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Capítulo 47: Chapter 47: Sports Festival

"Let our ideals soar high, let our emotions burst forth! Courageously forge ahead, undeterred by failure. Class 1-2 steps into the sunlight, advancing with unwavering determination. This is a class that strives tirelessly to progress," Ye Bai read from the script, introducing the various classes participating in the Parade.

As he finished the introduction, the Class 1-2 students stood up at the front and shouted, "Train our bodies, resolve to become stronger! Class 2, Class 2, an exceptional class!" The entire class joined in, their enthusiastic cheer filling the air with energy and unity.

Qian Sanyi stepped up to the microphone with confidence. "Next up is Class 2-1 of the Natural Science department," he announced, gesturing towards Jiang Tianhao who led the procession, proudly carrying their banner, followed by the rest of the Natural Science students.

"They're the natural talents that we've never seen before," Qian Sanyi continued enthusiastically. "They can climb to the top and survey the mountains surrounding them. This is a group filled with love and attraction. Working together as one mind, they perform with flawless teamwork. Putting forth their full effort is their eternal belief. Achieving first place is their unwavering goal," he declared proudly, introducing his department with admiration and respect.

The Natural Science students stepped forward, speaking confidently. "First place is never simple. Stand tall and proud, like a tiger descending from the mountain. Well done!" they cheered, acknowledging the hard work and dedication of their classmates.

Qian Sanyi saluted his classmates proudly, a sense of admiration evident in his expression. "Class 2-1, give it your best shot!" he cheered, encouraging them to perform their best and strive for success.

Ye Bai shot a glance at Qian Sanyi, who appeared to be taunting him. Despite the slight jab, Ye Bai couldn't help but chuckle before regaining his composure, his expression turning serious once more as he took hold of the microphone.

"Coming towards the stage now is Class 2-6, the class of heaven," Ye Bai announced confidently, his voice resonating through the air.

Qian Sanyi squinted his eyes as he observed the approaching students, surprised to see that they were all dressed in costumes.

Suddenly, Ye Bai stood up on his chair, commanding attention. "I proudly introduce to you the members of Class 2-6," he declared with pride. "Holding the banner, we have Black Widow and Ling Mei-Qi Demon Fairy, followed by Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Chun Li, Sailor Moon, Captain America, Luffy, Snow White..."

With a playful slap of his fan, Ye Bai exclaimed, "Go forth and defeat the enemy troops!" In response, the entire Class 2-6 shouted in unison, "As you wish, Prince Ye!"

Qian Sanyi covered his microphone briefly, unable to contain his amusement. "Your class is really something else. You've even deployed The Avengers. Do we even stand a chance?" he joked, his tone light-hearted despite the competitive atmosphere.

Ye Bai couldn't help but laugh at Qian Sanyi's joke, fully aware that his class didn't stand much of a chance at winning the championship in this event. With only himself as the potential fighter and unable to play all the games, the odds were stacked against them.

As the Social Science class shouted their cheer, "2626 5226 6666 6666," Principal Xie glanced at Tang Yuanming, seeking clarification. "What does that slogan mean? I can't understand a thing," he admitted.

Tang Yuanming approached Principal Xie and explained, "It's an 'Internet Slang.' It's often used as a rhythmic chant or cheer without a direct translation. It's commonly heard in cheering or chanting contexts, such as during sports events or group activities, to encourage or energize participants."

Principal Xie's eyes lit up with understanding. "Ah, so it's catching up with the new era? Here I was thinking it was some sort of magic code," he remarked, eliciting laughter from the teachers nearby who had been listening in.


"Xiaobai, I'll take over your position for a while," Lin Miaomiao said as she approached Ye Bai, who was seated beside Qian Sanyi.

Lin Miaomiao, still adorned in her costume, walked over to their side. Ye Bai handed her his handkerchief to wipe away her sweat. Thankful for the gesture, Lin Miaomiao used the handkerchief to pat at the moisture glistening on her forehead, momentarily relieved from the heat of their surroundings.

Qian Sanyi furrowed his eyebrows, observing the exchange between the two with a hint of suspicion creeping into his expression.

"Go and change to more comfortable clothes first." Ye Bai remind here.

"Okay," Lin Miaomiao posed first, before waving goodbye to change her clothes. After a while she came back in a school uniform with a comfortable expression, then she posed like before "I'm back." smiling silly.

