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Capítulo 2: Chapter 1 : A New Beginning (Part 2)

Unknown Time / Unknown Location

(3rd Pov)

Past The Edge Of Existence and Beyond The Concept of Time and Space

There was just an endless Sea of Darkness so empty and vast that it is impossible to refer to or represent it in any way, except for the very absence of Reality

For it was The void a Primordial fundamental force of existence

A Place that is not a place

A Realm that was simply there before there was anything, before there was creation, destruction, darkness ,life and death

And as such no one be it a Man or a God can survive being in the Void due to the pressure of the literal absence of well ... Everything

And yet despite the Impossible circumstances he faced , There he was Clad in broken golden armor that shone with nothing but divinity and light

And Holding a Spear that could only be described as beautiful . NO It cannot be called beautiful for the Mere description of "beautiful" will only dirty it.

Instead , it is immaculate perfection itself , pure and uncorrupted. It is the undesirable perfect, for it is neither beautiful or pleasing to the eye.

It was a Spear That was unlike any

It's tip was cold and sharp, bringing with it a primal and boundless aura. The fierce aura seemed as if a Dragon And a God were being contained within it

The shaft of This magnificent weapon was a mix of White , Gold and Blue with dense red lines that faintly shined on the shaft, as if blood had stained the weapon and had been left throughout the ages

Yet no matter how One looked at these lines, they'd eventually realized a simple fact , those red lines came from bloodstains

That was the only logical explanation, and it was that this blood came from incredibly powerful existences that had been slain beneath this spear for Only such divine blood would be able to leave behind these stained lines on such a weapon.

There was one weapon in all of creation that fit this description

That THING'S existence is nothing but an anomaly in the system Of God, A bug, A glitch, An error that God modified into his greatest weapon ! For Even the lowliest of demons know of its absurd power and have nothing but fear for it

It is the spear that was used by the Roman soldier, Longinus, to pierce the body of Jesus Christ during His crucifixion.

For When the Messiah's body was pierced by the tip of the spear, blood and water came out of His body and as His blood and water were holy in nature

The spear ended up being blessed, gaining great power thus becoming a weapons of Heaven and of God Himself.

As such It is no wonder that a weapon of such power is capable of not only surviving in the Void but also protecting its master against this hell

And so a vicious cycle was born with the holy spear protecting its master and repairing his broken soul and the void trying to devour it

Until a huge throne appeared in the air, glowing white and radiating with the radiance of nine colors.

On the back of the chair, there were many minute reliefs that gave off an indescribable sense of beauty. At the top. It was the sun, the moon, and the stars. Birds and beasts were in the middle, and what was attached to the seats were the scenes of nature.

On the arms of a pair of seats were the statue of the Holy Dragon and the Twelve-Winged Angels. As soon as it appeared, the Nine Colored Halo instantly became the center of attention.

If The true Longinus was immaculate perfection then this throne is a instead sacred , The crystallization of the prayers named "Glory", " Power", "Eternity" and "Creation"

The moment this throne appeared something impossible happened this infinite void seemed to have been purified

And out of this Thorne a figure started to slowly materialize.

He wore the standard armor of a knight

With The armor parts being silver in color. While the tunics part are gold

He was without a doubt an extremely handsome man with long golden Blonde hair and matching golden eyes

His facial features were easily prettier than most girls

And as such one couldn't help but be naturally drawn at his beauty

??? : So this the cause of the universal Imbalance

(slowly he got off his throne and started walking toward The fallen warrior,

Gently kneeling to his level )

??? : I could sense you the moment you approached this realm your presence caused quite the disturbance across the universe so allow me to ask you this .... what are you ?

( suddenly The spear and The throne started shining bright and brighter and doing something than shouldn't be possible lighting the void itself)

??? : What The heck

( The Nine Colored Halo of the Thorne and the spear Golden light slowly started merging together leaving the young man in confusion)

??? : The Divine throne of eternity and creation and this spear They're communicating with each other but how could this even be possible

(As the lights grew brighter and brighter the fallen warrior body slowly started disintegrating leaving nothing but his soul that was bathed in this light slowly healing it)

??? : I see so this is your judgment …. So be it

( The mysterious man hands glowed in the same 9 colored light as The Divine Throne Of Eternity and creation and instantly a hole opened within the void easily Absorbing the soul and the spear within it.

Leaving none but him in the middle of the abyss)

??? : I wonder what kind of chaos will you make … Now better head back home before Cai Er gets worried

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