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Alchemy of Souls Alchemy of Souls original

Alchemy of Souls

Autor: bellaprose

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Alchemy of Souls

Sinclair, an infamous shadow assassin who kills mages, was forced to retreat during a battle against one of the four powerful mages of Slovar. She runs away to a nearby town and seeing that the injuries she had sustained from the battle would kill her in an hour or less, she performs the forbidden magic of soul-shifting and shifted her soul into another body.

But the soul-shifting wasn't a success. Sinclair's soul was stuck in the realm of the lost for 200 years before her soul got shifted to a noble girl named Harriet Swann.

All should be well because a long time has already passed and all of her enemies are long gone.

Well, all of them… except one.

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