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Capítulo 9: chapter 9

Yuji megumi and nobora stood back to back as the disaster curses surrounded them."So what's the plan?"asked kugisaki.

"I'm not sure but megumi can you summon your shikigami called nue I want yo try something."said itadori."wait what are you going to do?"asked megumi.

"Just trust me megumi."replied itadori.Out of nowhere dark orbs came flying towards then as a 50 meter golden barrier surrounded the three.

Megumi summoned nue as itadori placed his hand on nue as life energy started to pour into nue as it started to grow before it reached a size of 30 meters.

Itadori then took one of nue's wings and started injecting more life energy into it as a second nue was formed thar was just as big as the one yuji had just enlarged.

"Wait did you just evolve nue and clone him."said megumi in disbelief."Yeah I didn't think it would work but I guess it did."replied itadori.

Out of nowhere yuji and the others recognized five giant meteors coming down on the barrier.yuji grabbed nobora and megumi as golden flames surrounded their bodies causing a surge in their curse energy reserves.

"This fire it isn't particularly hot."said nobora as she looked at her hands.They didn't have time to think as the meteors were getting closer.

Yuji dispeled the barrier as the two nue's flew into the air as a they both released two giant electric shock beams at the three meteors.

BOOM! Dust and debree rained down from the air causing rocks to scatter all over the ground.Yamin then appeared behind yuji as a dark blade was aimed at yuji's chest.

Gold experience materialized blocking the strike as jogo sent a wave of blue flames towards yuji.But nobora immediately sent a nail into jogo's chest as it detonated causing him to spit out blood.

"My nails rage and attack potency as well as speed seemed to have increased."said nobora as she doged an giant vinegar coming from hanami.

Megumi used his original nue and sent a giant electric shock towards mahito.Mahito doged out of the way as he changed into the shape of a bird appearing infront of megumi about to touch him.

But megumi jumped back as itadori appeared infront of mahito delivering a punch to his face sending him into the ground.

Yamin was shocked as he realized itadori wasn't fighting him along side gold experience.Yamin was then punched in the face by gold experience as he skidded back realizing gold experience wasn't chasing him.

"Oh i see you can't stay too far away from that brat I guess I found your weakness."said Yamin as he laughed a dark claw towards nobora impaling her.

"one down two to go."said Yamin as he rushed towards megumi.But immediately felt a pain in his chest as he turned and saw nobora who was totally fine holding a straw doll with a nail right inside it's chest

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