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Capítulo 5: Chapter 5

In that dimly lit room, Yun Che lay still upon his bed, his once vibrant form now reduced to a motionless figure shrouded in layers of bandages.

His chest rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm, the only indication of life amidst the suffocating stillness that enveloped him.

Beside him stood his solemn grandpa and tearful aunt, their faces etched with worry and helplessness, their hearts heavy with the burden of uncertainty that hung in the air like a thick fog.

After the incident, his entire body seemed frozen, trapped in a state of suspended animation as he slipped into a coma.

Despite their tireless efforts and a myriad of medicines, Yun Che's condition remained unchanged, the severity of the injuries inflicted by Xia Qingyue proving to be formidable adversaries against the battle for his life.

The room echoed with a heavy silence, each passing moment feeling like an eternity as time seemed to stand still.

His grandpa and aunt exchanged worried glances, their hearts heavy with the weight of uncertainty that pressed down upon them like a crushing weight.

Occasionally, a doctor would enter the room, administering medicine and meticulously monitoring Yun Che's vital signs.

Outside the room, heated debates and fervent discussions sparked to life in the wake of the shocking turn of events, leaving those gathered reeling as they grappled with the mystery shrouding the true motives behind the fateful confrontation.

What was once a celebrated union had now descended into tragedy, leaving Yun Che seemingly beaten and possibly even killed by his own bride.

Amidst the whispers and speculations, many pointed accusing fingers at the bride's family, suggesting that their dissatisfaction with the marriage had driven them to orchestrate the attack in a desperate bid to rid themselves of Yun Che once and for all.

The air buzzed with tension as suspicions swirled and alliances shifted in the uncertain aftermath of the devastating incident.

With each passing moment, the weight of responsibility bore down heavily upon Xia Qingyue's family. 

The expensive medicines they provided served as a desperate bid to salvage not only Yun Che's life but also their own reputation and standing within the city.

They were indebted to Yun Che's family for saving their daughter, so allowing Yun Che to slip into the embrace of death would shatter the fragile facade of honor and integrity they had carefully cultivated.

Such an outcome would not only be a betrayal of trust but also a forfeiture of their very existence within the intricate web of societal alliances in the city.

The pressure to ensure Yun Che's survival weighed heavily on their shoulders, threatening to unravel the delicate balance of power and influence they held within the community.

As the night wore on, the tension in the room grew palpable, a silent testament to the gravity of the situation.

Yun Che lay suspended animation, his frail form a poignant reminder of the delicate balance hanging in the balance.


As dawn broke on the horizon, casting its golden rays upon the world below, Xia Qingyue sat alone in another room, her expression etched with a myriad of conflicting emotions.

In the quiet solitude of the morning light, the weight of her impulsive actions weighed heavily upon her heart.

Regret gnawed at her conscience, its tendrils weaving a tangled web of remorse and guilt.

She had acted on impulse, driven by emotions she could scarcely comprehend in the heat of the moment.

Now, with the clarity of hindsight, she grappled with the consequences of her reckless decision.

Tears welled in her eyes as she confronted the harsh reality of her actions.

In that moment of solitude, she was left to confront the consequences of her actions and the heavy burden of remorse that weighed upon her soul.

With trembling lips, she reached out to her master, her voice laden with tears and desperation, seeking solace and guidance in the aftermath of her impulsive decisions.

As Xia Qingyue's hidden master observed the unfolding crisis from afar, she too grappled with her own dilemma.

Her mission had been clear: to escort Xia Qingyue back to the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect after her marriage. 

However, with Yun Che's current condition hanging in the balance, this seemingly straightforward task now appeared insurmountable.

The events that had transpired had thrown everything into disarray.

Xia Qingyue's allegiance was torn between her duty to her sect and the guilt weighing heavily upon her for Yun Che's condition.

Unable to ignore the gravity of the situation, Xia Qingyue's master knew that the matter could not be brushed aside.

Despite the complications it presented, Xia Qingyue's involvement with Yun Che had become intertwined with her destiny, and she couldn't simply let it go.

The martial arts practiced within their sect demanded a cold heart and a mind devoid of worldly concerns, prerequisites that Xia Qingyue's current state of shock and sorrow opposed.

