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Capítulo 6: 6. Council meeting and Uzushiogakure

There was still no sound in the hall, but everyone understood why Koharu and Homura died. Betrayal!

As Hiruzen says, the result of betrayal is death. Everyone in the room agreed. Hiruzen glanced at Mito and, noting that she was satisfied with the situation, shook her head and made a hand gesture. Shortly after, an Anbu, emerging from the shadows, knelt before him.

"Hokage-sama at your command!"

"Take both of their bodies and burn them until there is nothing left, a traitor needs no grave!"

"Hai Hokage-sama!"

Without waiting, the Anbu collected both bodies and disappeared in a few seconds as if he had never existed. Hiruzen took a deep breath and sat back down.

"Now back to our main topic, has anyone found a way to save Uzushio?"

While silence reigned in the hall again, everyone was thinking of ways. But it was Mito who broke the silence again.

"I have a solution, although the idea is not mine, but my student's."

A great pride spread across Mito's face as she said he was her student. And the others in the hall looked at her quite surprised, not knowing that Mito accepted a disciple. And no one missed the pride that settled on her face. While Hiruzen was trying to guess which student it was, he decided to ask Mito.

"Which one is it Mito-sama, Minato or Shouta?"


They were even more surprised to learn that Mito had actually taken two students before she could digest that she had taken any students at all. Furthermore, everyone in the room knew the two names that were said. Those two were the two best in the academy. Moreover, Shouta's name had often come to their ears with his works. Everyone was quite surprised to hear that these two promising kids were students of Mito. Now they began to take more interest in the two children. Hiruzen smiled after hearing the answer that he had actually guessed. He knew that Minato was also very intelligent, but Minato mainly had the ability to analyze and make quick decisions accordingly. But Shouta was indeed a super genius. With a smile on his face, he continued to speak.

"So Shouta, I've been following this young man for a while and I also really like his character and personality. What idea did he give you?"

Again, while everyone waited for Mito's answer, Mito began to explain both options Shouta gave her. They were shocked that only an eight year old could think like that as everyone in the room nodded in agreement. After thinking for a while, Hiruzen nodded and accepted the idea.

"This idea seems to be the best for now. I'll leave that to you Sakumo, create a team for it and also take a scroll with Taju Kage Bunshin no Jutsu written on it, and make sure you explain the plan as well. And also ask them if they want to send the village kids here with you just in case. If they want to send them to Konoha, it is your duty to get them safely to Konoha. Therefore, choose your team wisely."

"Hai Hokage-sama!"

Sakumo bowed respectfully to Hiruzen and left with a shunshin. There was silence in the hall again as Hiruzen looked at everyone individually. His eyes were filled with regret that he hadn't listened as he stared at his student Orochimaru, who stood to his right. He had always told him about the difficulties he had gone through all this time, but he had never listened to him. As a teacher, he had not protected his student, and that was devastating for him. The letter to Hiruzen also wrote about what Danzō had done to Orochimaru, and the more he read it, the more he regretted it. When Orochimaru saw the regret and bitterness in Hiruzen's eyes, he smiled slightly. And his look made it clear that he had forgiven his teacher. Seeing that look as he looked at his student, he felt both more embarrassed and happier that he had been forgiven. Having decided to have a private conversation with him after the meeting, he turned back to the people in the hall. As he turned his gaze to Uchiha Kogoro, the head of the Uchiha clan and the older brother of Uchiha Kagami, he took one of the scrolls he had tied around his waist and handed it to him. Oddly enough, Kogoro had spoken first when he took the scroll Hiruzen held out.

"What is this Hokage-sama?"

Hiruzen took a deep breath and replied with a sad and apologetic expression on his face.

"The body and eyes of your brother Kagami, as well as the eyes of all the uchihas ever killed by Danzō, and all the experiments he performed on the uchihas and their results."

Kogoro's eyes began to fill with tears as he stared at the scroll in his hand, shocked by what he was hearing. He could not even reach Kagami's dead body, which did not return after a mission he carried out 5 years ago. For years he had believed and hoped he was still alive. But with the letter he received today, his world had been shaken, his brother, whom he cherished above all else, had actually been betrayed and killed by his own teammate. Furthermore, his son Sato was only 4 years old when Kagami disappeared. Now, 9 years old and his second year at the academy, he had tried to be both uncle and father to him. But now he sees that he had his brother's body, his eyes were filled with tears and a tear fell from his eye. Kogoro had always been tough and domineering, but he had always cherished his clan and family. Therefore, he was not ashamed as he wiped a single tear from his eye.

