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Capítulo 16: chapter 16

Remy abruptly opened his eyes, sweat dripping down his forehead. The dream was still so vivid in his mind that he could taste the metallic tang of blood in his mouth. Enemy soldiers lay around him, their bodies motionless and lifeless. He had destroyed them all with unsettling ease, as if they were mere flies in his path.

But something was wrong. Remy knew that to become a heroic spirit, he needed to be stronger. He needed to be the strongest. That had always been his goal, the reason why he was in this simulation. However, as he drowned in his own strength, he had forgotten the purpose of it all.

He looked around, searching for Jeanne, but she wasn't there. Where was she? He had fallen asleep next to her, feeling her soft and steady breathing. But now she was gone, as if she had never been there. Remy felt a wave of panic spread through his body. He couldn't lose Jeanne. She was his anchor in this world, the only thing that kept him sane and balanced.

But then he remembered: Jeanne wasn't real. She was just a creation of the simulation, a program designed to help him on his journey. He had forgotten that too. He had lost himself in this virtual world, forgetting his true mission.

Remy felt a lump form in his throat. He needed to focus. He needed to remember why he was here. He needed to be the strongest. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind. He couldn't allow himself to lose focus. He couldn't allow himself to forget why he was fighting.

Remy knew he was lying to himself. He knew that everything happening there was real, that every battle, every victory, and every defeat were real. But he needed to keep himself in check, he needed to maintain sanity amidst all the chaos around him.

As he reflected on his situation, Remy realized that he had become too attached to Jeanne. She was his source of comfort, his security in this hostile world. But he knew he couldn't rely on her forever. He needed to find strength within himself, needed to be able to face any challenge without anyone's help.

He looked at his hands, still trembling from the dream he had just had. His hands were strong, but he needed to strengthen his mind. He needed to be able to control his instincts, to deal with the pressure and stress that came with every battle.

Remy sighed deeply and stood up. He knew what he needed to do. He needed to train more, fight more, challenge himself more. He needed to become the strongest not only physically but also mentally. He couldn't allow himself any more distractions; he couldn't allow his fears and insecurities to control him.

He looked at the wall, determined. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to face any challenge. He was no longer alone, he had himself. And that was all he needed to win.

"Ré." Jeanne entered the room where Remy was preparing for his spear training. The boy looked at her, his blue eyes still holding the intensity of his determination. Jeanne, in turn, couldn't help but notice the beauty of Remy's eyes, even though they weren't as striking as before.

She called him for a walk, and Remy, even without knowing the reason, readily agreed. He held his spear firmly and followed Jeanne out of the room. As they passed by the fort, the soldiers who were nearby whispered lowly, expecting him to be locked up in his training.

"We thought he would be locked up," one of them whispered.

"Hey, can't he kill all of us here?" another sneered.

Remy heard everything but didn't care. He was willing to do whatever it took for Jeanne, and those words meant nothing to him. As they walked, Jeanne looked angrily towards the soldiers who were whispering, showing that she would not let such comments go unpunished.

The sun was shining in the open sky, but Remy and Jeanne walked in silence. He felt a mixture of emotions within him, uncertain about what she wanted or what would happen. But his loyalty to Jeanne was unwavering, and he was willing to follow her wherever she went.

Remy was confused, trying to understand his own feelings towards Jeanne and the loyalty he felt towards his friends. Even though they had some contacts, he wasn't sure if she shared his feelings or if she was interested in him in the same way.

As they walked together out of the fort, Jeanne walked ahead, gracefully swaying her blonde hair. Remy couldn't take his eyes off her, and despite being lost in his own thoughts, he couldn't help but notice how confident and determined she looked.

"Aren't you going to get a headache walking like that?" Remy asked, trying to make conversation.

Jeanne turned to him with an enigmatic smile on her lips. "No, I find it fun," she said, shaking her head to let her hair even looser.

Remy couldn't help but notice how comfortable she seemed with herself, so secure and confident in her own skin. He wondered if he himself would be able to have so much confidence in himself in the past.

As they walked together, Remy noticed that the sun was starting to set on the horizon, tinting the sky with shades of orange and pink. He felt grateful for Jeanne's company in this beautiful moment and thought that perhaps he could find the courage to open up to her about his feelings. But for now, he would be content just to appreciate her presence and the beauty around him.

Remy felt that something was changing inside him. He couldn't deny that he was becoming more attached to Jeanne, and that a new feeling was growing in his heart.

In the past, he saw Jeanne only as a friend, someone he could trust and share his concerns with. But now, he was beginning to realize that she was much more than that. He admired her courage, determination, and beauty. Every time he saw her, he felt a strange sensation in his chest, a mix of euphoria and nervousness.

He wondered if Jeanne felt the same way about him. But at the same time, he was afraid of ruining their friendship, of losing the trust and affection she dedicated to him.

