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Capítulo 62: Chapter 61

AN: Before I start, I just want to say thank you to the people reading this story. As you all know, I've recently made a YouTube channel where I will help all of you make your own stories while also revealing what I've learned from my experience writing fanfiction. My current goal is to have 500 or at least 100, subscribers. So I'm asking you to help me grow my channel and help me reach this goal. The reason I made this channel is due to my grandfather not having much time left. So I'm hoping that maybe with this, I will be able to give him something good before we part ways. Seeing him slowly becoming a vegetable and stuck on bed all the time stings and we don't have much money to afford putting him in a hospital for medical care. This is why I made the StoryCraft channel. Anyway, you can watch my new video on how to craft a story with ChatGPT without making it too obvious.


In the dead of the night, a group of three approached the science lab company, shrouded in shadows and cloaked in secrecy. Myles, the mastermind behind the clandestine operation, wore a dark ensemble that bore a striking resemblance to a doctor's attire. A mask, reminiscent of a jester's visage, concealed his features, and a crown adorned its top. The mask on Myles's face seemed to dance with the shadows.

Beside him, Shawna moved with the grace of a cat, her movements blending seamlessly with the night. In stark contrast, Gorilla Grodd, a massive simian with a towering presence, trailed behind, his eyes fixed on Myles.

As they approached the entrance, Myles glanced over at Grodd, catching the gorilla's unwavering stare. "Something bothering you, Grodd?" Myles inquired, his voice amplified through the voice randomizer, his pitch rising and falling unpredictably. The effect was disconcerting, a deliberate measure to thwart any attempt at voice recognition by heroes or security systems.

Grodd, with his fusion of intellect and brute strength, regarded Myles with a puzzled expression. "Grodd does not understand... Why this ridiculous costume?" he asked, his gaze shifting from the mask to the makeshift crown.

Myles chuckled, a sound that resonated eerily through the night. "It's all that was left at the costume store; this is all they got," he replied, his voice weaving through octaves. "Sometimes, you have to make do with what's available. Its not bad though. I just did some modifications and BOOM! I got this bad boy."

Grodd's brow furrowed in confusion, his massive arms crossed over his chest. "But why a clown? The very concept of stealth is to remain hidden; your disguise screams for attention."

Myles shrugged, the jester mask mirroring the gesture. Well, if I can hide while wearing something as ridiculous as this, what do you think is going to happen when I wear the right gear?"He chuckled again, the sound echoing in the night.

Grodd sighed, his curiosity seemingly defeated but he knew Myles had a point: if he could hide while his entire outfit screamed for people to look at him, then there was simply no chance of anyone finding him. "Grodd will never understand what goes through your head."

Myles winked behind the mask, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Grodd, if there's one thing you don't want to know, its what makes my brain tic. Trust me. Now, let's get inside and find the cerebral enhancer for your little gig, Shawna?"

The woman approached them and placed both of her hands on the ape and the former kingpin. With that, the trio disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind a lingering wisp of smoke before they reappeared inside the facility.

The trio slipped into the lab with an eerie ease, their steps echoing through the sterile halls. Myles, unable to contain his excitement, turned to his companions with a childlike grin.

"Dibs on disabling the security measures!" Myles exclaimed, his enthusiasm contagious as he pranced away from his accomplices. His footsteps echoed softly against the sterile walls, and he skipped down the corridor with an infectious exuberance.

Grodd and Shawna exchanged bemused glances, with the massive gorilla raising an eyebrow. "Why is he always like this?" Grodd rumbled in his deep voice.

Shawna patted the ape's arm as if to say. "You get used to it. Just focus on the mission." 

Meanwhile, Myles approached the security room, whistling a carefree tune as he reached the imposing door. With a flourish, he produced a keycard from his pocket, swiping it with flair. The door slid open, revealing a dimly lit control center.

Inside, Myles couldn't contain his excitement. His fingers danced across the control panel, a mischievous grin etched beneath the jester mask. His voice, modulated by the randomizer, hummed a playful melody.

The door slid shut behind him, leaving Grodd and Shawna to navigate the labyrinthine halls. Grodd, his massive form moving with surprising grace, shot a glance at Shawna. "What's with the skipping?" he asked, a note of confusion in his voice.

Shawna shrugged, her movements swift and silent. For it is just Myles being Myles. She was more focused on finding the cerebral enhancer as her eyes scanned their surroundings for any signs of security.

Back in the madman, Myles continued his whimsical display. His voice, randomly rising and lowering in pitch, echoed through the room as he walked through the halls while intentionally tilting every picture frame he passed. "This is better than any toy store!" he exclaimed, his glee unabated.