The others in the hall also looked at Kogoro sympathetically. If the body of his brother, who disappeared without knowing what had happened, was returned to them years later, they would also shed tears without shame. Kogora looked at Hiruzen with a wry smile on his face and spoke in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama, for returning my brother's body and for the eyes of my other clan members. Thank you."

Hiruzen also smiled bittersweetly and began passing out other scrolls related to other clans. At the end of the meeting, which lasted a couple of hours, everyone was satisfied with the decisions and went on their way. And minutes later, the only people left in the hall were Mito, Hiruzen, and his students. Mito started to leave the room as she got up from her seat with a smile. But as she left, she began to speak.

"I like it better like this Hiruzen, I hope you stay like this from now on. If you need anything, you can come to me, after all, I'll be here for a few more months."

Hiruzen bowed slightly in awe as he smiled at Mito's words.

"Hai Mito-sama!"

After Mito left, the man returned to his students and decided to take them out to dinner to talk privately.

Shouta and Minato, still training in the Senju field, had also joined Kushina and Nawaki half an hour ago. Shouta taught them both physical exercises and then taught them both initial chakra control training and then returned to his own training. He began to meditate and continued to practice his Reiryoku. He had trained for a week to improve and control his Reiryoku regularly. In the evening, an hour before going to bed, he put his sword in his lap and meditated with it. He also wondered when his asauchi would transform into a Zanpakutō. Although he could not yet connect with his sword, he was not at all upset or disappointed. He knew from the beginning that this process would take a long time. After a week of training, it became quite easy to control his Reiryoku. He was not yet at the level of chakra control, but it would not be long before he reached that level. While everyone was engrossed in their own training, Mito got there. Mito smiled slightly when she saw that Minato was still reading and Shouta was meditating. But inside, she was also in shock. Because Shouta wasn't reading a book, that meant he had read them all. That meant he had read, learned, and understood everything about fuinjutsu in one week. That meant that Shouta was also a genius at fuinjutsu. Even she could finish all 35 books in just one month. Also, she was two years older than him. That had made him the greatest genius she had ever known. And Minato was no worse than him; even he had almost finished the books. In fact, both of his students were geniuses. Sensing that Mito was coming, Shouta opened his eyes and saw that Mito looked quite happy, knowing that the meeting had gone well. He broke the silence with a smile on his face.

"Welcome sensei, I think the meeting went well?"

When the others heard Shouta's voice, they had stopped their training and turned to face them. Nawaki, Kushina, and Minato also greeted Mito with a smile, while Mito nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, it went pretty well, everyone left the meeting happy and two more traitors died."

When Shouta thought about the dead, the only people he thought about were Koharu and Homura, after all they too knew every shit Danzō did. He jumped to his feet and added excitement to his voice as he nodded his head in agreement.

"Sensei, after you left, I thought for a while about everything I learned from the books, and a new fuinjutsu came to mind. And if I can do everything the way I think, I can create a very good barrier for both Uzushiogakure and Konoha! "

While everyone turned to Shouta in surprise, it was Mito who had the biggest surprise. If he was only eight years old and was able to create a fuinjutsu barrier after only theoretically reading everything about fuinjutsu, it meant that she still greatly despised Shouta. She couldn't help but ask as she looked curiously at the blond boy.

"What kind of fuinjutsu are you talking about?"

Pulling a pen and paper from one of the parchments he had tied around his waist, Shouta gathered everyone around the table and began to describe the fuinjutsu he had created. The more Shouta told, the more surprised Mito was, and in time sid decided that he was a fuinjutsu monster. If they could do what Shouta said, this would be the absolute defense for the protection of the village. She proudly stroked the hair of the boy who looked at her, while the excitement she had lost years ago sprouted again in her heart.

"You really are a fuinjutsu monster, Shouta. Making you my student was one of the best decisions of my life."

