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GoT: Lucion Lannister, Kingslayer GoT: Lucion Lannister, Kingslayer original

GoT: Lucion Lannister, Kingslayer

Autor: TheRagFromTheCrag2

© WebNovel

Fair warning you guys should take advantage.

I feel like I should let you guys know now that I provide a real time update with my Discorders.

If you want to be forewarned at all take advantage of the link.

you Don't even have to participate beyond joining and saying hello.

But you will get a notification about a post of mine.

Further more if you post often enough you will become a Blue grade member. Which allows you to invite others at your discretion.

I've got one Blue Grade man right now and a single moderator.

Also as Morgan_Sinn_2309 and Lucas_ can attest, I respond to direct private messages and will happily discuss potential stories or ideas.

I do highly value my anonymity however, so DO NOT expect voice chats or video calls

last time I did that I got hacked and blackmailed....or rather the Bastard that tried to blackmail me ended up sorely regretting it.

I won't give you much on details but a good friend of mine employs me as a consultant on a case by case basis. And he has connections in our Governments Cybersecurity.

Just saying....

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