However, his skipping came to an abrupt halt as two security guards rounded the corner, their batons at the ready. Myles sighed dramatically, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Well, isn't this a buzzkill?" he quipped.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" one guard demanded cautiously, eyeing Myles with suspicion.

Myles grinned beneath the jester mask, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, you know, just your friendly neighborhood, just out on a midnight stroll," he replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Be careful; he might be armed," the other guard warned his companion, inching forward with caution.

"Oh you have no idea." Myles chuckled, and with a deft movement of his thumb, a click echoed in the corridor. Two blades shot out from hidden compartments in his sleeves, piercing the throat of the guard on the right side. The lifeless body crumpled to the floor while the other guard stumbled back, a graze on his arm.

"Oopsie daisy," Myles quipped, strolling casually toward the remaining guard, who raised his baton defensively. Without missing a beat, Myles drew a concealed knife and, with a swift motion, beheaded the guard with lethal precision. Blood erupted like fountain while Myles took a whiff of the blood and made a pleased sound.

As the last guard fell, Myles stood over the bodies, twirling the knife with theatrical flair. "Well, that was fun. Now, back to business," he mused, resuming his skip toward the control panel.

As Myles continued his way to the security room, Grodd and Shawna navigated the complex network of corridors leading to the vault beneath the lab. The air crackled with anticipation as they approached their destination.

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed security guards spotted the intruders. Before a word could escape their lips, Grodd's eyes glowed with an eerie intensity. A surge of telepathic energy emanated from the gorilla, wrapping the guards in an invisible grip. The guards convulsed, their bodies dropping to the floor as if strings had been cut. Grodd, with an air of indifference, stepped over one of the incapacitated guards, his gaze fixed on the path ahead.

The duo pressed on, only to encounter a new obstacle: a web of lasers guarding the entrance to the vault. Shawna surveyed the situation, her mind calculating the possibilities. Without missing a beat, she grasped Grodd's massive arm and triggered her teleportation ability.

In an instant, they reappeared at the other end of the laser maze, leaving the alarms undisturbed. Shawna turned to the security camera above with a mischievous glint in her eyes. With a wave of her hand, she taunted the unseen watchers.

The next corridor led them deeper into the bowels of the lab, the anticipation mounting as they approached the vault housing the coveted cerebral enhancer. The air hummed with energy, and the distant echo of Myles's joyful laughter provided an odd counterpoint to the gravity of their mission.

Grodd's telepathic prowess continued to prove its dominance as they encountered more security personnel. The guards, mere mortals in the presence of a mind-controlling gorilla, dropped to the ground, their brains overwhelmed by the mental assault. Grodd strode forward, his movements deliberate and uncaring, leaving a wake of unconscious bodies in his wake.

They reached the vault door, a formidable barrier safeguarding the cerebral enhancer. However, the challenge didn't end; there were more traps and alarms yet it was all useless due to one person.

Shawna's eyes flickered with determination as she assessed the situation. "Stay close," she instructed Grodd, her hand reaching for his massive forearm. In an instant, the world blurred around them as they teleported to the other side of the lasers, seamlessly evading the intricate trap.

Shawna turned toward the security camera mounted on the wall. With a sly smile, she raised her hand and mockingly waved at the lens.

In the dimly lit security room, Myles sat nonchalantly in a swivel chair, munching on a box of French fries. Behind him lay a scene of chaos: five lifeless security guards sprawled on the floor, each bearing the gruesome mark of Myles's handiwork, their heads missing or throats slit. Despite the macabre tableau, Myles grinned as he saw Shawna's wave on the security monitor.

"Well, well, look who's having a grand old time," Myles remarked, his voice playfully rising and falling in pitch as he observed the display on the screen.

Seizing the moment, Myles tapped into the primal force, a surge of power coursing through him. His eyes turned bloodshot, a trickle of blood escaped from his nose, and veins bulged beneath his skin. The strain was evident, but Myles, ever resilient, reveled in his ability to command such raw power.

A quip escaped his lips as he manipulated the controls with casual expertise, disengaging the alarms on the vault. "And the winner for the 'Disable the Alarms' category goes to... yours truly!" he declared, wiping off a speck of blood from his nose with the back of his hand.

However, the triumphant moment was short-lived. Myles winced, his body betraying the toll of wielding the primal force. He muttered to himself, acknowledging the side effects. "Note to self: be more careful with this old bag of bones."

As he scanned the monitors, his gaze caught a figure making its way toward the lab. Myles's grin widened as recognition dawned. "Ah, Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow himself. Now, this is getting interesting."