While the others looked at Shouta admiringly, Minato was also quite proud. Being jealous of his best friend didn't even cross his mind. He just felt happy to be friends with him. It had become the best thing in Minato's life to sit next to him and talk to him on the first day of school. With a big smile on his face, he was happy and proud of his best friend's success, as a true friend would. At the same time, Shouta's progress motivated him. And that led him to develop faster and become stronger faster. He was sure that if he had not met Shouta, he would be only a third of his current personality and let chunin he would not even be able to defeat a genin.

While Shouta, Minato, and Mito began practicing their new fuinjutsu, the other two children got bored and went back to their own practices because they didn't understand what was being said. From that day on, Shouta taught both Mito and Minato fuinjutsu for a week, and at the same time began engraving all the seals one by one with his chakra on special papers. As he made each seal, he would explain and explain each step to the other two. At the end of a week, he had finished a thousand seals. Mito and Minato admired this new fuinjutsu even more and learned everything. Minato didn't even have to read the last books he was supposed to read. Because with each seal he learned, he added everything he was missing. At this point, he had also theoretically become a fuinjutsu grandmaster. Even Mito had expanded her fuinjutsu knowledge by learning things she didn't know she had missed before. When it was finished at the thousandth seal, all three were proud of the result.

"Shouta, you are indeed a genius, I'm saying this for the hundredth time, but after seeing your work, I can only call you a genius."

It was obvious from his face that he was thinking the same thing as Minato nodded his head in agreement to what Mito had said. Shouta, on the other hand, was quite embarrassed; after all, he couldn't have accomplished any of this without his system. But he had now admitted that he had power in his system. His system was his special power, like the Uchiha's Sharingan, a kind of Kekkei Genkai.

"Anyway, all we have to do now is make key seals."

"Don't worry, drawing the keys will take a minute or two, they can draw it in Uzushio. If you write my brother a detailed description of how to make the seal and put one in a pattern, he can draw the rest himself. Now we just have to send them to Uzushio and make the barrier. Wait here a minute, I have something to do for a moment, and then we'll go to Hiruzen together."

After Mito left, Shouta sealed all the seals in the parchment he had prepared for them. And they both lay in the grass and stared at the sky. They were very tired for a week. They were extremely tired mentally, though not physically. So they both just lay on the ground without speaking. At that moment, Kushina came up to them and lay down on the floor between them, while Nawaki was on Shouta's left. During that time, they had all become really good friends. Also for Nawaki, Shouta and Minato were his older brothers.

"Shou-nii, are you finally done with the seals?"

Shouta smiled as he looked at the little boy lying next to him, tousled his hair with his left hand, and answered.

"Yes, it's finally done. Now it just needs to be put around Uzushio."

It was said with excitement as Nawaki's eyes sparkled with admiration.

"Shou-nii is the best in the world!"

Kushina and Minato also smiled, while Shouta giggled at Nawaki's distress. After a while, Kushina's smile turned to gratitude and she spoke in a grateful voice.

"Thank you Shouta for all you have done for Uzushiogakure. Protecting my hometown would not have been so easy and bloodless without you."

Shouta replied in a sincere voice as he turned to Kushina with a smile.

"Friends don't thank each other for the good they do for each other. Besides, my future sister in-law doesn't need to thank me at all."

Shouta looked at Kushina at times and Minato at others with playful expressions, both faces as red as tomatoes. In the two weeks that they've known each other, Minato and Kushina have become quite close in the last few days. The event started when Minato saved Kushina from some bullies. There were a few kids in the class who made fun of Kushina's red hair, and Kushina finally couldn't take it anymore and beat them all until their mouths fell apart. A few days later, they took the beaten children with their brothers to a place far from the academy and started beating them. All those who came were 12- to 13-year-old boys who were already Genins. If there had been only one, she would not have had a problem, but after five minutes of fighting, she began to be beaten when all five of them beat her. After Minato found her and beat all five of them good, he took Kushina in his arms and ran to the hospital. The last thing Kushina could see before she fainted was Minato's worried face and his attempt to talk to her. From that day on, the two had become quite close and Kushina was in love with Minato. It was pretty obvious.

Before Kushina and Minato could answer, Mito had gone back into the garden. When they saw Mito, Shouta and Minato immediately stood up. Seeing that they were left behind, Nawaki and Kushina also stood up.

"Come on, Nawaki, Kushina, you stay here and continue your training."

