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Capítulo 11: Chapter 11) Choices...Choices!

"Are you ready for this?" Ryan asked as they stood outside the only hospital in Forks. Leah had been standing with him out front for the past twenty minutes not saying anything, earlier they had seen Sam along with who he thought was Paul walking into the hospital, so there was no way to avoid this talk.

Leah sighed as she looked at him, "I really want to say no, but I know that I need to do this. So sure why not."

Taking her hand he led her into the hospital, Emily's room was on the second floor, with a hospital that only had two floors that told how serious her condition was since that is where the ICU was. Leah held his hand tight as they made their way past reception and into the elevators, Seth had stayed home, apparently he went with his mom before to see her so he didn't want to again until she got home, in two days.

As they stepped into the elevator they came across Alice, Esme and Rosalie, Esme was smiling along with Alice as they walked inside, Rosalie seemed to tense and her scowl grew as she looked at the two of them. "Hello Ryan." Alice said with a smile and a wave.

"Hello Ryan." Esme said with a polite smile.

Rosalie didn't say anything but seemed to be glaring at him and Leah, he sent them a neutral stare before nodding his head, he was wondering why he kept being near this family. Then he knew that Carlisle worked at the hospital, it was natural that they would be there, it was sort of neutral territory for them, though Carlisle wasn't allowed to operate on them without permission.

The air was tense and awkward, from Rosalie seemingly having a glaring contest with herself and Alice and Esme acting as though it was all natural which only caused him to shake his head, they wouldn't change at all.

Finally the elevator reached the second floor releasing them all, Ryan couldn't have been more thankful as he walked out with Leah, well that was until he remembered why they were there in the first place. He didn't remember until Leah paused outside the doors leading to the rooms, also the fact that someone was rushed by on a gurney, Leah though had stopped and was just staring at the doors that led to her cousin.

"I'm not weak." She said randomly as she stood there staring at the door, "I know I'm not. Emily is there and she knows I'm coming that is fine, but Sam and Paul are in there too, that is not fine."

Ryan nodded his head but didn't say anything, he knew that she needed this moment for herself, he figured he might be the same way in this situation so he let her do as she pleased.

"Okay we can go." Leah said with a determined nod as she finally started to walk through the doors.

Ryan was actually being dragged some as she pulled him into the hallway, it wasn't that he was reluctant but he just wasn't expecting her to move as she did, she was using all her strength. Shaking his head he followed her with a soft smile, it wasn't hard to find their room as they watched Paul walk out at that moment, though seeing Leah and Ryan he paused.

Leah sent a scowl his way before pushing him out the way and walking in the room, the entire time she didn't let go of his hand as they walked into the room which only had Sam and Emily at the moment. Ryan heard a low growl as he passed by but ignored it, sure he was a little scared but to protect Leah he would take that hit.

As the occupants of the room noticed them Ryan stood there awkwardly, Leah smiled lightly at Emily while Sam was glaring at them, though that might have just been how his face was always set. There was a solid two minutes of nothing but silence, Ryan had let go of Leah's hand while moving to stand at the wall, crossing his arms he sent her a small smile while waiting.

"Hey Em..." Leah said taking the open seat next to her bed the only other was the one Sam was in. It was clear though that she was ignoring him as she talked to Emily though.

As Ryan stood there listening to the cousins speak quietly he saw that Sam was looking at him, the next moment he got a head nod towards the door, sighing he turned to go. "Where are you going?" Leah asked him as he made his way towards the door.

Smiling he winked at her, "Going to get some terrible hospital coffee. Be right back, enjoy this time."

She watched him and Sam for a moment before nodding. Ryan chuckled before walking out the room with Sam right behind him, as they walked out the room Paul was waiting there, seeing them come out he looked at the two.

Ryan started walking to where he saw the coffee cart when they arrived, "Where are you going, I wanted to talk." Sam gruffed seeing Ryan walk away.

Ryan paused turning back and smiling, "I am going to get some terrible coffee. That is what I told Leah so that is what I am doing. Follow if you want to talk."

Sam and Paul watched him for a moment before following, "How is Leah?" Sam asked when they caught him as he was pouring himself some coffee.

Laughing lightly Ryan shook his head, "Really? You dump the girl by letting her catch you with Emily, then proceeded to let Emily get hurt and you want to ask me how Leah is doing?"

Paul was shaking a little as he said, "Hey asshole why don't you just answer the question before I make you."

Pausing Ryan was about to answer but something that hadn't happened in all the years he has had the system happened, it sent him a gift but also a decision.

[Host affection with Leah has reached 90% meaning he is someone important in her life, but Host is also the Mate of a vampire. The Sim System determined that Host is intertwined with the plot.

Host has a choice to make

Choice #1: Host can gain the abilities of the Shifters to become a wolf like them. Host will automatically be an Alpha wolf and can decided if he wants to accept pack members or not. (Note: You will smell no different to Vampires.)

Choice #2: Host can become a vampire (not limited to Twilight world) Host will gain a random power to go along with being a vampire.

Choice #3: Remain human.....99.99% chance Host will die before the plot of the series starts.]

Ryan was stunned, "I need to use the bathroom give me a moment."

Ignoring the angry Paul he walked away from them both and headed to the nearest bathroom, walking inside he went to the last stall going inside and locking the door. The message was still in front of his face at the moment but he wasn't looking at it or worried about it, instead he was lost in thought.

He skipped the shifter stuff and payed attention to being the Mate of a vampire, which was something he honestly couldn't wrap his head around at the moment. Unlike Bella he had a problem with someone who had cold skin that was and hard as marble, it was something that he didn't want to even be in contact with.

Though at the same time if it was Kate or Tanya he wouldn't mind, Kate was playful and he loved her electrical ability it was something he thought was cute how she played with it using it on people. And Tanya was a cool beauty who was the leader of their coven, he was attracted to the way she held herself around others, also he loved how she didn't back down to Carlisle.

Anyone else well, he didnt know what to do he liked Alice but she was obviously with Jasper. Which made him think of Rosalie and groan, it wasn't hard for him to piece together that it was her, he didn't know how to feel about that, she was an ice cold beauty because of her past which he couldn't blame her for.

Sighing he leaned against the door while thinking this over, it wasn't really a hard choice, three was out of the option he would rather not die, he actually loved this life a lot. So it was between being a Vampire, which wasn't limited to this world, which was something he loved but also it wasn't a guarantee that he wouldn't become one like this world, which he didn't want.

The power also wasn't something to base it on, it didn't say he was getting an awesome power, it only said that he would be getting a power. So he could get something weak like enhanced vision.

As for being a shifter he was cool with that, plus he would be an Alpha so he was fine with that.... honestly it was the only real option seeing as he didn't want to be a vampire. Being immortal is a curse and something that he didn't like, while it wasn't guaranteed he wouldn't die it also didn't mean he would live.

"System give me option one." Ryan said sighing.

[Host has chosen to become a shifter, shifter blood will be fully integrated into Host blood in 23hours 59minutes and 50seconds.]

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