Swiftly, Myles activated the communication system, his voice a blend of urgency and amusement. "Hey, Grodd, my fuzzy friend, you might want to speed things up down there. We've got a guest on the way, and he's not bringing gifts. Green Arrow is making an entrance, and you know how he loves a good showdown. Get that cerebral enhancer, and let's wrap this up before the party starts!"

In the echoing corridors of the lab, Grodd's massive form moved with a sense of urgency, his annoyance evident at the sound of Myles's voice crackling through the communication system. "Green Arrow's on his way; hurry up," Myles chimed in, his tone a peculiar mix of urgency and amusement.

Grodd exchanged a glance with Shawna, irritation etched on his simian features. "As if we needed his play-by-play commentary," he grumbled, his deep voice resonating through the chamber.

Together, they rushed into the vault, the cerebral enhancer within arm's reach. Shawna, ever efficient, grabbed Grodd and, with a swift motion, activated her teleportation abilities, whisking them both out of the building.

Meanwhile, Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, descended into the lab with a sense of foreboding. The archer was no stranger to covert operations, and the triggered alarm had piqued his interest. He moved with stealth, his arrow nocked and ready.

His eyes widened in shock and horror as he stumbled upon the first two guards, their lifeless bodies grotesquely marred by Myles's ruthless hand. Oliver's jaw tightened as he recognized the cold efficiency of the kills.

Drawing out his bow with fluid grace, Oliver steeled himself for an imminent confrontation. The tension in the air thickened as he heard a sound approaching—the telltale footsteps of an intruder. Arrow was poised, and he prepared himself for the confrontation.

However, the atmosphere took an unexpected turn when the intruder revealed himself to be none other than Myles. In a bizarre twist, Myles emerged riding a chair like a makeshift chariot, a comical attempt at a grand entrance. The Green Arrow's stern expression shifted to one of incredulity.

Myles, attempting to maintain his grandiose demeanor, sailed forward on his improvised throne. But the comedic twist came when the chair's wheel got caught in the door frame, sending Myles crashing to the ground.

The Green Arrow's surprise turned into an amused smirk as he lowered his bow slightly. Myles, brushing himself off with theatrical flair, addressed the vigilante with a tone of mild complaint. "Well, that was a bit anticlimactic. Give me a second to fix this."

Myles retreated back into the security room, determined to salvage his entrance. The second attempt, however, met a similar fate, with the chair thwarted by the unforgiving door frame. The result was a spectacle of comedic failure that left Myles sprawled on the floor, his frustration palpable.

With a chuckle, Myles looked up at the green arrow. "Ah, phoey. Hi~"

Green Arrow, bowstring taut, demanded answers from the bizarre figure before him. "Who are you? What do you want with the cerebral enhancer? And why did you kill those guards?"

Myles, seemingly unfazed by the pointed questions, hummed thoughtfully to himself, his masked face betraying no hint of remorse. With a casual shrug, he replied, "They were in the way, so I got rid of them. Simple as that."

Green Arrow's anger simmered beneath the surface, a storm of frustration and disbelief. "In the way? You killed them in cold blood!"

Myles, unaffected by the accusation, simply shrugged. "Occupational hazards, my friend."

Before Green Arrow could press further, Myles, displaying an uncanny lack of concern, bowed theatrically. "Allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Spotlight," he declared, his tone carrying a mocking cadence.

Green Arrow's anger flared, his jaw tightening as he issued a warning. "Whatever your name is, you're going to tell me everything, or the next thing you'll know is that you're on the ground with broken bones and missing teeth."

Myles, seemingly unimpressed by the threat, couldn't resist a teasing retort. "My, aren't we dramatic? Do you practice that line in front of a mirror?"

Dramatically sighing as if disappointed, Myles apologized with mock sincerity. "My apologies, Green Arrow. I didn't realize my friend wanted to play."

Unexpectedly, the tension escalated as Shawna suddenly appeared beside Myles. Without a word, she grabbed both Green Arrow and herself, and in an instant, she teleported both herself and Green Arrow out of the lab, leaving Myles alone with his peculiar theatrics.

Green Arrow, caught off guard by the sudden relocation, glanced around in surprise. The parking lot outside the lab stretched before them, devoid of any immediate threat. Shawna smirked at the vigilante, her teleportation proving to be a trump card in this peculiar game of cat and mouse.

As the two found themselves in this unexpected setting, Myles, back in the lab, chuckled to himself.

Green Arrow, momentarily disoriented, eyed the teleporter with surprise. "Who're you?" he demanded, an edge of frustration in his voice.

Myles responded through Shawna's radio. "Meet Blink. Quite the useful sidekick, I must say."

Green Arrow's eyes narrowed, his focus shifting between Myles and Shawna. The peculiar duo, bathed in the glow of the parking lot lights, stood ready for the next act in this unexpected encounter.

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