While Kushina and Nawaki approved of Mito, Shouta and Minato began to follow Mito. Shouta was a little excited inside as they all moved forward in silence. This would be his first encounter with Hiruzen and he knew he would be different from the one in the manga. Danzō's death and what he had learned had obviously changed him, or Koharu and Homura would not be dead now. At most, they would lose their posts or go to prison for a few years. But if they were killed at that meeting, after all, it was he who had killed them, who would dare to kill his former teammates in front of him. And this Hiruzen would obviously prefer the old one. So he was excited to meet him.

After about 10 minutes of silence, they reached the Hokage building. No one dared to stop them when they reached the Hokage's room. Mito knocked lightly on the door, and without waiting for an answer, she opened the door and entered. Shouta and Minato also inspected their surroundings as they entered after her. The room was fairly plain, with a brown wooden desk directly across from the door. On the wall behind it were firmer, which saw the entire village in its entirety. After entering the door, the left side consisted entirely of bookshelves, while Shodaime and Nidaime's photos were hung on the right. Behind the desk, Hiruzen sat in his chair. The table was full of papers and the Hokage obviously didn't even have time to scratch his head. When Hiruzen saw those coming through the door, he wondered why Mito had brought Shouta and Minato, but he smiled at them as he got rid of those papers.

"Welcome Mito-sama, what brought you here? I see you also brought your students this time."

When Shouta and Minato saw Hiruzen smiling at them, they immediately took a few steps forward and bowed slightly in reverence.

"Hello Hokage-sama, my name is Masamune Shouta, it is an honor to meet you."

"Hello Hokage-sama and I am Namikaze Minato, it is an honor to meet you."

Hiruzen smiled slightly at both children and then shook his head.

"Haha, what respectful children you are. I've heard your name a lot lately, I hope you'll make Konoha prouder and protect him later."

"Hai Hokage-sama, we will do our best!"

While Shouta and Minato replied at the same time, Hiruzen turned his gaze to Mito. Not wanting to keep the man waiting any longer, Mito handed the man the scroll she had taken from Shouta. There were question marks on his face as Hiruzen curiously picked up the parchment. Moving his curious gaze back and forth between Mito and the parchment, he began to wait for Mito's answer. After a few seconds, Mito began to explain. As Mito spoke, Hiruzen looked in surprise at the parchment in one hand and Shouta. After Mito finished speaking, silence suddenly fell. After a few minutes, Hiruzen started laughing and looked at Shouta happily. Shouta might actually be one of the best seeds he had ever seen. Besides, Minato was not inferior to him. They had two super geniuses in one generation, and that was a big deal for Konoha, and they were both from citizen families. As Hiruzen looked at the two of them, he began to think that they should pay more attention to the civilian children. If they could better educate the civilian children in the academy, maybe more geniuses could come out of them.

"Our Konoha is indeed blessed by heaven, it is very good for us to have two geniuses from the same generation. Shouta, when can you finish this fuinjutsu for Konoha?"

After thinking about Hiruzen's question for a few seconds, he replied.

"I can finish it in two or three days, Hokage-sama, since Minato and Mito-sensei can also help me this time."

"Great, then if you could start as soon as you get back that would be great, the sooner we get rid of the traitors and Spies inside the better."

Shouta and Minato nodded as they heard Mito's voice.

"Actually, I also wanted to say something about this, Hiruzen, if you'll excuse me, I want to take Shouta and Minato to Uzushio. Honestly, I don't want to hand this scroll to anyone, I also want to tell my brother everything in person and explain the jutsu face to face."

Shouta, Minato and Hiruzen were surprised by what Mito had said, while Hiruzen didn't know what to say for a moment. Actually, he wanted to let it happen, but the current situation at the borders and Mito's health condition prevented him from doing so.

"Mito-sama, I would really like to let you go, but the border conditions and your health are not conducive to that. I'm sorry, it's not possible, please."

Mito was also aware of this, but she really didn't want to entrust this fuinjutsu to anyone. Shouta and Minato didn't know what to say as their faces turned sad. After thinking for a few seconds, Shouta began to talk to his system.

"Kage, how many points does Hiraishin no Jutsu have?"

[Hiraishin is worth 150,000 points Master, and this is the improved version. With this, you can teleport not only to the marked locations, but also to the places you have been before or the places you see . In addition, the amount of chakra expended is also significantly reduced. Should I buy it?]

