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Capítulo 89: Chapter 89: Trickled, Betrayed And Quite Possibly Part 1

Lex showed a very visible look of displeasure as he looked towards the outside of his cell, where an unexpected guest stood, looking at Lex as if he were some comical attractions at a zoo.

"Arias Markovic…" Luthor muttered those words slowly before the frown he had on his face faded and was replaced by a grin. "What brings you here?" He added.

No matter how cool Lex tried to play it, Arias was well aware of his situation, and was here to capitalize on it. So, he also showed a confident grin and shrugged his shoulders ever so slightly before replying. "Oh, I had some business to take care of here and thought I should stop by to pass my greetings. After all, it may be the last time I see within the span of three years."

Once Arias said those words, Luthor no longer grinned and instead furrowed his brows. "You don't want me as an enemy Markovic." Luthor warned in a grave tone but Arias simply laughed in his face.

"Enemy? You've already tried to kill me once and ruin my reputation multiple times, and you have the audacity to claim we aren't already enemies? Please don't humor me Lex."

Arias soon ceased smiling and his expression turned serious. "It's you who doesn't want me as an enemy Lex, just look where that's gotten you so far. This time a presidential pardon won't work either, in fact, a little birdy told me the President hates your guts. Tsk, tsk, whatever shall you do?"

Lex was smart enough to know when the cards were against him. He realized that Arias had a far better understanding of his predicament than he initially thought. Worse off, threats weren't going to get through so Lex could only admit defeat this time.

"Name your price, everybody has one."

'Got him!' Arias thought to himself, whilst keeping the same expression on the surface. He didn't hesitate to answer Lex by saying "5 billion."

"What!?" Lex couldn't help but shout upon hearing that absurd number. His frown became more evident as he looked at the grinning face of Arias. "That price is absurd! Are you mad?"

To that question, Arias shook his head side to side before replying, "No, but you're desperate. Plus, I need to be compensated for the damages your little thugs caused to my city, as well as the attempt on my life. If you ask me, my asking price is rather low."

Negotiations were always tough when one was desperate, such was the case. Still, 5 billion was a large sum, even for Lex whose company made billions in revenue each year. So, he tried to counter offer, "1 billion, I won't go any higher."

No businessman would accept the first demand so easily without counteroffering a lower or more advantageous price. Sadly, this wasn't a normal dealing so Arias wasn't even willing to negotiate. "Then we have nothing else to discuss, this wasn't a negotiation Lex."

After saying that, Arias turned away from the cell and began walking away.

"Wait! Don't be unreasonable!" Lex yelled, but Arias's footsteps continued to become more and more distant. "Okay half!", he added. But still, Arias continued to walk away.

Lex was desperate with very few options open to him. Furthermore, although 5 billion was an immense amount of money, it wasn't an amount that would hurt his finances. So, with a heavy heart, he yelled. "Fine, it's a deal. Get me out and-"

Arias wasn't about to let Lex try and control the direction of the transaction so he cut him off and spoke. "I'll leave the account details in which you should deposit the money to that pretty little henchwoman of yours. You have 48 hours to deliver the funds and I'll have this fiasco disappear. Fail to do that and I'll consider the deal void, don't bother trying to contact me, I won't respond. Just do your part and I'll do mine."

After giving those instructions, Arias left without giving Luthor the chance to say anything.

By setting clear instructions for Luthor to follow, Arias left him no choice but to comply unless he risked causing the entire transaction to collapse.

He even went a step by barring communication. This meant Lex couldn't stall for time or try to make excuses. So, if he delayed the payment or tried to, he needed to be willing to risk everything.

…truly a tough spot to be in.

Lex could only return to his lone bed and sit at the edge while thinking of all the ways he would ruin Arias once he got out. 'You'll definitely pay me back for this.'

Unknown to Lex, once Arias got outside cell hall, Luthor's lawyer was waiting outside anxiously.

Arias approached the man and tapped his shoulder. "Good work, he genuinely believes that he might get a harsh sentencing. Once my business is done with him, I'll keep my end of the bargain."

The lawyer trembled at those words and a cold sweat appeared on his brow.

"He'll kill me once he realizes I lied about the gravity of the charges and you can bet he won't stop at anything to ruin you. Please just rethink this, let my wife and children go-."

As man was about to plead, Arias strengthened his grip on the man's shoulder, causing bones to creak. "Shhh, you're overstepping your limits. You only need to concern yourself with the now. Unlike Luthor, if you disappoint me, I will make sure your entire extended family dies miserably before dealing with you last. Are we clear?"

The man became teary eyed but the situation was hopeless. He needed to make a choice, and right now, Arias seemed like the right bet. At least with Luthor, only he was in danger, or so he assumed.

Due to that, he reluctantly nodded, "Crystal clear."

Once Arias heard those words, he let the man go and gestured over the police officer on duty in the corner.

The officer walked over and saluted Arias as if he were in command before speaking in a respective tone. "Are you done sir?"

Arias gave light nod before giving the lawyers back a pat.

"I am and so is he. Please keep an ear and eye open to any and all visitors Mr. Luthor may have. Ensure your colleagues are aware of this as well, understood?"

The officer grinned and nodded. "Understood sir."

With that said, Arias excused himself and left the area alone, while the lawyer got escorted. During their way out, he couldn't help but notice just how respectful many of the officers were to Arias.

It became clear to the man at that moment.

'He really controls Gotham…'

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