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Honkai Diary : Start from Raising a White Fluffball (On Hold) Honkai Diary : Start from Raising a White Fluffball (On Hold) original

Honkai Diary : Start from Raising a White Fluffball (On Hold)

Autor: AzurSky

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Another Announcement... My Bad

After consulting with my friends, I found out that what I'm doing, to upload someone's work without their permission can be categorized as stealing their works.

I will feel angry and sad if that happens to me too. (I didn't know it can be categorized as such even if there is no money involved I'm sorry) so I won't continue to.

I'm not planning to monetize this works but I guess I should ask for the author's permission first before uploading this.

I can't contact the author as of now since i don't know how to do so (I only know the link to the novel), but if someday I know how to and get their permission then I will continue to upload.

So I'm sorry but I will delete all the uploaded chapters too.

With that being said if you want to read the novel, you can use chatgpt of openAI! I will keep the link on the synopsis tab.

It is stronger than you might imagine with only a few mistranslation.


AzurSky AzurSky

It's been a fun time to read some of your reaction and even interact with you guys, thank you~~

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