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Capítulo 30: 22 - ||

This kind of repetitive schedule continued on for some time, much to my relief. Thankfully, Canon neglects to mention the several week timeskip between Riser and Kokobiel. It's been smooth sailing, perfect for helping Sera get settled in. These days she hardly ever leaves my side for anything other than an emergency, much to my conflicting relief and worry. Her Talent finally developed, as well, leading to several hilarious moments. As for what it is…

"…And so, that's how it happened." Sera finished proudly, crossing her arms and smiling.

"…There were no unicorns involved." Ruby deadpanned. "And there weren't twelve spiders the size of cars, there was one tiny one the size of an ant."

Sera huffed, puffing out her cheeks. "So? What's the difference?"

I watched in amusement, idly stroking Shirone's ears. "The difference is your Talent." I answered, smirking. "It's hard, isn't it? Trying to manage it?"

She frowned, but reluctantly nodded in agreement. "It really can't be turned off, can it? I tried to tell the story as accurately as I could, but it started twisting around four words in. How do you control it?"

I snorted. "Control? Please. You can't control a Talent. The best you can hope for is to make some kind of agreement with it. Like Shirone Forgets only the simple things, not names or faces, or how Asia never Breaks living things unless she tries to."

"And you?" She asked, tilting her head. "What's your compromise?"

I shrugged. "Easy. My Talent only activates if I'm alone. Otherwise, I have to trigger it myself."

She nodded. "Makes sense. So how would I do it?"

I glanced over at Ruby, who was now chatting with Gil as she buttoned her shirt. "Ruby would be able to give you the best theories, but I suppose I'd suggest that you establish a middle ground between you and your Talent. Maybe only have it activate when you're not paying attention. But don't just neglect it, Talents can be incredibly useful if you use them right."

"Easy for you to say." Sera grumbled. "Yours is the best escape method on the planet. How can telling stories badly possibly be useful?"

I smiled. "Yours is a Knowledge-type Talent, which means it's hardly going to be as flashy as the others. But it's also much subtler, and that gives you an edge. Think of it this way, it'll be impossible for you to give anyone a straight answer if you turn it to full power. Besides, Knowledge-types are a bit finicky with what they can do. Maybe it has some sort of distraction effect, drawing the attention of enemies. Maybe it can let you read people's minds if you do it right. Who knows?"

She sighed, absently tugging on one of her twintails. "Right. Well, I guess we can figure that out later. We have school now."

I nodded, kissing Shirone on the top of her head and releasing her. She rose, yawning and stretching, to stumble over to where Gil was putting away her hairbrush. I rose as well, walking over to Asia and offering my arm. "Shall we go, milady?" I offered in a posh-sounding voice.

She giggled, linking her arm with mine. "We shall indeed, milord." She teased, preforming a mock curtsey.

I rolled my eyes. "Careful there, that skirt is a bit too tiny to be lifting it."

Ruby smirked, eyeing Asia's shapely rear from her seat behind her. "I'm not complaining."

Sera matched her smirk. "Oh~? And what color panties is our darling Angel wearing today?"

"Light green, no lace. They're adorably innocent." Ruby replied, 'framing' the sight with her fingers.

Asia flushed, pulling down the back of her skirt. "S-stop it!" She protested weakly. "We're about to go to school!"

"Oh, I know!" Sera cheered, leaning down to throw her arms around Ruby. "I get to go to school with my adorable and wonderful girlfriend~!"

Ruby rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "I somehow doubt most people would describe me as 'adorable'."

Sera giggled. "Well, they just don't know you! You're my adorable little Dragon, and if anyone disagrees, I can always prove them wrong!"

Ruby sighed, rising to her feet and ignoring the childlike Maou clinging to her and weaving a Gate. "Well, let's go then."

After a brief stop at our usual breakfast restaurant, we made our way to the school gates. I was mildly surprised to see someone meeting us there, however.

I slowed to a stop in front of the seemingly innocent couple, who were currently enjoying a passionate kiss. I cleared my throat, and they reluctantly broke the kiss. "So, besides your PDA, why are you both waiting here?"

"And how do you know we were waiting?" Issei challenged, a smirk crossing his face. "We might've just been enjoying the good weather. I mean, come on man. You just interrupted one of the top ten hottest kisses of my life!"

I rolled my eyes. "You've had less than 'hot kisses' in your life, and most of said kisses were from your mom."

Rias giggled, poking her boyfriend in the ribs. It didn't escape my notice how the two lovers were comfortably holding hands. "I've seen plenty of pictures of those. Issei was quite cute when he was little."

Issei nodded shamelessly. "I was indeed a little heartbreaker."

I raised an eyebrow. "Whose heart did you break, Iri-kun's?"

Issei twitched. "I hate you."

I pulled an innocent expression. "What? Why would you do that?"

He leveled an irritated glare at me. "I don't know how, I don't know why, but somehow, you knew that Iri-kun was a girl."

