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Capítulo 66: Momoo

"What the fuck is that..." Sanji muttered as he was staring at a giant monster in front of her. Luffy remained calm, but he was still surprised. Johnny was trembling.

They were staring at a giant sea cow with a seal-like structure, with a height of 36 meters (118'1" feet) and weighing 16 tons (32,000 lbs).

Despite having fish-like scales covering his body from his neck to his stomach, it is classified as a mammal Sea Beast. These scales are actually his hardened skin, protecting his vital organs from external attacks as an armor.

He has a big, round nose with a gold nose ring, cow-esque face, horns, and green spots throughout his body. Besides helping him swim, his fins contain retractable bones sharp enough to act as claws.

This is Momoo, he is a giant sea cow from the Grand Line. He is classified as a Type A creature, 'Big Friendly'.

"It's a Sea Beast. But they're supposed to inhabit the Grand Line. Maybe he's Arlong's. " Luffy guessed.

"He's looking at the food. Hand it over to him or he'll sink the ship." Johnny told Luffy and Sanji.

" Nah, he'll be the food. Gomu Gomu no....." Luffy grinned and stretched back his fist.



Luffy's fist slammed into Momoo's face, sending Momoo flying away. Luffy pointed at him.

"Don't mess with my food!!" Luffy shouted. Sanji sighed and palmed his face.

"You selfish bastard! Don't hurt him!! Here, eat this food! " Sanji raised her own plate of food at Momoo who recovered. Momoo opened his mouth, showing Sanji his two extremely sharp rows of teeth.


Suddenly, Sanji kicked Momoo in the jaw, sending him flying in the air and splashing back into the water.

"Oi! You told us to not hurt him!! But why did you hurt him?!" Johnny shouted at Sanji who blew out smoke from his cigarette.

"Because that moron was about to eat my food too." Sanji replied nonchalantly. Luffy laughed loudly.


Momoo mooed at them, enraged to the core. He mooed loudly as he started charging towards the ship.

"I'll deal with him, captain!" Sanji shouted, stopping Luffy from unsheathing his cutlass. Momoo opened his mouth widely, showing them his sharp fangs again.

"Take this you fat hippo!!" Sanji shouted before jumping up in the air.

" Uppercut Kick!!!"


Sanji kicked Momoo in the jaw once again, sending him flying away and crashing back into the sea. She then quickly tied Momoo's tail to the ship, so that he can take them to Arlong Park faster. Luffy grinned.

"Let's continue eating!" He shouted, Sanji sat back down on the chair.

"It's a good way to kill time." He muttered. The two continued eating and talking with each other while Yosaku was watching them while sweating profusely.

"These people are dangerous...."

"Yosaku! Get me some more tea!" Luffy demanded.

"Me too!" Sanji nodded. Yosaku sighed.

"Yes, right away."



"Phew....." Usopp sighed as he leaned against a tree. He had escaped the horde of Fishmen chasing him.

"Oi, Usopp. You alright? You look like you've been through something."

Usopp looked up to see Zoro looking down at him with a smirk on his face.

He wore an opened, navy-blue shirt decorated with light blue whirlpools that he stole from one of the fish-men.

Zoro also had a large amount of bandages wrapped around his chest, especially around the slash wound that Mihawk gave her.

Zoro stretched out his hand and pulled Usopp up. Usopp sighed. "I just saved someone from being killed by Arlong and have been chased around ever since then. I've wasted about three Molotov cocktails just so I could get far away from them. You?" Usopp asked her.

"Oh nothing, I was tied up, almost drowned to death and got saved by Nami. Then I was put in a dungeon and got my bindings cut off by Nami. She told me to escape. But I just went and massacred every single Fishman at Arlong Park while she went off somewhere. " Zoro replied, baffling Usopp.

" And that all happened in the past few hours?! You're crazy, Zoro! " Usopp shouted. Zoro smirked at him.

" Thanks Usopp, but Luffy's even crazier than me. " Zoro replied.

" And speaking of crazy, do you see that flying boat in the sky? " Zoro asked. Usopp looked up and widened his eyes in horror.

There was indeed a flying ship diving down towards them. Usopp screamed and panicked.

"Usopp, you might want to back up or else you'll get hit." Zoro advised. In an instant, Usopp was standing behind a tree.


Zoro smirked as he heard Luffy's excited shout on the ship. The ship crashed into the ground, destroying multiple trees and started sliding on the ground. It then exploded.


There was a large smoke cloud that surrounded Zoro for a while. After it cleared, it revealed Luffy and Sanji sitting on the ship's wreckage. Yosaku was lying on the ground while groaning. Usopp arrived beside Zoro and sighed in relief, glad that they were okay.

Johnny ran towards them while breathing heavily.

"Oh thank God you're okay, Zoro-aniki! I thought that Nami executed you in secret." Johnny smiled in relief. Zoro smiled back a little.

"Yo, Zoro. Where's Johnny and Kaya? Have you found Nami yet?" Luffy asked. Zoro sighed.

" The witch works for the Arlong Pirates as their navigator. She doesn't even care about us in the beginning. " Zoro replied. Luffy gritted his teeth and looked down.

"We are friends! Why would she do such a selfish thing as this!? Did she not see what we can do?!" Luffy shouted out loud. Suddenly, they all looked at someone who approached them.

"Who's your friend, Luffy?" Nami asked him.

" What are you doing here? " She added another question while crossing her arms. Luffy adjusted the position of his straw hat.

"What kind of question is that? You're my friend, Nami. And I came here to take your selfish ass with us." Luffy replied.

" Friend? Don't make me laugh. All you need is someone who can give you a hand. Am I right? " Nami asked emotionlessly.

" What?" Luffy narrowed his eyes at her. He clenched his fists tightly.

"I will never ever use you Nami!! You are my friend and that's final!! Do you even know how many problems you've caused!?" Luffy looked at her angrily.

" Yes!! And I don't care!! I don't want outsiders to waste their lives here! Don't you understand? The reason I befriended you was for your money! And now you don't have anything so I don't have to care about you anymore!! " Nami shouted.

" I will return your ship back to you! Just get out of here and find a new navigator or One Piece or whatever you want to do! Get out of here, you're starting to piss me off!!!" Nami shouted. Sanji stopped Zoro who was about to shut her up for talking to Luffy like that. Nami smiled a little.

"Good bye!!!" Nami declared. Luffy hummed and sat down in a meditative position. Everyone watched him with shock visible in their eyes.

"Sure whatever, Nami. Go suck Arlong's dick or something. But just so you know, no amount of threatening is going to do shit to someone like me, I will get you back!! I will make you smile again!! " Luffy looked at her determinedly, angering Nami.

"Don't you understand!? Stop playing around!! You will get killed!!!" Nami shouted before stomping off.

Luffy sighed and looked at the calm blue sea. "I wonder what's going on in that cute head of yours Nami?"

To be continued...

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