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Capítulo 5: CHAPTER FIVE

""Welcome, king reagan," greeted King Herads of Konica, his voice containing respect and a touch of nervousness. He stood before King Reagan, a towering figure who had a way of striking fear into anyone who laid eyes on him. Reagan, standing tall and commanding, seemed to bring an air of darkness with him wherever he went. Dressed in impressive armor and wearing a golden mask that hid his face, he had an air of mystery about him, surrounded by his loyal troops.

Reagan remained silent, his piercing gaze on King Herads, silently conveying his immense presence. The room grew tense, and you could practically feel the anticipation hanging in the air. Herads couldn't help but scowl when he noticed the vedan woman standing beside Reagan.

Now, she was a sight to behold. A true vision of ethereal beauty, she had attractive features that captivated everyone around her. Her skin had a nice glow coupled with her perfect physique . Long, flowing locks of pure white hair framed her face, accentuating her gaze and the strong look on her face, she was no doubt a vedan. Every inch of her exuded strength and power. With a stern expression, she stood by Reagan's side with confidence and steadiness that was hard to ignore.

""I've heard stories of Vedans meeting unfortunate ends here in Konica," remarked General Cedrick, one of Reagan's loyal men. His deep voice filled the room, drawing all eyes to his grand figure. Wearing battle-worn armor, his intimidating stature and rugged face commanded respect, bearing scars that told tales of countless battles won. "I hope there won't be any issues with our grand general Kira, given her Vedan blood."

King Herad's controlled face wavered, betraying his anger that he struggled to hide. The mention of the Vedans infuriated him, and a sense of displeasure came from him.

Despite Grand General Kira being a half-blood Vedan, her Vederian lineage sparked a strong desire in the king to see her share the fate of other Vedans before her. With measured words, he said, "Rest assured, your grand general's safety is our top priority here."

Behind King Herad's calm face, a deep-seated hatred for the Vedans smoldered. Despite his composed exterior, his true emotions were on the brink of eruption.

Determined to fulfill his promise of wiping out the Vedans at any cost, bitterness tainted his words. "I personally guarantee that my men won't harm her," he vowed, his tone filled with resentment.

"Let your men dare," Kira's voice reverberated through the room, exuding dominance. Her words hung heavy in the silence, putting fear even in the bravest hearts. .

Herad, trying to ease the unease, said with strained words. "Allow my maid to escort you to your quarters," he offered, attempting to restore a lighter atmosphere. With a silent gesture, he turned away, concealing his boiling anger. His clenched fist revealed the depth of his inner anger, aware of his own weakness compared to Reagan's might. If only he possessed a fraction of that power, he would have swiftly struck down Kira, the half-blooded Vedan, without hesitation, silencing her audacity.

The lifeless images of his wife's face flickered in his mind, haunting him as a painful memory. The burden of grief weighed heavily upon him, knowing that it was the Vedan child she carried that had drained her life. For years, he had relentlessly searched for the cursed child, consumed by a desperate quest for vengeance against the innocent soul responsible for his wife's death. Yet, despite his tireless efforts, each plan had crumbled into futility. Nevertheless, he clung to a glimmer of hope, steadfast in his belief that one day he would kill the Vedan offspring, the one accountable for his wife's untimely death, and finally, justice would prevail. 





I was abruptly yanked from the depths of my sleep by haunting whispers that slithered into my ears. Startled, I jolted upright in my bed, a surge of adrenaline pulsing through my veins. Perched gracefully upon my shoulder, my loyal companion, Corvus, graced me with his presence, his penetrating gaze fixed upon me. Through his watchful eyes, I saw a crystal-clear reflection of myself.

The shadows of concern danced across Corvus' countenance as he asked , "What troubles you, my lady?" His voice filled with genuine curiosity and concern. he waited for my response, wondering what the source of my panic could be.

"Direct your gaze outward, Corvus, I need to look around" I commanded. I wanted to know where the sound was coming from and maybe there was something in our surroundings.

Compliant as ever, corvus swiveled his head, scanning the surroundings diligently. Yet, despite his sight, I failed to see anything besides the normal Where then did the unsettling, voice come from? I asked myself, succumbing to a wave of unease.

"Tolo i nin..." the strange sound whispered once more, its timbre causing a fear to course through my body.

Gripped by a paralyzing fear, I turned to Corvus seeking comfort in his presence . "Did you hear that?" I questioned, my voice trembling, eager for confirmation that I was not the only one hearing this.

"My lady, my ears are not half as sharp as yours. I heard nothing," Corvus replied, his voice filled with concern.

The eerie voices persisted, their ethereal chorus growing in intensity. "Surely, you must hear it, Corvus," I implored, my tone showing no effort to hide my fear . "It sounds like the language of the elves, telling me to come to it" though I was not good at speaking or understanding the elven language, I could still understand simple sentences so I knew what that means "tolo I nin..."

Slightly taken aback, Corvus suggested, "Perhaps you should rest, my lady. The strains of fatigue may be causing you to perceive these voices." 