Caught between duty and compassion, Xia Qingyue's hidden master understood the gravity of the situation.

Xia Qingyue's emotional turmoil not only hindered her progress but also jeopardized her potential as the sect's most promising student.

In the Frozen Sect, purity was paramount, and any transgression against this sacred principle was met with severe consequences.

Yun Che's actions, particularly his kiss with Xia Qingyue, had violated the sanctity of their rules, and in the eyes of her master, he deserved nothing short of death.

However, Xia Qingyue's master understood that this matter could be resolved over time with their sect's martial arts.

While Yun Che's actions were inexcusable, the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect's core martial art had the ability to erase such attachments.

In this matter, Yun Che was not just any trespasser; he was her husband, a bond that held its own intricate set of implications.

If Yun Che were to die, it could cast a shadow over Xia Qingyue's psyche, hindering her from achieving the necessary state of mind for mastering their sect's martial arts. 

Moreover, the Frozen Cloud Asgard adhered to a strict policy of non-interference with mortal affairs. 

Despite Yun Che's transgressions, he was now both crippled and paralyzed.

While Xia Qingyue's hidden master remained indifferent to Yun Che's fate, she recognized the importance of guiding Xia Qingyue through this trial.

Xia Qingyue was the most valuable asset to the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect; her potential was as vast as the open sky, and her growth and development were paramount to the sect's future prosperity and influence.

But all of this would be shackled by the chains of grief and guilt if Yun Che were to die.

With this in mind, Xia Qingyue's hidden master saw an opportunity to rectify, and take advantage of the situation.

Her master saw an opportunity veiled within the tragedy. By healing her husband, she could not only salvage Xia Qingyue's shattered conscience, but she could also sow the seeds of gratitude within Xia Qingyue's heart.

As Yun Che lay on his bed, trapped within the confines of his semi-conscious state, he observed the unfolding situation with a mix of resignation and determination.

"I didn't expect to end up in this state, but this is not entirely bad either," Yun Che thought to himself.

Despite the overwhelming challenges he faced – being paralyzed, injured, and in a coma – Yun Che found solace in the knowledge that his condition was not permanent. With time and proper care, he could heal himself.

Moreover, the sudden surge of attention and resources directed towards his recovery had its benefits.

In this moment of vulnerability, Yun Che resolved to use this opportunity to not only heal physically, but to rebuild his body.

With each passing moment, Yun Che's body quietly absorbed and stored the medicinal liquids within his Sky Poison Pearl.

Despite the copious amounts of medicine poured into his inert body by the attending physicians, Yun Che's recovery was slow.

The injuries inflicted upon him ran deep, their severity compounded by the mysterious properties of Xia Qingyue's icy energy.

His initial intention to request medicine for his profound veins after the marriage ceremony now seemed like a futile endeavor, overshadowed by the stark reality of his insignificance in the eyes of those around him.

Aware of his precarious position as a pawn in their intricate web of debts and obligations, Yun Che decided to risking his life, forcing their hand into providing the necessary treatment.

Eventually, Xia Qingyue's master sighed in resignation. She couldn't risk the task given to her by the sect amidst the turmoil.

She visited Yun He's house offering the life-saving grace of medicine bestowed upon her by the Frozen Cloud Asgard sect.

Inside Yun Che's room, his grandfather carefully opened the lid of the medicine bottle and administered the shining drop of liquid into Yun Che's mouth.

As the medicine flowed through his body, Yun Che's form began to glow brightly with renewed vitality.

Without wasting any time, Yun Che activated his Sky Poison Pearl, storing a portion of the medicine's essence within its depths.

With the remaining essence, he focused on healing his body, ignoring the paralysis that had once plagued him.

Instead of solely focusing on his frozen body, Yun Che directed the essence towards repairing his profound veins, channeling the potent energy to revitalize his weakened state.

His profound veins begun to heal, drawing upon the stored energy of the Sky Poison Pearl to accelerate his healing process.

Throughout the day, the influx of potent medicine continued to fuel Yun Che's body's healing process, each passing moment bringing him closer to recovery.

Amidst the flurry of activity surrounding his bedside, Yun Che remained a silent observer.

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