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Capítulo 21: Ch-21 Abilities awakening.

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Jugram, retracting his Reishi pressure, stated, "I have informed you about everything: the goals, the challenges, and the potential benefits. Now, I need you to tell me what your thoughts are on joining the 'Sternitter.'"

Shikamaru replied, "The Hokage has already requested our participation in the 'Sternitter.' Additionally, you have openly disclosed your motives to us without concealing anything. Thus, I see no reason not to join the 'Sternitter.'"

"I, too, have no reason to refuse," added Ino, nodding in agreement. "It seems like the logical course of action considering the information provided."

Choji affirmed, "If both Shikamaru and Ino are willing to join, then count me in as well."

Shino, adjusting his glasses, said, "This is an order from our superiors, so I don't believe we have much of a choice in the matter. I will comply and join."

Kiba, scratching his head, chimed in, "If you can genuinely provide me with new abilities, then I don't see any reason to object. I'm on board."

Hinata, clasping her hands together, stated, "My father has strongly urged me to join the 'Sternitter,' and thus, I will heed his advice and become a member."

Jugram nodded with a warm smile and remarked, "I am genuinely pleased that you all have reached this decision collectively."

Jugram continued with a reassuring tone, "I understand that there may be some dissatisfaction among you all, but after this, you won't feel any discontent. Trust in the process." After making this statement, Jugram approached Shino, his movements deliberate yet gentle, and placed his hand on Shino's head.

Soon, Shino was enveloped in a brilliant purple light, emanating an aura that instilled fear in everyone present.

"Don't look at him," Jugram cautioned, his voice firm yet calm. Upon hearing Jugram's instruction, everyone immediately averted their gazes from Shino, sensing the power surging within him.

Then, Jugram shifted his focus to Kiba, his movements fluid as he reached out and touched Kiba's head, triggering the emergence of a radiant sky blue light that surrounded him.

Then Jugram approached Hinata with a gentle smile and placed his hand on her head, causing her cheeks to turn crimson with embarrassment at the unexpected touch from another boy. As Jugram's energy flowed through her, Hinata was engulfed in a crackling aura of lightning, adding to her embarrassment.

Next, Jugram turned his attention to Shikamaru, standing calmly before him as a golden light enveloped Shikamaru. Then, Jugram moved to Choji, his touch igniting a fiery red glow around him, contrasting with the calm demeanour of the group.

Continuing with his task, Jugram approached Ino with a reassuring expression, his touch evoking a reciprocal blush from her. Like the others, Ino was soon enveloped in a mysterious dark blue light, signifying the transformation taking place within her.

For the next 10 minutes, an intense energy surged through each person, manifesting as profound transformations within their bodies. They felt sensations they had never experienced before, as if their very essence was being reshaped. After this period of intense transformation, the radiant light enveloping their bodies gradually faded away, leaving them in awe of the changes they had undergone.

As the last traces of light dissipated, Jugram's voice resonated through the ground, filled with pride and admiration. "Congratulations to everyone for awakening your new abilities," he declared.

Jugram then began explaining everyone's powers in detail, taking the time to elaborate on each ability.

"Now, I will read out all your abilities and provide guidance on their proper usage," he began. "Sasuke's ability is 'The Heat,' which grants him precise control over fire, allowing him to manipulate flames as he sees fit."

Moving on to Shino, Jugram continued, "Shino's ability, known as 'The Fear,' grants him the power to instill fear in those he has injured. With practice, he will be able to induce fear with just a gaze, mastering the art of intimidation."

"Kiba's ability, 'The Jail,' is a formidable power," Jugram explained. "It enables Kiba to create an impenetrable prison; with his current strength, he is capable of trapping even experienced Jonin. In his initial stages, his skill with this ability is already impressive, and as he grows stronger, his ability to trap others will also increase."

Next, Jugram turned his attention to Hinata, saying, "Hinata's ability, 'The Thunderbolt,' grants her mastery over lightning. She can create, control, and project lightning bolts with precision and power."

Shikamaru's ability was next in line. "Shikamaru's power, 'The Imaginary,' is particularly intriguing," Jugram noted. "It allows him to materialize anything he has seen simply by imagining it, offering endless possibilities for creativity and strategy."

Then, addressing Choji, Jugram said with a hint of humor, "Choji's ability, 'The Miracle,' allows him to transform into a colossal giant. Remarkably, the more injuries he sustains, the larger he grows, all without the need for excessive calorie consumption. So, Choji, perhaps a bit of moderation in your eating habits wouldn't hurt."

Finally, Jugram turned to Ino, saying, "Lastly, Ino's ability, 'The Explode,' grants her the power to trigger explosions upon touching any object, providing a potent offensive capability."

With each explanation, Jugram ensured that everyone understood the intricacies of their newfound abilities, setting the stage for their future endeavors.

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