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Capítulo 12: CH-12

"Have you been thinking of names for the baby Mom?" Liam asked.

"Well not yet sweetie, but I'll tell you once I think of some beautiful names for the baby" Silvia said giving a small smile to her son.

"Well, then I guess we're having a new member in the family!" John laughed loudly, he was happy that they were having another child.

He felt lucky with the life he has. A stable job as an insurance manager, though the company isn't well-known and small. John's paycheck allowed him to give three delicious meals to his family and give them their basic needs.

A beautiful and caring wife, and a genius son, and now he was expecting a new member of their family.

After their dinner. Liam and John went to the study. John wanted to ask about Liam's comics' next superhero release. John has been pressured since Brian was impatient about when will there be another release of a new superhero series.

"So what is it, Dad?" Liam asked.

As they both sat down on the sofa John finally opened his mouth. "Well, it's regarding your next superhero. Brian was asking me if we would show new comics, because of the success of GOTG he was asking me if we had plans to publicize more for the fans"

"Hmm yeah well I was planning on showing a new series, Spider-Man. But for now, let's let the Guardians of the Galaxy shine in its spotlight. After the popularity of GOTG would die down then we will release the new superhero."

Liam wanted the Guardians of the Galaxy to shine in its spotlight and when the popularity would die down then he will showcase the new superhero Spider-Man.

This way with the GOTG (Guardians of the Galaxy) fans finding out that there is another series they would move to Spider-Man earning him once more Millions of fan points.

"Hmm, that's a good marketing strategy, Liam." John nodded his head in understanding. He already had made plans for his son's GOTG.

Still, he wanted to ask for Liam's plans and this amazed him again. John already thought that his initial prediction is correct. Liam did have talent when it comes to business.

"Also here, Dad. I want Brian to print the Spider-Man comic in preparation. Once the popularity of GOTG dies off then we will release this earning another wave of popularity" Liam said as he handed the full comic story of Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man.

"Sure!" John took the paper and immediately left to hide it inside his suitcase.

He would talk with Brian tomorrow, after work, and he would stop at the warehouse to give the comic to Brian, have a small chat, and maybe drink some beer while he is there.

After his father left. Liam went to his room and took many stacks of papers that he can draw on.

This time he is going to continue creating comics, but he decided to take it slow. He would only create one comic a day so that he wouldn't experience what happened last time.

Liam racked his memories thinking about who should he create this time, he already made GOTG, Spider-Man, Ironman, and Hulk.

After thinking about it for quite some time, Liam decided on the strongest MCU character, the god of lighting Thor.

But this time Liam was in another dilemma he couldn't remember much of Thor's story in the movie. He watched it many years ago and the movie did leave an impression on him but he had trouble remembering it.

It was 50 years ago when Thor got released he was 10 years old at that time. Liam died at the age of 60, and due to dementia he got as he grew older he lost some of his memories.

He did remember some, but the others he completely forgot, there are thousands of characters in Marvel of course he can't remember everyone!

After thinking about it he decided to create Captain America instead, many would also love this, especially those old veterans since the story would have a setting of world war II.

While Liam was busily making his new comic book, he didn't know that he already attracted unwanted visitors.

New York Times

"Sir their sales are rising high in just a week they already sold 200,000 copies and the numbers kept increasing by our estimation in just a month they might even reach 1 million sold copies!" One of the employees said as he held a stack of paper it had the number of sales GOTG had made.

Even though the number of sales can't fathom theirs, as one of the leading Newspaper companies they have eyes and ears everywhere, they need to be updated every time especially if there is a potential rival.

Just a week ago a small newspaper company in Boston, Massachusetts called [Cowell News Agency] Emerged, the company could only even sell 5,000 copies per day, it was no match for them, and they didn't even know about that company till week ago when it sold something else that skyrocketed its sales.

It was called a 'comic' called Guardian of the Galaxy, many thought that it was a magazine but it wasn't, it was a form of visual art consisting of images that are combined with text, in the form of speech balloons or image captions.

With its artistic graphics and the plot, with these techs and aliens and the characters in the comic. Many people bought it, and the number kept on increasing every hour.

They don't know why a news agency sold something like this, the content inside this 'comic' didn't even have any relevant news, it was more of a book but instead, it had colorful graphs in it.

Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Sr. The chairperson of the New York Times knew that this was the rise of something else, he was already predicting the rise of these comics.

Arthur held the comic book of GOTG he can pretty much say it's for entertainment only unlike newspapers and magazines. Even though Arthur was hooked reading its content, he can say for sure that it was a sign of something greater, something that would rise globally!

"Hire some artists I want them to make something like this!" Arthur said as his workers began to hire as many artists as they can find.


Brian was still inside his office, he had a massive headache yet still he is joyous with the amount he had earned.

At first, they sold a small amount of 10,000 copies, but GOTG blew out into a spiral, he had to increase production and even made his workers do overtime.

The 10,000 copies turned into 200,000 copies and yet they are still not enough! They used to be a small newspaper company in Boston, Massachusetts not many even knew their name, and yet when their small newspaper company published GOTG they rose to the top 100 in the ranks of newspaper companies.

The population of Boston, Massachusetts with 562,994, and yet they already sold 200,000 and it is still rising. Due to this Brian had to order tons of paper materials to print more and sell more since GOTG became one of the high demands of the people.

Not only that he had to increase his worker's salaries due to them being worked overtime. Now he had to hire tons of workers so their speed of production becomes higher.

Brian was counting the profit while checking each of the applicant's information, he had a lot of stuff to do.

Brian was curious about who created the comic, John wouldn't disclose the information to him even though Brian begged a lot and still John never said a single word.

This made Brian curious about who the author is and about the logo in front of the comic book called 'Marvel' but right now he was still busy hiring applicants and he was waiting for John to hand him a new superhero series.

EliasHanni EliasHanni


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