Remy felt the cold texture of the spear in his hands as he walked along the dirt path with Jeanne by his side. He looked around, watching the grass gently swaying in the breeze, feeling the tranquility of nature around him. The fresh air filled his lungs and he felt alive.

When he arrived at an open space, Remy stopped and positioned his spear, preparing to train. He adjusted his posture, maintaining balance and concentration, while visualizing his movements before executing them. Jeanne watched closely, admiring her companion's skill and determination.

Remy began to move with agility, performing precise and graceful movements with his spear. He felt the strength and energy flowing through his body, focusing on every movement. The sound of the spear metal cutting through the air echoed through the environment, giving a sense of power and intensity.

While Rémy moved with his spear in hand, he felt all his thoughts and worries escaping from his mind. The guilt for the death of the enemy army he faced a few days ago was replaced by a feeling of freedom and pleasure of being in tune with his own body. Every move he made was fluid and precise, following the rhythm of the grasses swaying around him.

He started with a simple move, spinning the spear around his body, feeling the weight and texture of the metal in his hands. Then he took a step forward and executed a quick and precise move, striking the air with the spear. The sound of the metal cutting through the air was like music to his ears.

The following moves were more complex, involving jumps, spins, and feints. Rémy moved with grace and agility, enjoying the natural beauty around him. The light of the setting sun tinged the sky with a radiant orange color, creating an impressive backdrop for Jeanne, who watched with admiration.

As Rémy continued to train, he felt his muscles working, his breathing accelerated, and sweat dripping down his face. But he didn't care about that, as he was completely immersed in the present moment, enjoying every second of his practice.

Finally, after a few minutes of intense training, Rémy stopped. He took a deep breath, feeling the energy pulsing through his body. He looked at Jeanne, who smiled and applauded his performance. He smiled back, feeling renewed, both physically and mentally.

Rémy realized that when he trains everything in his mind disappears, he feels focused and calm as if nothing could shake him. Of course, when he is with Jeanne, he feels a similar feeling.

Applause echoed in the air, and Rémy looked in the direction from where it came, finding Jeanne watching as he trained with his spear. Sincerely, Jeanne said, "Rémy, I'm really impressed. I don't know much about the art of the spear, but your technique is impressive."

Rémy was impressed with Jeanne's appearance. Before, he had not noticed that she was wearing armor because he was immersed in his own thoughts. Noticing the special helmet that surrounded her face, he wondered how he had missed it. The ornate silver armor, with chains attached around the pieces, was imposing and elegant, perfectly matching the long white dress underneath, which increased the delicacy of her appearance.

Jeanne turned around, letting her hair down, so Rémy could better appreciate her appearance. With a smile, she asked, "So, what do you think?" Rémy was speechless, impressed with Jeanne's beauty and elegance. He replied, stuttering a bit, "You look amazing. I've never seen you so beautiful and powerful at the same time."

Jeanne let out a pleasant laugh as she approached Rémy, "Stop being silly, Rémy. This is just armor." She continued, looking into Rémy's blue eyes, "I was thinking of wearing male armor and cutting my hair, but I think I don't need it."

Rémy couldn't help but smile as he heard Jeanne speak. "You don't need it, Jeanne. You look like a man even with long hair," he joked. Jeanne reacted quickly, pinching one of Rémy's arms. "Hey, don't do that! You've turned into a child again?" he said, pretending to be in pain.

Jeanne laughed again and pinched Rémy's arm again, knowing that he was not feeling any pain. "Maybe I've become a child again," she replied to Rémy's question. He sighed sadly, wiping away tears that weren't in his eyes. "Too bad. I liked your young version so much."

Jeanne turned her back to Rémy. He decided to ask a question that had been on his mind, or rather, to ask her: "Jeanne, would you run away with me?" Jeanne, who was walking backwards, stopped immediately. Her whole body was petrified, and even her hair seemed frozen in place. Rémy, realizing he caught her off guard, continued: "I know it may seem quite cowardly of me, but I wanted to leave here, go to another peaceful and calm place, or something like that, with you."

Jeanne was paralyzed. She turned to Rémy, her eyes fixed on him, while her hand trembled violently. The evident concern on Rémy's face indicated that he knew his words could have an immense impact on Jeanne, who had a burning desire to save France from oppression.

With a trembling voice, Jeanne replied, "Ré... I can't. I really wanted to, but when I hear God's voice with sadness and lament, I cannot abandon Him, just as I cannot abandon the people who are being oppressed." Jeanne looked away, unable to face Rémy as tears began to roll down her face.

With a trembling smile at the corner of her lips, she continued, "I... I... I'm sorry!" Jeanne's voice was full of sadness and regret, and her whole body seemed to shake as she struggled to control herself.

Without waiting for a response from Rémy, Jeanne turned abruptly and ran towards the fort, with tears still running down her face. The anguish in her heart was palpable, but she could not stop fighting for her cause, even if it meant facing her deepest fears.


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