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Capítulo 22: Going once, going Twice, Sol....

The auction officially began, and an auctioneer appeared on the auction stage.

"Good evening, gentlemen," Andre Claude began, "I am the auctioneer in charge of this auction, but I believe that everyone is not interested in my name, so let's go straight to the topic... the first item'!"

The beam of light that initially illuminated the auction table gradually went out. The wealthy people with different postures in the boxes couldn't help but feel refreshed. They were satisfied with Andre's no-nonsense approach and knew the purpose of coming here.

However, the expected "goods" in bikinis did not appear when they looked at the auction stage with expectant eyes. Instead, an extra man was wearing simple sportswear with a faint smile.

Alex calmly looked at the barely visible lights, his smile remaining unchanged. But as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw red lights flashing in several boxes.

"Uh... 50,000, 100,000, 150,000..." Andre subconsciously began to perform his duties as an auctioneer.

Alex's smile froze as he looked at the several boxes with red lights flashing together. He couldn't help but feel a tinge of surprise.

"What the hell is this? These guys are so eager that they didn't even give him a second to speak? Now, these rich people are bidding on him like crazy." Alex couldn't help but question the turn of events.

"Going once. Twice. Sol...." Andre was going to sell off Alex for 10 million dollars.

But Alex went directly to Andre and kicked him off the stage, thus interrupting him. The flashing red lights in the VIP box froze, probably because the wealthy audience members were a little surprised by this sudden turn of events. But then, more red lights began to flash!

Alex's face darkened as he realized this would be a long night. It's said that the wealthy often plays strange games because they can't find happiness in ordinary things anymore. But this was a new level of weirdness, even for them.

Brian was trying his best not to laugh at the situation's absurdity. Shaking his head from laughter, he slowly went out of the auction hall to get his daughter.

As Alex looked out at the audience, he couldn't help but think that with his appearance and level, it was almost a given that something like this would happen. Although it was funny, it was another day at the office.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the confusion. I am not the item up for auction, but rather a temporary auctioneer," Alex said with a smile, trying to regain control of the situation.

"This auction is slightly different from the previous ones. The main difference is that the item for auction is no longer captured women, nor me..." With a smile, Alex pulled out a gun.

The room fell into an eerie silence as the wealthy audience stared in shock at the weapon in Alex's hand. The frantic flashing of red lights stopped instantly as everyone waited to see what would happen next.

Then, the gunfire was deafening! The sound of bullets mixed with the sound of shattering glass and screams as people fell to the ground. With a flick of his wrist, Alex controlled the lights on the auction stage, and the lights in the boxes became brighter instead.

All the wealthy audience members were frozen in place. They had never experienced anything like this before. The bullets whiz past them, some losing control of their bodily functions. And their bodyguards were all lying on the ground, dead.

"Don't move, or a bullet will send you to meet Hades, my brother, in the next second," Alex said, brandishing his gun.

Of course, because the lighting on the auction stage was now dim, the wealthy audience members couldn't see him, but his voice still rang through their headsets, making them feel more and more panicked. No one dared to move, or no one could move.

"Everyone seems very corporative, so... welcome everyone to the underground auction today's special session. Next, the auction will officially start. First, I need to introduce today's special auction items," Alex said with a grin.

He held up a camera and began to scan the faces of the rich and powerful in the audience, pausing on each one and accurately reporting their names and identities.

"Biden Berrista, the banker."

"Angus Kein, an angel investment company."

"Drew von Sebastian, an oil tycoon."

On the dark auction stage, it was as if the devil was calling out names, making everyone in the audience shudder. Alex read the names with a sneer.

"Now, the auction of your life begins. The highest bidder wins!"

The wealthy audience members were horrified as they realized the true nature of the auction they were attending. They were the ones being sold, their lives at the mercy of Alex.

Alex never considered himself a good person and didn't have a high moral standard. However, he didn't believe there was any need for ethical standards when dealing with people who claim superiority and disregard human lives.

So, Alex felt that what he was doing was entirely appropriate. Since they enjoyed participating in auctions so much and liked to use the money to buy other people's lives as a tool for their own pleasure, let them experience it themselves.


A gunshot rang out, and a wealthy man fell to the ground, still clutching his mobile phone tightly.

"I forgot to mention, during this auction, no communication devices are allowed. My eyesight is quite good," Alex said, his flat tone sending shivers down the audience's spines.

"Okay, it seems that no one has any objections, so I declare the official start of this auction. Based on my perspective, one by one from left to right first up is Mr. Biden Berrista," Alex said, glancing at the man's entry.

"Introducing our first 'item,' this Mr. Banker is an expert in constructing leather-cased banks to deceive people into depositing their money and then running away with it.

He's also known for negotiating with real estate developers to create loan traps with unfinished houses and providing false insurance purchase services. All these shady practices have allowed him to accumulate an unimaginable amount of wealth in a short time!"

Alex picked up a small hammer and tapped it lightly, "If you purchase this gentleman, you'll get a powerful deposit management assistant. The only thing you need to worry about is him accidentally running away with all your money using the false accounts he's set up..."

"But compared to the skills he knows, it's just a small drawback that's not worth mentioning, isn't it?"

"So now, let the bidding begin! The starting price is 50,000 dollars, and each increase must not be less than 50,000 dollars!" Biden Berrista's face was ashen as he realized the true nature of the auction.

He didn't know how Alex could speak so accurately about his past misdeeds, but at this moment, he couldn't refute it, nor did he dare to. The most uncomfortable thing for him was that he had come here as a bidder. Still, instead, he had become a commodity to be auctioned.

The gap between the two was large. It was the complete opposite. It was like going to a brothel to relax instead of having to entertain customers yourself.

The entire auction venue fell into silence as soon as Alex's voice fell. No one dared to make a sound, and no one dared to press the red button in front of them, representing a bid.

It was understandable. Who would dare to be the first to bid under such circumstances? Not to mention, the item being auctioned was one of their own...

"Is no one participating in the auction?" Alex waited patiently for a while before asking.

No one dared to answer.

"Okay, then, congratulations, Mr. Biden Berrista, as a non-selling item, you have successfully passed the auction. You can leave now," Alex said, looking at Biden.

Biden was taken aback for a moment, then an expression of disbelief appeared. The rest of the audience was also taken aback. was so easy to let people go?

At that moment, everyone clearly saw a beam of fire light up on the auction stage, almost at the same time as a gunshot. Before the happy smile on Biden's face had a chance to form, he was already frozen. Out of his mind, he fell straight down.

"Leave and go to the hell where you belong. I'm a kind person. I'll give you a ride to my brother's place," Alex said, turning his attention to the rest of the audience.

"The reserve price of only 50,000 dollars is definitely a drop in everyone's net worth. The goods that can be sold at such a low price must be of poor quality," Alex said, analyzing methodically as if he had not fired the shot just now.

"I'm here to assure everyone who participated in this auction that all the goods in the special auction will be high-quality goods of the highest caliber, and they are worth buying at high prices. However, we will destroy the non-selling item like Biden Berrista on the spot to ensure our reputation!"

The audience was horrified. They understood the true nature of this auction, and none of them will be able to leave here alive.

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