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Oliver Bryan's football fever Oliver Bryan's football fever original

Oliver Bryan's football fever

Autor: ymn_mzn

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: PROLOGUE

(25th May 2008)

"Penalty!! that is a massive blow to Leeds what a huge decision given by Alan murphy"

" If Hayther who won it scores all hope is lost for Leeds"

Oliver looked at his watch, there was barely any time left and his team had given a penalty to the opponent. His heart was racing at the moment. His lips were pressed together eyes intently focused on Hayther's every movement as he prepared to take the penalty.

"Hayther takes, Ankergen saves, Green follows in, Ankergen saves again !!"

"Now Leeds on counter ''.

''Here's delph DELPH AGAIN!! "





''From conceding a penalty one minute to scoring a goal the very minute what a dramatic turn "

"With 40 seconds remaining that could be the goal"

Oliver looked at his watch.

There were barely a few seconds left. He could barely contain his joy.

"1:0 is the final score and Leeds moves to the championship"

The Leeds players on the field all rushed to, and piled up, at the sidelines, and the substitutes also flocked to join the celebrations. As for Ryan cross, he looked back at his friend, Oliver, whose face was laying bare his emotion.

"oli, we've won. We're in championship''

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