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Capítulo 11: dialogue

She really asked me that. Why I am in the city I was born and raised. She had it rough because she had to clean the corpses of the stray devil they created? This woman was really getting on my nerves. I don't fucking care that she is a beautiful woman, in this moment I only wanted to give her a dropkick on the head. Now I understand the life philosophy of Kazuma from Konosuba. My touki as if to resonate with my will started expanding but I managed to stay calm. She doesn't know what you have had to do because of their runaway slaves. After I calmed I responded to her.

"Do you go around asking people why they are in their birthplace? I should be asking you. What are you doing in my city? You are the new manager? You are not human, right? Both of you?"

Just to annoy the devil I kept asking questions after questions.

As if confused by my answer they asked me again.

" You are a resident of this city? Not a member of the 3 factions?"

"3 faction? what the hell are you talking about?" I answered.

"I think he is not lying, Rias." said Sona.

"I guess we seemed a little rude to him. Allow me to apologize."

She bowed her head a little. The atmosphere was a little awkward. Usually with devils they say: 'I will eat you' and then I burst their head like a watermelon. Even though I know it from the anime, it's still strange for me who has fought with the devils, even though they are strays, for so much time.

Rias apologized too. So after having calmed a little I responded.

" It's okay. I guess I was a little anxious too. Seeing person pop up out of thin air after a fight didn't help too. I'm sorry too. My name is Kurokawa Haru. Nice to meet you."

I said still keeping my distance. No way I am going to drop my guard.

"As for your questions, we are devils. "

"Devils? Like these monster here?" I asked, trying to seem impressed and a little dubious.

" What? No." said Rias. "That one is just a stray devil. A reincarnated devil who has diverted away from his master for his own selfish desire."

" A reincarnated devil? master? So you are the one creating these abominations." Trying to sound a little angry and I was angry, after all these things kept attacking me.

"No.No. It's more complicated than that. To make it simple do you know the story about angels,devils and fallen angels? Something about a war between?"

"Maybe?!" I said, not really sure. I did not read the Bible but I have watched the anime.

" Good. To replenish the number of the devils perished in the war, we reincarnated other talented people from all the races around. And to do so a high level devil has this pieces to use just for reincarnating talented people to add in their peerage."

" In other words. Slaves. You could have just said that." I said a little bored. She was repeating something I already knew.

"No. There are some devil that do that. But I can assure to you that we are not like that." She said, a little embarrassed.

" Sure. I don't care. Do you have proof that you are a devil? Are you going to become the mayor or something? " I asked. Still feigning ignorance.

Then they popped out their wings and she said.

"Is this enough? And, no, we are managers of the supernatural side of this city."

"Does that mean you are going to take care of them for me finally?" I asked, sounding a little excited.

"Yes. " She said a little taken aback by my reaction.

" Thank you. " I said. " Mom is getting really mad because I keep throwing away blood covered clothes. I sure can't go home like that." I said a little happy about that. She was getting really scary. I'm pretty sure another one and she will lock me inside the house just to avoid that.


They laughed. What was so funny? I'm risking my freedom here.

"You know. You are pretty funny when you are not trying to kill us. " She said.

"Funny?" I asked.

" Yes." She said. " I want to ask you something, if possible."

"OK." I said, still a little confused.

" I don't feel magic power from you. What is that thing you are enveloping yourself? Do you have some master that teached you that?" She kept asking.

" Ah. You are talking about touki. This is pure life force. You can control it when you break your limits. And yes I did have a master, but he did not teach me this. It was something that came naturally with the training of my body." I told her. It was not something that I needed to hide.

"I'm sorry. " She said after having understood that she was asking about my dead master.

"It's okay. I found the motherfucker and ripped his heart from his body. Fucking crow." I said with bloodlust infused in my voice.

I think I scared them a little. A little awkward I moved my gaze around and then noticed that it was late.

"Holy shit. Mother is going to kill me if I return late tonight too. I need to go. Bye you too." I said trying to go away.

"Wait. I have other things to ask. " She said.

" OK. Here this is my number. Call me and we can meet where you want. " I said.

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