I scoffed. "Oh, please. Why would I even bother hiding that from you?"

"So I look like an idiot when she shows up at my house?" He answered drily.

I shrugged. "Well, I'm afraid don't know what you're talking about. But hey, I guess now you get to add the 'childhood friend' candidate to your harem."

He nodded, smirking to himself. "Oh, don't you worry. She's in my sights." He held up a fist. "Childhood friends for the win!"

I chuckled, making a mental note to talk to him about managing harem dynamics later. Rias doesn't seem to mind too much right now, seeing as Issei is the Rock of freaking Gibraltar when it comes to relationships, but all Devils are vulnerable to bouts of Envy. If I didn't help my poor student avoid the Wrath of a woman scorned, then I'd be a terrible teacher. Not to mention the suddenness of all Issei's relationships so far… I get that this is DxD, but no relationship should start with 'hey, you're hot, come join my harem'. No stable one, anyway.

I shook my head, clearing my mind. "So, what do you need?"

Rias cleared her throat, straightening. Her breasts bounced, and Asia seemed to droop slightly. "There's a pair of Exorcists coming to visit, for matters they have yet to explain. They'll be here after school, so I'd appreciate it if you'd be there in case things go south. Others can't come, but if a family member and his fiancé were to show up to support his cousin, well…" She smiled. "That would be something, wouldn't it?"

I laughed. "Sure, sounds fine to me. Who should I bring?"

Beside me, my girls all seemed to straighten slightly. Rias hummed, glancing them over. "My apologies, Lady Leviathan, but you're hardly innocuous in the best of times. Ruby, I don't think you'd be able to show the proper… decorum… necessary for a meeting between warring Factions. Shirone…" She paused, and we all knew what wasn't said. She plowed on, regardless. "Gil, I love you like a sister, but you have a tendency to… overreact when Millicas is threatened."

I glanced at the little Angel on my arm. "Well, Asia? Are you okay with meeting some Church officials?"

To Rias, I was asking if she was okay managing the political ramifications. But to the rest of us, I was asking if she would be fine with dealing with potential former comrades.

Asia shook her head, smiling slightly. "I'm fine. Rias has a point, and Gil-chan has taught me enough that I should be safe. Thank you for asking, though."

I nodded, turning back to Rias. "All right, there you have it. We'll be there after school gets out."

She smiled warmly at Asia, ignoring me. "Thank you, Asia. Your help is greatly appreciated."

I chuckled, reaching over and flicking her forehead. "Careful, sempai. I can be very good at keeping people from ignoring me. You do remember the last time you gave me the cold shoulder, right?"

She twitched. "I do."

"Good!" I smiled cheerfully, brushing past her on my way to the entrance. "Now be a good auntie and don't give me cousins before I get out of high school, okay?" I called over my shoulder.

My only response was the satisfying sound of gritting teeth.

I pushed open the door to the club room, already knowing who would greet me. The Holy Aura was large enough to be palpable. Asia followed, silently readying her magic in case of conflict.

Surprisingly, the Church Duo was nowhere to be seen, leaving only Rias sipping tea at the head of the room while Issei yawned boredly. Gaspar looked equally bored, and was using the coffee table to hold the parts of his gun as he took it apart serviced it. Valerie ate her food in silence next to him. Akeno was pouring tea without a care in the world, smiling softly at her )King(.

The odd part was Kiba.

He seemed completely calm, not a hint of malice on his face as he polished the scabbard of his magnificent blade. (Heh.) His face was calm and peaceful, and his magic mirrored the expression. For all the world, it seemed as if he were completely unshaken by the coming event.

Until you saw underneath, and noticed the oppressive aura that surrounded the entire room. The runes on the blade shimmered softly, completely in tune with his emotions as it demanded that all his foes kneel before its' Wrath. The other occupants of the room were unaware of the weighty aura, further confirming my suspicions of the blade's involvement. It was exuding the aura of a King, and as such, it didn't affect his allies.

I coughed, making him glance up. "Turn down the shiner, there, kid." I advised wryly. "The art of diplomacy is delicate, and you're starting off with a terrible lead."

Kiba glanced up, ignoring the confused looks directed at him. "The art of diplomacy is saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a really big rock." He deadpanned.

I opened my mouth, paused, and closed it. "That's fair. But still, choking your opponent with the aura of your massive sword sounds like something out of a porno."

Kiba closed his eyes and took a deeeep breath. "Sempai, please, don't do this to me. It's hard enough working with this thing anyway, and you're not making it any easier."

I raised an eyebrow. "All right, fine." I concentrated for a moment, extending a thin stream of thought into my Marble. The blade in Kiba's hands began to lose its' glow as I explained the situation to the reflection in my soul's 'treasury'.

He blinked. "What did you just do?"

"I made sure you didn't start the next Holy War." I replied drily, returning to the present. "We've got enough of that going on as it is."

