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Capítulo 9: The Chase

Tenno stood there, catching his breath, his body still tingling from the effects of Electro's attack. The battlefield was in ruins, smoke and debris filling the air. He knew he had to leave, to distance himself from this life of vigilantism, but it seemed like fate had other plans for him.

As he turned to leave, a voice cut through the chaos. "Hold it right there!" The stern command came from behind him, and Tenno instinctively knew he was surrounded. He slowly turned around to find a group of figures emerging from the smoke, their silhouettes illuminated by the fiery aftermath.

It was the Avengers.

Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Thor stood before him, their expressions a mix of concern and determination. The realization struck Tenno that his attempt to escape was not going to be as easy as he had hoped.

Tenno's heart raced as he faced the assembled Avengers. He knew he couldn't afford to let them detain him – his secrets were too dangerous to share. The urge to escape gnawed at him, and he quickly weighed his options.

"Who are you, and what's your connection to all this?" Captain America's unwavering gaze held him in place.

Tenno's mind raced, his fingers twitching as he fought the urge to transform and flee. "I've already told you, I'm just... a guy caught up in this mess."

Iron Man's analytical tone cut through the tension. "That suit isn't just some random gear. It's advanced technology. And your combat skills... they're not ordinary."

Desperation gripped Tenno. He needed a distraction. A way out. His gaze flicked to the sky, a plan forming in his mind. "Look, I don't want any trouble," he said, his voice tinged with frustration. "I just want to get out of here."

Black Widow's eyes narrowed. "We can't just let you leave without understanding the situation."

Thor's deep voice resonated, "If thou art innocent, then there is no need for flight. Face our inquiries."

Tenno's resolve wavered, but he couldn't risk exposing his identity. He clenched his fists, the decision made. In an instant, his form shifted and twisted, energy crackling around him. He transformed into Titania, the mighty Warframe, his towering presence commanding attention.

"Sorry, but I've had enough of this," Tenno's voice echoed from the transformed frame. With a powerful leap, Titania soared into the air, leaving the ground in a trail of dust and debris.

"Stop!" Captain America shouted, but it was too late. The avian-like Warframe shot upwards, leaving the Avengers below.

Iron Man's repulsors ignited as he took to the sky, his suit streaking after the ascending figure. Thor's enchanted hammer whirled, and he too followed, his cape billowing behind him.

Through the cityscape of New York, a high-speed chase unfolded. Tenno, now Titania, weaved between buildings, his agility and flight granting him an edge. Iron Man's suit glinted in the sunlight as he closed the gap, his technology matching the Warframe's speed.

Above, the mighty Mjolnir swung, closing in with every arc. Tenno's heart raced as he tried to outmaneuver his pursuers. He fired sporadic energy blasts, forcing Iron Man and Thor to alter their trajectories.

But the Avengers were relentless. The chase weaved through narrow alleyways and between skyscrapers, causing windows to rattle and alarms to blare. Tenno's breath quickened as he pushed his abilities to the limit.

As Tenno darted through a gap, Iron Man's repulsor beams grazed his side, sending sparks flying. He gritted his teeth, the pain fueling his determination. The pursuit continued, each twist and turn intensifying the chase.

Through the chaotic dance among the city's skyline, Tenno's thoughts raced. He couldn't keep this up forever as in time he has to stop and fight and right now he does not want too. With a burst of energy, he climbed higher into the atmosphere, the air thinning around him.

Thor's voice boomed from above, "Hold, mysterious one! We mean thee no harm, but we must understand!"

Tenno glanced back, seeing the two figures still hot on his trail. He knew he had to make a decision – keep running and risk a fight he could win but will put a huge target on him which would be disadvantageous right now, or confront the Avengers and reveal more than he ever intended.

His heart pounding, Tenno/Titania steeled himself. He abruptly changed course, descending rapidly back toward the pursuing heroes. The ground rushed up to meet them, and just as it seemed a collision was imminent, Tenno unleashed a blinding burst of energy, temporarily disorienting Iron Man and Thor.

In the split second of confusion, Tenno bolted forward, disappearing into the urban labyrinth below. The Avengers regrouped, their gazes determined as they surveyed the area where the mysterious figure had vanished.

"He can't of gotten far," Iron Man stated, his resolve unshaken.

Thor nodded, gripping Mjolnir tightly. "We shall unravel this enigma and uncover the truth that lies beneath."

With a shared nod, the Avengers dispersed, their pursuit far from over. In the heart of the bustling city, Tenno's flight had been momentarily halted, but the chase for answers had only just begun.

As Tenno's Warframe vanished into the maze-like streets of New York, he quickly disengaged his transformation, reverting to his civilian attire. He dashed through alleyways, his breath ragged, and his heart pounding. The encounter with the Avengers had been too close for comfort, and he knew he needed a plan – and fast.

Returning to his hidden base, Tenno paced the dimly lit room, his mind racing. He needed to be better prepared, stronger, and more knowledgeable. He had managed to keep his true identity hidden so far, but he couldn't rely on luck alone.

Sitting down at a table he shut his eyes and went through the archive of information of Warframe he can turn into, Tenno visually imagined a holographic console in his mindscape that helped organise the info in his mind and showcased an array of Warframe's, each with unique abilities. He needed to expand his arsenal, to become more familiar with different frames and their capabilities. A feeling of determination settled within him, stronger than ever before.

His fingers danced across the imaginary holographic controls as he selected different Warframes – from stealthy Loki to the elemental mastery of Ember. As he delved into the details of each frame, he realized how much he had yet to learn. Hours turned into the night as he meticulously reviewed blueprints, schematics, and combat data.

But Tenno knew that mastering the Warframe's was only one part of the equation. His weapons, too, needed attention. He walked over to a different part of his mind , where an impressive collection of firearms, melee weapons, and explosives were neatly organized. Each piece represented a potential advantage, a means to defend himself and others were neatly put in racks in alphabetical order which he couldn't help laugh at and as he left his mind he stood up and walked over to a workbench,

Picking up a familiar pair of web-shooters, he examined them thoughtfully. He had relied on them as Spider-Man, and they had served him well. But now, as Tenno, he needed to diversify his approach. He summoned a pair of throwing knives, compact and deadly, and attached them to his belt.

Tenno's gaze shifted to a sleek, futuristic-looking bow that he summoned to his hand. He had seen Hawkeye in action earlier – a reminder that precision and range were assets he shouldn't overlook. He slung the bow over his shoulder, ready to add archery to his skill set.

As the night turned into dawn, Tenno felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had a long journey ahead – mastering new Warframe's, refining his combat skills, and discovering the full extent of his abilities. The encounter with the Avengers had shown him that he couldn't simply abandon his role as a protector, not when there were dangers that only he could face.

With a sense of determination burning within him, Tenno knew that he had to become something more than he ever thought possible. The mantle of Spider-Man might be abandoned, but his duty to defend the innocent remained unchanged. As the sun rose on a new day, Tenno embraced his path, ready to evolve into the hero that New York – and the world – needed.

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