my stomach where the chakra is stored and comes from. I started to concentrate on my physical energy and my spiritual energy and bring them together. I wasn't sure how long I had been meditating under the tree for but I finally started to feel something, a warm feeling burst in my gut and started to spread throughout my body. My Chakra had finally awakened.

[Requirements met - Bound weapon unlocked]

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