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Capítulo 5: The First Target

The Third Hokage regarded Kurogiri with a thoughtful expression, taking note of his unique appearance and self-awareness. "Your situation is unusual, and we have concerns about the potential harm you may bring to our village and its people," he said, his tone serious but not unkind.

Kurogiri's expression remained neutral as he listened to the Hokage's words. "I understand your concerns, Hokage-sama. However, I assure you that I have no intention of causing harm to your village or its people."

The Third Hokage raised an eyebrow doubtfully. "You expect me to take your word for it, even though we have no knowledge of your past actions or intentions?"

Kurogiri remained calm and composed. "I understand that my appearance and abilities may seem intimidating. But I am only asking for the chance to prove myself and show that I am not a threat. I have no ties to any organization or individual and am willing to cooperate with you in any way I can."

The Third Hokage studied Kurogiri for a moment, considering his words. "Very well. For now, we will place you in confinement, where you will receive food and any necessities you may require. We will also assign someone to speak with you and learn more about your intentions."

Kurogiri inclined his head respectfully. "Thank you, Hokage-sama. I appreciate your understanding."

The Third Hokage then turned to Danzo giving a signal and turned to leave the cell. "Remember, Kurogiri. Your actions will determine our trust in you. We will be watching closely," he said before leaving the area.

The Third Hokage and Danzo returned to the Hokage's office to discuss what they should do about Kurogiri. Danzo was still hungover on how Kurogiri spoke to him back there.


The Third Hokage listened to Danzo's comment but chose to ignore it, knowing that Kurogiri's behavior could be attributed to his unique circumstances. Instead, he focused on the information he had gleaned from his brief conversation with Kurogiri.

"We need to be cautious in our dealings with Kurogiri. His abilities and potential are impressive, but we must also consider the potential threats he may pose," the Third Hokage said thoughtfully.

Danzo nodded in agreement. "I agree. We must proceed with caution and gather as much information as we can about him."

The Third Hokage nodded and said, "I will assign someone to speak with him and gather more information about his intentions and capabilities. We must assess the level of threat he poses and determine if he is an asset or a liability."

Danzo nodded again and said, "I will make arrangements to monitor his confinement area and ensure that he remains contained."

The Third Hokage thanked him and then turned to contemplation, wondering who he should assign to speak with Kurogiri. He needed someone who could handle the situation delicately and gain Kurogiri's trust without being overly friendly or confrontational.

After a moment of thought, he came up with the perfect candidate and said, "I believe I know who can speak with Kurogiri. I will assign Kakashi Hatake to the task. He has the necessary skills and experience to handle the situation with care and caution."

Danzo nodded in agreement. "An excellent choice. I have confidence in Kakashi's abilities."

The Third Hokage smiled, nodding in agreement. "Good. Let us proceed with caution and gather as much information as we can about Kurogiri's situation."

Back in the cell, Kurogiri remained still and had its eyes closed. The original Kurogiri was still in the tree near the village. Kurogiri decided to check the progress of the clones that it sent out earlier to gather intel on their location. It controlled one of the clones to return from the town and join it in the tree. Kurogiri then dismissed the clone and focused on a particular clone that had reached a grassy area. Through another clone's vision, Kurogiri saw a land covered in storm clouds releasing rain. Kurogiri determined that these clones were at the borders of the land. Kurogiri dismissed all clones that were sent out and gave its full attention to the remaining clones in confinement and the lab.

Kurogiri noticed that the clones in the lab were not doing much and decided to focus back on them. He felt that all three danger senses were going off, indicating that danger was getting closer. Kurogiri had the clones leave the lab and wait outside to confront the danger, making it easier to gather information. The clones quickly made their way into the forest and were soon surrounded by a group of six individuals. Kurogiri recognized their attire as belonging to Konoha, deducing that they had figured out some aspects of his clone quirk.

Kurogiri knew that they had come for him and were putting on a show of treating him nicely while sending a team to hunt for his real self. He decided to deceive them back, as he could not let them abuse him and call himself a true Demon King. Although he was not fooled by their kind-sounding leader, he needed to pay them back a hundredfold for their actions.


One of the group members stepped forward, wearing the same uniform as the guards back at the confinement with a white bear-shaped mask. The three Kurogiri clones were on high alert, moving into a triangle formation while one faced the group and the others watched the sides and back. The member who stepped forward, known as Bear, asked if Kurogiri was the same creature that had surrendered not too long ago, and if not, who he was and why he was there, signaling the group to not lower their guard.

Unknown to Bear, some members of the team had a different mission given to them by Lord Danzo himself - to test the creature's abilities and confirm his regeneration. While Bear conversed with Kurogiri, one of the Root ninja prepared to attack.

Upon being referred to as a creature, Kurogiri felt uneasy. He understood that he looked different, but being called a creature was disrespectful. At that moment, Kurogiri knew that he could not be an ally of Konoha and that if the encounter escalated, he would target them first.

Knowing that he needed to absorb other people's energy to use his quirk, Kurogiri was waiting for the right time to attack. Konoha looked like a good target, but it would take careful timing and planning to destroy it. Kurogiri analyzed the situation and realized that Konoha was like a military organization.


Kurogiri, knowing that Konoha may have figured out his cloning ability, decided to mince words with them. He fooled them by having the clone furthest from the group speak and claimed to be the same as the one that surrendered earlier, hoping to gather information from them. The air around the group changed, and Kurogiri's danger senses increased, indicating that something may happen soon.

Bear confirmed the Third Hokage's suspicion and sent a signal to launch an attack and a sealing technique. He told Kurogiri that they needed to bring back the original for questioning, and Kurogiri understood that they were becoming impatient. He decided to continue talking to them before any action was taken, responding in a fearful tone, "Just as you did not trust me, I can't trust you. That's why I let my clone go because I am linked, so it's no different than me truly being there. I did it for my own safety."

Kurogiri hoped that his words would buy him some time, as he knew that he needed to absorb others' energy to use his quirk. He continued to analyze the situation, realizing that he would need to be cunning if he wanted to escape Konoha's grasp. With his danger senses on high alert, Kurogiri prepared for what was to come.


Kurogiri slowly used his Whirlwind quirk to gather wind in the area and prepared to use it as a means of attack and escape as the team grew more hostile. The team noticed the change in the wind and remembered the method used to deflect the earlier Kunai that was sent towards Kurogiri that was mentioned in the ninja report earlier.

Bear quickly began going through hand signs to launch a fire ball Jutsu, while his teammates threw Kunai and shuriken at the creature. Two of the three Danzo root members drew and brandished their swords, while the last one seemed to be making hands signs as his shadow stretched towards Kurogiri.

Kurogiri saw all the actions taken by team Konoha, knowing well that he had to take them down. He had plans to use them and all the people who came after him as his targets because what is a Demon King without enemies.

Drawing upon all his physical powers and instincts, Kurogiri created a massive Whirlwind, pulling in all the attacks towards him and repelling them using his half hot half cold quirk to mix fire into whirlwind while using the two front clones smokescreen quirk before disappearing in a thick cloud of smoke. Now that Kurogiri had experienced Konoha's attacks, he was ready to launch his own counterattacks and destroy them all.

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