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Capítulo 40: Chapter 40: Himar Lannister

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Transforming Alterion into a dagger I waved it sending purple dark flames towards the creature. We were already in another spot from earlier because I threw him away, so the flames again brurned another parts of the forest.

'I can fight freely without thinking of destroying the forest since I have Terania, she can correct the whole place with her magic.' I reassured myself.

"But this guy is going to die the worst way possible." I said to myself.

Roaring with fury, the Baphomet summoned raw elemental power, casting torrents of water to extinguish the flames. The forest now echoed with the clash of fire and water, steam rising as we fought.

The Baphomet determined to seaze the opportunity of the steam for himself, he roared channeling an immense surge of energy. The ground cracked, and colossal roots erupted to ensnare me.

Dodging the root, I flew to the Baphomet so fast that it seemed as if I teleported. Landing softly, I right hooked it under its rib cage, right on the liver making it shrink around itself in pain, then quickly with the same hand I uppercuted him to the chin.

He was sent flying behind spinning back really fast and uncontrolably until he landed on a small sized mountain destroying it as it crumbled on his body.

"Im going to show you what true humiliation and despair are. You said we dirtied earth right? You may be right, but cleaning it is my job. You are just a clown of the many clown that are going to try and stop me. THE REAL GOAT IS ME, NOT YOU!" I started shouting excitedly lifting both my arms facing the sky.

Suddently earth started shaking and the place and ruble where the Baphemot is buried shook even more. Black stinking smoke came from there, and then...


The place exploded completely and the rocks of the moutain flew everywhere, when the dust cloud cleared It revealed a huge 80 meters tall Bahemoth, it was a transformation that the Baphemot for the first time of his long 5500 years life was forced to use.

(Picture of the Bahemoth)

A single look at it made my spine shiver, but not from fear. I knew that the fight I always wanted can finaly be realised.


I started shouting with a cold and malevolent tone, mocking and belittling this thing in front of me displaying a twisted sense of amusement at the situation, reveling my power and control over the situation. My laughter is unsettling and maniacal, reflecting my sadistic nature.

My speech is now clearly more commanding and less restrained, showcasing my ruthless and unpredictable personality I reveal when I get too excited.




While this legendary fight was happening, on the other side of the continent, or in the south of Mariol forest to be precise. A king is seated on his throne, in the grand throne room, colossal walls rise adorned with tapestries and frescoes, depicting the kingdom's stories, history and legends.

The ceiling soars high above, adorned with gilded moldings and a resplendent chandelier that casts a warm, golden hue.

At the room's focal point, an imposing throne commands attention. Crafted from polished, dark wood and draped in opulent fabrics, it glistens with gem-encrusted embellishments, symbolizing the ruler's authority and might.

The floor, a mosaic of marble or ornate tiles, leads the eye toward the throne. Statues or armored guards stand sentinel, contributing to the room's imposing grandeur, evoking a sense of tradition and regal power.

The king who's sitting on this high place is a 28-year-old blond king with a striking figure. His golden hair cascades in wavy locks, giving him an air of youthful charisma. His regal bearing and sharp, azure eyes exude both pride and superiority. Despite his age, he carries himself with a confident poise that belies his years.

His attire is a blend of traditional and modern, reflecting his progressive reign. He dons a finely tailored royal tunic, accented with intricate embroidery and insignias, showing his connection to a rich lineage. A cloak of deep crimson, fastened with an ornate clasp, drapes over his shoulders, symbolizing his authority.

This young king's name is Himar Lanister, the king of the Lanister kingdom. His father was an amazing strategist and politician who made this kingdom reach unbelievable heights despite its previous difficult situation.

But 6 years earlier Himar killed his father by feeding him poison in order to take the reign of the kingdom, this made Himar arrogant and prideful, thinking of himself as a sort of a genius who can do anything, that he is gifted something others dont have.

This led him to make questionable decisions during his short 6 years as a king such as trying to take control of the Mariol forest 4 years before, which ended as a failure resulting in the death of thousands of his military.

Another one of those weird decision is his hostile declaration to the Carabianna kingdom which is a very strong kingdom in terms of magic, and has the best magical academies and strongest mages, even the king is a very capable mage who is able to cast up to fourth tier magic spells.

As well as the very bad and hard time he's making his people live, with exagerated taxes and harsh laws that exploit everyone who isn't a noble to work until dearg with little to no exchange, making living in the Lannister kingdom almost impossible.

Himar just received the news from his most trusted servant and first minister Drossen, of a new castle that appeared out of nowhere in the middle of Mariol forest, the weird thing is that even after 38 hours of this declaration, the castle they are talking about is still intact.

Mariol forest is an extremly dangerous place that no one has ever managed to control in the history of human kind, the appearance of such castle and still existing even after this time is something that means only two things, either the castle is made by the creatures living in Mariol, or that a strong person that even the monsters of Mariol can't mess with is living there.

But this is not everything, the weirdest thing is that a huge skelleton dragon was spotted flying from that castle, and landing back approximatly 9 hours later.

"Drossen, what do you think of this situation." Himar spoke with a firm voice showcasing his confidence and his arrogance.

"Your majesty, Mariol forest never had such a skelleton dragon. It only means one thing, it is that that castle is a new force or organism that joined the forest recently." Drossen, a short but fat old aged man, due to his short stature he looks like a huge meat ball.

He was the trusted servant and right hand of the previous king, he did help the previous king with a lot of things during his carrier with his intelect and cleverness. Drossen dosent know that Himar is the one to kill the king, this is why he continued serving him.

Hearing what the intelligent Drossen said, Himar arrogantly and shamlessly replied. "Yeah, this is what I was thinking about too... So what do you think I should do?" He shamelessly asked.

"Your majesty this is a new rising force which means that they must be weak at this point. We must take this opportunity and attack them before they further develope and become a threat for us, their neighboring kingdom." He explained.

Hearing what his trusted and loyal Drossen said, he could only go along."Yes! Yes! You are right..." Himar excitedly said. "If they could control Mariol and not get attacked by the forest then we can do it too! Imagine the riches we will get by placing our hands on that place!"

Drossen got excited too as he said. "Exactly your majesty! Imagine the names you will be called and stories told about you in the future when you will take control over Mariol! You will be the first king in history to make it happen, truly a feat deserving your highness."

Getting greedy and taunted from these achievements Drossen metionned, Himar immedietly ordered his trusted servant. "It is decided Drossen! Send messengers to that castle and tell them to surrender to us, if they refuse we are going to completly wipe them out of the map!" With a smile, arrogantly annouced the king.

Turning around to go execute his orders, his eyes not visible due to the white light reflection on his glasses, Drossen replied. "At once my lord." He replied pushing back his glassse with a smile going from his left to his right ear.

"You stupid lower life form, we're gonna have fun bringing you down without even you realising it." Drossen muttered under his breath.



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