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"Hector, there's a problem." that's the first thing he hears on the phone. Here is the situation. Hector owns several football clubs worldwide, and growth has been stable.

Hector set a strict financial policy. Each budget is calculated in advance, and a backup budget is provided in case of a deficit. But the problem is here. If the emergency budget is used, something is wrong with the situation.

Hector is furious, and his correspondent in Spain does not know what to say.

"Paco, so you're telling me that there is a shortfall of 5 million with the relief budget included? You call me knowing that you are not going to survive? Isn't it? »

"President, calm down. The situation is not so serious. Paco apologized, but Hector could only hear sight.

"I told you to use data for transfers and payroll management. I set you up a scouting team and give you a director's position, high-level equipment, and authority over transfer rights, but how do you explain all this to me? To whom did you give a club mandate? «

The club mandate allows a sporting director to contact an agent to help him acquire a player. In other words, an agent will have the authority of the sporting director for the duration of a transfer. At the same time, they are taking a remuneration often between 5 and 7% of the transfer amount.

It is a harmful system because the paying club pays more, and the selling club loses money. He gave Hector's money to another. Only Belinda has the right to club mandate in his circle e of teams. And Paco broke that taboo. It is normal for Hector to be angry.

"This player, you'll get him out of the team this summer. You've done a good job so far. We made a profit with little risk, but greed is a sin. »

The recruitment process of Hector's teams is based on data, but there are more. There is an extensive system behind it. First, national markets or the best academies produce more than they need.

The team captain was bought free from the academy of Real Madrid. And they also know how to look lower. The team's primary goalkeeper is a goalkeeper from the Spanish amateur division. Today, he is a Peruvian international.

Then the good moves. Players in underrated championships that usually don't cost much.

Then comes the South American market. Via the Guarani clubs in Paraguay and Santos Laguna, they filter the best players from these countries and sign them. Brazil and Argentina are too targeted. They focus on other countries, especially Bolivia.

One of the most significant sales was a Bolivian bought for €150,000 and resold for €17 million two years later in England.

Not to mention the African market via Polisi Dodoma in Tanzania brought players from all over Africa to Gent in Belgium. Gent is the primary user of this branch. A Tanzanian signed in Belgium became an indisputable holder. He is in high demand in the Premier League.

And the Welsh market. Newport is now in the Championship (D2 England), and many players come from the local league. And there is a crack that came from Bala Town. At only 17 years old, he became a starting goalkeeper and solid in the two years he has been on the team.

He is only 19 years old but one of his generation's best young goalkeepers. If he has not left the team, it is only because he wants a place as a starter that he has at Newport.

He has difficulty understanding how to use the club mandate with such a network.

"All I can tell you is that it won't be without consequences for you. I will put my hand in my wallet and leave all recruitment operations to Santi now. »

He demoted Paco. Paco does not dare to contest the choice of the boss.

It was with a Hector trying to get through his nerves that the poor Timberwolves came to Sacramento.

30 points, 32 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 steals, and 5 blocks later, he fell asleep after a mediation session.

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