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Capítulo 104: 104. Sins For The Greater Good  

Days passed, and the wizarding world outside only grew increasingly furious with the British Ministry of Magic. Happy was still in Azkaban, and it had been months. Voices from all corners began to come forward, and letters of disappointment flooded the Ministry to the point their incinerator ran twenty-four hours, all day each month, just to burn them. But, when the Ministers and Presidents of other powerful nations' wizarding organizations came, a reply had to be sent.

And the new Minister for Magic, Dolores Umbridge, was too proud to bow down. Every single time her reply was the same, "This is an internal matter of the British Wizarding Government. We are handling it with care and much thought."

Heck, protest rallies started in Diagon Alley, and the shops refused to pay taxes in protest. As expected, the Ministry had never created a real regulation that made the payment of taxes compulsory by law. So, nobody bothered when the collectors came.

Many Aurors stopped coming to work in protest, and a few other employees of the Ministry went on strike. It was the opening of a storm drain, and Happy had only fanned the flames of the already frustrated British Wizarding society. The laws were unbalanced, and the Ministry wasn't transparent.

Slowly, as the date of the last day of the Triwizard Tournament came closer, some small amount of distraction gave a little room to breathe for the new Minister.

However, for the unaware eyes and ears, it was merely the finale of a long show.



A thunderstorm brewed outside, and the clouds covered the sky above. It was a dark morning to the day, but for Happy, it was the brightest since the chains that bind him to a silly fate were going to be destroyed.

"Marcus." He called his chief elf butler to his room. "Bring the package."


Instantly, four elves and one wizard named Bob, the head of Happy's hundred wizard army, appeared before him. But they weren't alone, as they surrounded a petrified body, hovering between them. It was a man with long blonde hair.

"His wand?" Happy asked. "Did he fire the spells I asked for?"

"He did, Boss," Bob replied and tossed Happy the extravagant wand. But Happy only touched it after wearing gloves. "Let's start the game then. Marcus, follow me through the portal. I've already knocked out the guards and locked them away. The Dementors have also received my instructions. Bob, you'll be going back."

No questions were asked, and soon the preparations were done. However, before everything, Happy walked closer to the blonde petrified man. "Lucius Malfoy, you thought I wouldn't know where you're spending all your money? Calling for all the pureblood wizards to place a bounty on me? This was even when I've earned more than a billion for you—unacceptable and quite stupid. Now, the consequences are yours to bear."

Lucius Malfoy never thought he'd find himself in Azkaban like that. He had been tricked by Bob into coming for a meeting with Happy in Africa, saying Happy was never in prison. But he only found a hundred, well-armed wizards waiting for him there.

"F-Forgive me… my Lord," Lucius uttered.

Happy shook his head, "You were going to say those same words to your Dark Lord, weren't you? Save your breath, the Dementors will love it."


"You won't be missed, and I'm sure Draco will hate you; As will your wife. You'll be found and killed while attempting to break the Death Eaters out—Ah, I can already see the articles in every newspaper around the world. But don't worry, I'll be there as a comforting shoulder for Draco, he's been very loyal to me—truly a good kid, just lacking some discipline. But again, with you around, I shouldn't have expected it in the first place."

Lucius' eyes widened in shock as the realization set in. Everything was a setup, everything was fake. From the arrest to the articles, it was all a grand plan. He was never even playing the game, but rather being played around.

"Follow me." Happy walked forward and created a portal for himself. The elves also followed with Lucius behind.

In a moment, they appeared at the top floor of Azkaban, where the most vile prisoners were kept—Death Eaters, basically. The place was dim, and the walls were damp. There were no windows for air to come in, but there was a gap in the roof from where the Dementors entered and exited one at a time.

There were numerous tiny cells with iron bars, and behind them were the prisoners, kept with their hands and feet tied firmly to the walls. Heck, there wasn't even a toilet, and they were expected to relieve themselves right there. The filth was cleaned every two days by the assigned guard with magic. For the food, they were given insect-infested flavorless porridge made from the worst quality of wheat or rice. Almost no money was spent on them.

Such methods did make Happy wonder why they were even kept alive like that, if reformation wasn't even an option. Why not just execute them?


Happy cast a Lumos Spell and made the surroundings brighter. Instantly, all the Dementors stopped and gathered in an empty corner like obedient soldiers. Meanwhile, the prisoners crawled closer to their cell bars and looked out.

"A boy?"

Happy glanced and saw the extremely thin, almost dead woman with dark wrinkly hair. "Ah, you must be my sister-in-law—Bellatrix Lestrange. Now, where are my brothers?"

Happy looked further and soon found his two supposed brothers. Both of them looked at him with hope in their eyes, wondering if their blood was finally going to prove they were stronger than anything else.