Ye Bai stood up. "Okay, I need to get ready for the competition," he announced, referring to the upcoming race against Jiang Tianhao.

"Good luck, Ye Bai!" Lin Miaomiao cheered. "Beat the Natural Science class." She glanced over at Qian Sanyi as she spoke taunting him as she sat down.


Ye Bai changed into his P.E. uniform in preparation for the upcoming competition. He was participating in two events: the 100-meter dash and the 400-meter run.

Looking around, Ye Bai noticed his classmates cheering for their class representative in the department. His attention was drawn to them because they were unique, they still wearing their costumes. He joined them, adding his cheers for their classmate.

Deng Xiaoqi saw him cheering, she walked over to his side. "Is your race up next? Is it the next event you're competing in?" she asked.

Ye Bai looked at Deng Xiaoqi and nodded. She is still wearing her 'Black Widow' outfit but the wig is removed. "Yes, my race is up next."

"Where's Miaomiao?" Looking for a familiar figure besides Ye Bai.

"She's supposed to take over my position as an announcer, but she might come over once the race begins," he replied.

As they chatted, applause erupted from the other competition caught their attention. They glanced over to see what was happening.

Jiang Tianhao was now standing with his hands raised, being applauded by the students surrounding him. Joy was evident on his face as he secured first place in the long jump. It was his third event and third, first-place award.

Ye Bai saw him, smiled, and clapped along, while Deng Xiaoqi watched with apparent disinterest. Jiang Tianhao noticed Ye Bai and waved at him, walking over. "Ye Bai, our race is up next. We'll be competing against each other." He said excitedly.

Ye Bai smiled. "Oh, it's clear that our competition isn't quite fair. You've been participating in events since earlier, they might start saying I bullied you in the races because you're tired from all the events you joined," he joked.

Jiang Tianhao showed biceps and posed, "Is this the look of a tired person. This is just a warm-up for me." he said while smiling silly. Looking at Deng Xiaoqi he just smiled and nodded.

"I'll prepare myself, Ye Bai. Good luck in the race later." Jiang Tianhao punched Ye Bai on his shoulder.

"Good luck to both of us," Ye Bai replied, waving at Jiang Tianhao as he walked away.

Deng Xiaoqi was surprised by Jiang Tianhao's behavior, not used to him being so unassuming and not seeking attention from her. Despite her surprise, she chose to ignore it.

Ye Bai was happy to see Jiang Tianhao's improvement and realized he was no longer as infatuated with Xiaoqi as he used to be.

"I'm gonna go to Miaomiao, Goodluck Ye Bai." Deng Xiaoqi said goodbye. She wanted to see Qian Sanyi and Lin Miaomiao with him, it was a chance for her to get close to him.

Ye Bai nodded saying goodbye.


Lin Miaomiao was now holding the class banner with Deng Xiaoqi. Ye Bai was now ready at the starting position with Jiang Tianhao and other participating students.

Ye Bai's eyes became serious as he took the finish line. Their class hasn't even won any awards yet.

Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi started yelling supporting Ye Bai.

"Ready!" As the starter raised his pistol, Ye Bai's heart skipped a beat. *Bang!* The sound echoed through the air, and all of the participants started running. Ye Bai ran as fast as he could, running every morning and participating with the elderly in the park bearing fruit as he ran.

The Social Science students shouted the loudest as they saw Ye Bai run in the leading place. On the sidelines, Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi couldn't contain their excitement. They jumped up and down, waving the class banner and cheering at the top of their lungs. "Go, Ye Bai, go!" they shouted, their voices filled with infectious enthusiasm.

As Ye Bai neared the finish line, he could hear the cheers of his classmates growing louder and louder. With one final burst of energy, he crossed the finish line in a blaze of glory.

Jiang Tianhao came 2nd this time as he watched Ye Bai he couldn't help to become amazed as he saw him running.

The entire class erupted into cheers and applause as Ye Bai's victory was announced. Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi rushed to congratulate him, their faces glowing with pride.

Lin Miaomiao hurriedly opened a bottle of water and passed it to Ye Bai, "Come on drink some water." she also passed a towel to wipe his sweat.

"Thanks, Miaomiao" as he wiped his sweat.

As Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi helped Ye Bai, they saw Liang Yunshu pass a bottle of water and a towel to Jiang Tianhao. Lin Miaomiao's eyes cannot help to become wide as he the scene, she glances at Deng Xiaoqi who is also surprised.