While Shouta was buying Hiraishin without thinking, a lot of information suddenly flowed into his head again. A small smile appeared on his face when the transmission of information stopped after a few minutes. After Shouta took one of the custom kunais from one of the scrolls he had tied around his waist, Shouta dropped the mark and handed it to Hiruzen. Hiruzen noticed the mark on Shouta's hand as he looked at the kunai in shock. Hiruzen asked in surprise as he took the kuanai.

"Did you find out about Hiraishin, where did you find the notes? Did you show it to him Mito-sama?"

Mito replied, shaking her head in surprise.

"No, I didn't show it, I didn't teach them anything right. So he didn't see it from me. How did you find out about Hiraishin Shouta?"

This time, everyone turned to him curiously. Shouta decided to pretend not to understand while putting on a naive expression.

"I don't understand why you were so surprised, actually I've been thinking about Hiraishin for a while. I understood its principle too, but my knowledge of fuinjutsu wasn't enough. But when I created Absolute Protection, I also understood it Hiraishin. So it wasn't difficult at all to recreate him."

After a moment's thought, everyone agreed. It was hardly surprising that someone who could create a fuinjutsu like Absolute Protection would reinvent Hiraishin. A smile formed on Hiruzen's face as he spoke again.

"Well, then I will send an Anbu with this kunai to Uzushio. It will arrive there in 2 days. You will also complete fuinjutsu for Konoha during that time. You will be teleported there as soon as you are finished here, what do you say, Mito-sama?"

Mito smiled and nodded to Hiruzen, while Mito took the lone scroll from Hiruzen and took it with him. Then the three of them decided to go to the Senju area. After all, the sooner they started, the better. But just as they were leaving the room, Shouta caught Hiruzen's gaze on the papers in front of him. After thinking for a moment, he stopped, smiled, and stepped toward Hiruzen. Mito and Minato turned to Shouta curiously, while Hiruzen looked at him curiously.

"Did you forget something, young Shouta?"

After shaking his head slightly, Shouta took a notebook from the parchments he had tied around his waist, then answered.

"I realized that you can't get rid of this paperwork Hokage-sama, so I wanted to give you this. This is an advanced version of Kage Bunshin. With this, you can get rid of that paperwork and get your work done faster. For example, my clones draw my manga so I can get more training. I still have time. But my amount of chakra is not big enough yet, so I can only create two clones. But I'm sure you can create quite a lot."

Hiruzen took the notebook Shouta held out as he curiously began to read the jutsu. As his eyes widened while reading, he understood once again that this boy was a genius. He was so happy to get rid of this paperwork as he started laughing heartily.

"You are indeed a great genius, Shouta, thank you for this jutsu as well. You can be sure that I will use it very well and thank you for giving it to me. If you allow me, can I teach this jutsu to the Anbu as well?"

"Of course Hokage-sama, I don't mind if it helps Konoha."

"You can ask me something for this S-level jutsu you gave, tell me, is there anything you want from me?"

Shouta was a bit taken aback, but he immediately started thinking. Actually, he couldn't want much from Hiruzen; after all, he could buy everything through the system. When he couldn't think of anything, he turned to his friend and asked.

"Minato, I can't think of anything, is there something you want?"

Minato didn't know what to say as he looked at his friend in surprise. It had been a while since Shouta had taught him that clone jutsu. And even he was quite surprised when he first learned about it. So he understood that Hiruzen wanted to give something back to him. But in such a situation, he was very surprised to ask her. After all, he had nothing to do with this jutsu. But he knew Shouta too well, so he knew there was nothing he really wanted. So after a while, he started to think. After a few moments, he looked at Hiruzen, determined to do it.

"Hokage-sama, I would like information on genjutsu if possible, Shouta and I, are very good at Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, and Kunai and Shuriken Jutsu. But genjutsu is an area we have not yet entered and don't know much about. Anything you can give regarding genjutsu would be good, if possible. That way we can cover that weakness."

They all said their goodbyes after Hiruzen accepted Minato's suggestion and said that he would send anything related to genjutsu to the Senju domain. Shouta and Minato smiled at the opportunity, excited to see Uzushio as well. All three were quite excited as they walked toward Senju.

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