"I'm Happy Flamel Lestrange, it's honestly a disgrace for me to share the same name with you three. I had hoped that you had died a long time ago, but alas, I have to get my hands dirty." Happy said, his voice a little shaky since he never really actively tried to kill someone in his life. "However, today, it will all end."

Rodolphus Lestrange called him. "H-Happy… We're brothers… why would y…"

Happy shook his head. "Shut your filthy mouth! Brothers, you say? I don't even know you, a so-called slave of the so-called pureblooded Dark Lord, who himself was a half-blood. His mother used a love potion to conceive him, did you know? I think you do, and yet you remained his loyal dog.

"You ruined the name of the Lestrange family! You ruined the wealth of the Lestrange family—all for what? Imprisonment? To make a pureblood order? You dumb, thickheaded, retarded, neanderthals!" Happy seriously erupted at that moment, angry because he saw no sense in what they had done. "Did you honestly believe that if you won, the entire world would just sit and watch?

"The goddamn United States with its army of tens of millions of wizards would've come and tear you to pieces for trying to take over the world—Army of wizards in hundreds of millions from India and China would've loved to feed you to their dragons! How in the hell did you believe it was a plan worth following? Tell me! Enlighten me!"

Happy roared at them, and his voice actually made them all shiver, except for Bellatrix. She was just too mentally deranged for some reason.

As Happy expected, there were no answers when confronted with cold, hard facts. Happy had questioned Voldemort's grand plan for years, because, in the end, that creature was merely trying to take over a single school—and still died. So what if he split his soul, he remained idiotic.

"I find it disgusting to breathe the same air as you." Happy moved closer to his elf helpers. "I know you're planning on escaping next year. I know your Dark Lord is going to return—you probably have already received the news. But I can't let that happen."

"Happy… we're family," Rodolphus said.

Happy shook his head. A faint smile was on his lips. "No, my real family is somewhere far, far away, and they are the kindest people I can ever think of, who loved me unconditionally even when I was at my lowest… Dementors—kiss them."

Happy took out Lucius' wand from his robes and pointed it at the ceiling, "Bombarda Maxima!"


A deafening explosion took place and destroyed a huge chunk of the prison's roof. The rain and strong winds from the storm started to come inside, while the hundreds of Dementors that sat ready to move there entered and circled around each Death Eater in the prison.

The Dementors moved their hoods back from their heads, revealing a very disgusting ghoulish face with sharp long teeth. They went closer to the faces of their victims and sucked the soul out of their bodies.

"H-Happy… Please spare us."

"Did you spare the Longbottoms when they pleaded the same way that night?" Happy replied but didn't look at them. "Once out, you'll only kill more people, and spread chaos with your rotten ideas. I hate myself for doing this, and I'll probably never forget this—but for the greater good, some sacrifices have to be made."


At last, the Dementors ate Lucius' soul, and soon, one after another, bodies began to fall. Additionally, once Lucius fell, Happy placed the wand back in his hand and stepped back.

"I'll return to the room and wait there. You four return to Hogwarts, and send the message." Happy ordered the four elves. Then, he also returned to his room on the lower floors.



Soon, the gigantic alarm bells at the base of the tower started to ring. They were magically created to sound louder, and were supposed to act like sonar—wherever the soundwaves hit a body, the location was registered. At the same time, once the bell rang, a similar bell was to go off in the Ministry of Magic.

However, in the Ministry, the moment the bell rang, part two of the grand plan took action.

Ministry of Magic,

Bam! Bam!

"Come out, Umbride! You're surrounded! You took bribes from purebloods to favor them! We even have an ICW warrant to arrest you!"

Umbridge, hiding inside her office chamber, shouted back, "I'm the Minister for Magic! I hold the supreme authority in Britain. How dare you try to arrest me, Moody?! You should go back to Hogwarts and do your job!"

"Enough, I'm breaking in!"


Alastor Moody exploded the door away and entered with his loyal Aurors. Happy only remained inside the prison so the Ministry could be silently cleaned from within. While all eyes were on the chaos due to Happy, the cleaning wands were at work. "Seize her wand and place her in the cells. Her crimes will be investigated further—until then, I've been given the authority to serve as the provisional Minister for Magic."

Moody entered the office with heavy footsteps, using his cane to walk. He oversaw the Aurors taking the woman out of his sight and wasted no time in taking the Minister's chair.

He immediately picked up a piece of paper and quill, and wrote down the order with his stamp underneath.

[I hereby order the release of Happy Flamel Lestrange from Azkaban for the unproven crimes. ICW's laws have been amended, and Mr. Lestrange's actions have been found within the confines of what is allowed.

Effective Immediately,

Minister for Magic,

Alastor Moody]

"Take this to Azkaban immediately, Bones." Moody sealed the letter in an envelope. "And prepare yourself for phase three—that magnificent lad turned out to be a greater mind than that old man."

Amelia Bones, an upright and just wizard, firmly nodded. "Understood, Minister."


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