", I am hearing voices," I affirmed, rising to my feet. As I walked towards the door, Corvus faithfully flew behind, lending me it eyes to see my surroundings. 

We approached the entrance of my room, where I extended my hand to grasp the cool, metallic doorknob. Swinging the door open, I stepped out into the corridor, only to be captivated by a breathtaking sight: an ethereal blue light radiated from the far end of corridor.

With corvus now perched on my shoulder, I decided to go forward, curious to know the source of the light . Each foot step carrying fear, my heart pounding in my chest as something drew me closer to the light. Corvus too was frightened, I could feel his fear from the way he shifted on my shoulders.

As I got closer to the captivating light, the haunting chorus of the strange whispers became louder, covering the corridor in a strange symphony. 

I finally arrived and stood in the presence of the source of the bright light, causing the weird voices to suddenly go away.

My bird's eyes fixed on the wall covered with elven letters, it was just like the one I have seen on the walls of my grandmother secret magic room, the one that glowed when I tried to touch it.

Questions flooded my mind. Why has this elven letters suddenly left the confines of my grandmother secret room and why was it out here now? to serve what purpose? I was scared and at the same time curious.

"Perhaps we should return to your room and wait for godmother to come back," Corvus suggested, his voice filled with concern.

Despite his words, I remained captivated by the glow of the inscription on the wall. Its presence tempted me to touch it. It was a strong temptation I could not resist at the moment.

I stretched my hands forward, ready to touch the glowing letters on the wall. I knew that I shouldn't be doing that but yet I could not control myself, something was drawing me in, forcing me to touch it. My hands trembled as it got closer to the inscription on the wall.

"I implore you, my lady, to reconsider," Corvus insisted, his voice laced with urgency. Ignoring his plea, I allowed my fingertips to make contact with the radiant symbol etched on the wall. 

Suddenly, a strange surge of energy came from the glowing light immediately I touched it, it force so strong that it threw me uncontrollably across the room. With a painful impact, my back collided with the wall behind me, causing a sharp pain to shoot through my body.

Dazed and groaning in agony, I struggled to regain myself as I realized corvus too was thrown across the room by the strange mysterious energy. Just what was that? I could not tell.

The heavy wooden door guarding the main entrance of the cabin open with a loud crash, as if it had been violently opened by an unseen force. Emerging from outside came a strong wave, its presence sending an icy chill coursing through me.

Shocked and confused, I struggled to stand on my feet, Corvus eyes on the strange scene that unfolded before us.

Only one person had ever possessed the ability to unlock that door - my godmother. Despite countless attempts, I had never managed to open the stubborn door .

A radiant beam of sunlight entered the previously dull room, flooding it with a golden glow. It was a sight I had never before witnessed - the outside world bathed in the soft embrace of daylight. The only opening I have seen such a view is through the small window in my room which Corvus often made his escapes.

Lush green grasses swayed in the gentle breeze, casting shadows upon the earth. Vibrant flowers adorned the land, their petals like delicate works of art. The air hummed with the fragrances of nature, inviting my senses to revel in their sweet smell.

Majestic trees stood, their ancient branch almost reaching the sky. The melody of birdsong filled the air, a beautiful chorus that whispered secrets of the wilderness.

I stood in awe, captivated by the breathtaking view outside my cabin. It was a nice revelation, a world of beauty and wonder that had been hidden from me until now. 

Once I regained my composure, excitement slowly filled me. With Corvus now sitting on my shoulder, I had a better view of the extraordinary world before us. Curious, Corvus asked, "How did this happen?"

Shaking my head, I said, "I can't explain it." 

Curiosity led me toward the entrance, eager to discover more. As I slowly reached out my hand, I expected to come in contact with the forcefield that my god mother had used to trap me here but to my surprise, there was nothing—no sign of the magical barrier.

. "What's happening, Corvus?" I asked, but my companion remained silent. The whole situation felt surreal, like I had stepped into a realm suspended between reality and fantasy.

"I don't know my Lady, but I think you should remain here until god mother retu...."

Driven by curiosity, I ignored Corvus' unfinished warning and bravely stepped outside. As my foot touched the ground, an enchanting sensation washed over me, a thrilling tingle that embraced my entire being.

The soft grass beneath my bare feet felt heavenly, a direct connection to the natural world I had only glimpsed from afar. It felt like the earth itself recognized me, welcoming me with open arms.

Series of nice sensations took over my senses in this newfound freedom. The cool grass gently cushioned my steps, while the air caressed my skin with whispers of flowers and distant leaves. Colors exploded before me, nature's beauty on full display. Swaying blades of grass blended with vibrant flowers, creating a beauty I never thought I would witness.

Towering trees provided a haven for woodland creatures, adding to the extraordinary scene.

Overwhelmed with joy, I couldn't contain my happiness. A radiant smile spread across my face as I embraced the touch of the natural world. It was a moment of pure bliss, an indescribable mix of emotions beyond words. In that magical instant, the outside world became a realm of endless possibilities, and my heart soared knowing I was no longer confined within my room.

I was finally free!

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