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Capítulo 58: Tension in Devalok!

Arriving at the training ground where Bhanumati and Dushala were currently practicing, Aryan couldn't help but smile. 

"Looks like my darlings are gearing up for another round? "

Aryan said playfully which attracted both of their attention. 

"What brings you here Aryan? "

Bhanumati said as she out down her bow and approached him while wiping her sweat. 

On the other side, Dushala also sheathed her swords and walked towards Aryan with a smile. 

Seeing this scene, Aryan couldn't help but rejoice inwardly. Thankfully, there was peace in his harem. Sometimes Aryan even felt left out by the two of them but it made him happy instead of sad seeing their friendship. 

"Well, I just came by to see how much you guys have progressed. "

Aryan flirted while hugging the buttery waists of Bhanumati and Dushala. 

Bhanumati and Dushala chuckled at Aryan's playful demeanor. They were not only Aryan's wives but also strong and independent women in their own right. Their bond with each other had grown over time, creating a sense of camaraderie among them.

Bhanumati leaned in and teased, "So, you came to see if we've improved enough to impress you, huh?"

Dushala playfully added, "Well, we wouldn't want to disappoint our lord, now, would we?"

Aryan laughed heartily, feeling grateful for the harmony and affection that existed within his harem. He knew that the strength of his relationships with Bhanumati and Dushala was just as important as his quest for power and the Seven Deadly Sins.

"Of course not," Aryan replied, leaning in to kiss each of them. "You always impress me with your skills and your hearts. It's one of the many reasons I love you both."

With a contented sigh, Aryan enjoyed a moment of peace and happiness with his beloved wives. 


Unbeknownst to Aryan, the situation in Devalok was currently very tense. 

At this moment, many deities were currently gathered in Godking Indra's palace and everyone had a solemn expression on their face. 

Finally, Indra himself broke the silence. 

"Great Sage Narad, have you succeeded in contacting any of the Trimurti during this time? "

Narad, with a deep furrow on his forehead, replied, "My lord, I have tried repeatedly, but there has been no response from any of the Trimurti. It's as if they have withdrawn from our reach."

The deities exchanged worried glances, recognizing the gravity of the situation. Indra's concern deepened as he realized that the gods themselves, the very foundation of Devalok, were inaccessible or unresponsive. 

Indra sighed heavily and spoke with determination, "We cannot afford to remain in the dark any longer. We must find out what has transpired and why the Trimurti are silent. Great Sage Narad, continue your efforts to reach them. The fate of Devalok may depend on their guidance. The other Pantheons have already noticed that something is wrong. If they discover that we have lost contact with the Trimurti, then they will definitely try to take advantage of this situation. Especially that bastard Zeus and that one eyed old man. "

The assembly nodded in agreement, understanding that they needed the wisdom and guidance of the Trimurti to navigate the challenging times ahead.

Unbeknownst to them, all of this had happened because of Aryan. 

After he received Lord Vishnu's boon, due to the technicalities of his request, a brand new parallel world branched out from the original timeline the moment Aryan was reincarnated in this world. And naturally, the Trimurti's are the supreme existences which are unique in themselves. So this parallel world have no Trimurtis at all. 

Generally speaking, it's impossible for something like this to happen because the fibre of reality is too tough to allow something like a parallel world to exist. But thanks to the fact that when Aryan got this boon, the Kaliyug was about to end which led to a temporary weakness in the fabric of reality and led to this phenomenon. 

Even Lord Vishnu himself had not expected something like this to happen at that time and it was out of his calculations, which led to the current situation in Devalok. 

And more importantly, without the restraint of the Trimurtis Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma, the other two pantheons namely the Greek Pantheon and the Norse Pantheon will definitely try to conspire against the Devalok. 



[The explanation behind this new setting ]

During the same general time period as the Mahabharata, which is an ancient Indian epic often dated to around 400 BCE to 400 CE, there were also various myths and legends in the Western world. Although, it's important to note that the Mahabharata is significantly older than many of the myths from the Western world , there are still a few contemporary myths namely, 

1) Greek Mythology: This is one of the most famous mythological systems in the Western world. It includes stories of gods and heroes like Zeus, Hera, Achilles, and many more. The Greek epic poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" attributed to Homer are considered to have been composed around the same time as the Mahabharata.

2) Norse Mythology: In Northern Europe, the Vikings had their own mythological beliefs. The Poetic Edda and Prose Edda, which contain the myths of the Norse gods and heroes, were compiled during this time.

While these myths and stories existed alongside the Mahabharata, it's important to recognize that they belong to different cultural and geographical contexts. The Mahabharata is a product of ancient Indian culture, and these Western myths are from various European and Middle Eastern cultures.

Thus, in order to explain the unexplored western part of the world in the Mahabharat, I have choosen to use the setting of two another Pantheons in the world, which in the original timeline were forced to be supressed by the Trimurtis so none of the Pantheons interfered with the other one tacitly. But in this parallel world, things are bound to change. After all, this is not the original world. 

* This is only a foreshadowing and the current plot will focus on Mahabharat itself. 

Daddy_strikes_ Daddy_strikes_

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