Jiang Tianhao turned around and found them looking at him. "Congrats Ye Bai!"

Ye Bai happily accepted it "Thank you," and looked at Liang Yunshu beside Jiang Tianhao. "We should celebrate after and eat lunch together later. Join us Yunshu."

Liang Yunshu looks at Jiang Tianjao first. Jiang Tianhao nodded. "Can I bring my friend Xindi with me?" she asked.

"Sure you can bring your friend with you." Ye Bai knows that those two are like sisters.

"I'm so tired right now, I will not join the 400-meter run." Jiang Tianhao said as he tried to stretch his body.

"Okay, we will not disturb you Haozi." Ye Bai responds.

Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi just watch the happening in front of them. Lin Miaomiao can't believe that Haozi is with Yunshu now. She wanted to ask when did it start. But she doesn't how to say it. Miaomiao turned to Ye Bai who looked like already knew it in the first place, she needed to know the story behind it.


Lin Miaomiao was sitting on the announcer's table drinking water, *cough* her throat was a little sore from the cheering she did a while ago.

As expected Ye Bai won the 400-meter run without the athletic Jiang Tianhao, there are no competitors that can defeat Ye Bai in the running. Lin Miaomiao enthusiastically cheered for Ye Bai since it was their class victory. Ye Bai said to her that he would change his clothes first before coming back.

""Yelling like that, your throat will get hurt," Qian Sanyi observed, noting Lin Miaomiao's expression.

Turning to Qian Sanyi, Lin Miaomiao retorted, "Can I not yell? The boys in our class are too weak. Thank goodness Ye Bai carried our class to victory." She cast a proud glance at the students competing in the distance. "I still remember the first year competition when we took all the awards. Your teamwork back then crushed all the competitors," she reminisced fondly.

Qian Sanyi noticed the chef approaching with a box full of lunch boxes. "The food is coming," he announced.

Excitedly, Lin Miaomiao turned around and spotted the food delivery. "My food!" she exclaimed, rushing over to the boxes. Without hesitation, she grabbed two lunch boxes, knowing that Ye Bai would be hungry after the exhausting competition. She didn't have to wait long as Ye Bai arrived with Jiang Tianghao, Liang Yunshu, and Wei Xindi.

"Ye Bai, hurry!" Lin Miaomiao called out, passing the food to him as he approached. Ye Bai sat down beside Lin Miaomiao and eagerly opened the lunch boxes.

Jiang Tianhao also grabbed three lunchboxes and handed them to Liang Yunshu and Wei Xindi.

Opening her lunchbox, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but comment, "This soup with rice is so delicious, I could eat two bowls of it. I'll write a promotion to give them some compliments," she declared, already planning to share her enjoyment of the meal.

She glanced at Ye Bai, opening her chopsticks, and suggested, "Let's read it on the radio station."

Busy devouring his food, Ye Bai responded with a muffled, "Hmm?" His focus was solely on the food in his hands, oblivious to Lin Miaomiao's words.

Jiang Tianhao chuckled at Ye Bai's single-mindedness. "Ye Bai is so focused on the food that he didn't even hear Miaomiao," he remarked, earning laughter from their friends.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but smile as she watched Ye Bai hungrily devour his meal. Sometimes she is just like that so she understand him. She set down her own lunch and opened a bottle of water for him, placing it beside him without a word.

As they enjoyed their meal, Deng Xiaoqi entered the room and immediately gravitated towards Lin Miaomiao, pulling her to her side. Observing the scene around them, Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help but notice how Jiang Tianhao was attentively taking care of Liang Yunshu. While it wasn't overtly showy, his care and concern were unmistakable. Her eyebrows slightly raised, then she looked affectionately to Qian Sanyi.

Lin Miaomiao quickly grabbed a lunchbox for Deng Xiaoqi. "Here, Xiaoqi, let's eat," she said warmly, before settling down between Ye Bai and Deng Xiaoqi. Looking around, she remarked, "Wow, our female dorm and your male dorm are all sitting at one table."

Jiang Tianhao glanced around and added, "Qian Sanyi is also part of our dorm, but he doesn't stay in our room."

"My mother doesn't want me to stay there, and my house is nearby," Qian Sanyi explained.

The new group started off a bit awkwardly but quickly warmed up to each other. Laughter filled the table as they shared experience of the event, making the gathering memorable and enjoyable.

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