Now that the oppressive aura was out of the way, I could sense the gradually approaching pair of smaller auras headed in our direction. Kiba noticed as well, and a look of frustration crossed his face as he tried to restart the link. I rolled my eyes, Asia following me as I walked over to the window. "They'll be here in under a minute, so look sharp."

Rias nodded, rising from her seat. "Very well. Thank you for warning me." She walked over to the sofa that most of her Peerage members were lounging on, and made a silent gesture. They all rose, Valerie hiding her snacks, and lining up behind the sofa in order of seniority. Rias elegantly sat in the now-vacant spot, crossing her legs and assuming a comfortable position. After a moment of thought, she glanced over to her diminutive )Rook(. "Valerie? Would you mind?"

Valerie glanced at the yawning silver Vampire beside her, and her eyes glowed softly. Gaspar froze mid-yawn, his eyes rolling back into his head. She caught him as he fell, effortlessly slinging him over her back and disappearing into a magic circle. The entire operation was simple, clean, and obviously well-practiced. I guess Rias's policy with dealing with Gaspar and touchy situations is 'don't'.

I rolled my eyes at her melodrama, instead eyeing the slight glamour on the window at her back that made the light flowing through it reddish and intense. Why, one would almost think that she were making a statement! Thus, still ignoring my aunt's apparent chunni tendencies, I cleared my throat. "Sorry to interrupt your preplanned intimidation, but I don't really want to be standing here the entire time."

Rias started, craning her neck to look back at me. "A-ah, Trol-I mean, Millicas. My apologies. Here." She scooted over, patting the spot beside her. "Be my guest. And I'm sorry you had to see Gaspar's… relocation, but I've learned it's better to avoid giving Gaspar an opportunity to piss more people off."

I chuckled. "I understand, and I suppose I will, at that. Asia, do you mind sitting on my lap?"

She perked up, looking excited. "O-oh, no! I'd be happy to!"

I nodded, walking over and sitting next to my aunt. Asia happily slid onto my lap, a bright smile crossing her face as she shifted around to get comfortable. The beautiful smile vanished as a knock at the door sounded. Rias cleared her throat. "Enter!" She called imperiously.

The door swung open, admitting two young women in white cloaks. One had blue hair and carried a wrapped bundle, the other wore chestnut, Sera-style twintails and carried no visible weapon.

Three guesses who they are, and the first two don't count.

Xenovia took the lead, walking over to the vacant sofa and sitting. Irina followed, casting a longing look over Rias's shoulder at Issei. I smiled politely, acting as respectful as one can with a cheerful Angel on one's lap. Neither girl seemed to notice or care about my greeting.

Xenovia cleared her throat. "Thank you for agreeing to speak with us." She greeted formally. "My name is Xenovia."

"And I'm Irina Shido!" Irina chimed in, tearing her gaze away from her beau.

Xenovia nodded once. "I know who you are, Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess…" She turned to me, eyes narrowing. "But who are you?"

I smiled calmly, ignoring the accusatory tone in her voice. "My name is Millicas Gremory, and I go to the same school as my Auntie does. Don't worry, I mean you no harm. I just never met an official from another Faction, so my Auntie decided it would be a good exercise."

Rias coughed, interrupting Xenovia's response. "Indeed. Well, if you'll pardon my intrusion, I'm wondering why the followers of God would want to meet with a Devil. Would you mind enlightening me?"

Irina's smile faded. "Yes. Of the six swords with known locations, the Church has three of them, but three were stolen by Fallen Angels." She reported grimly. "Of the three that are left, I have Excalibur Mimic…"

"And I have Excalibur Destruction." Xenovia finished.

Kiba tensed, and Excalibur glowed softly from within Avalon. Neither sword nor bearer liked those blades very much. On my lap, Asia stiffened in surprise.

Rias smiled. "Well, what would you like us to do about it?"

Xenovia leveled an even look at her. "The problem at hand is between the Fallen and us. We don't need the Devils in this town to intervene." She replied coolly.

"Was that an accusation?" Rias asked, her smile turning dark. "Are you saying that we'll side with the Fallen Angels and do something about the Holy Swords?"

"For a Devil, a Holy Sword is a detestable thing." Xenovia replied, a small smirk growing across her face. "Don't your interests match with those of the Fallen Angels?" Her face turned serious once more, her voice holding an obvious threat. "If that's true, we will completely annihilate you. Even if you are the Maou's little sister."

I groaned loudly, breaking the tension as everyone turned to stare at me. "For the love of God, stop fucking grandstanding. You're condescending, we know. No need to make it worse. We're not with the Fallen, you're not with the Fallen, nobody's with the Fallen. And if nobody's going to be diplomatic about it, I might as well join in." I glanced behind me. "Hey, Kiba, I think your sword is glowing. Keep it in the pants, man. Keep it in the pants."

I turned back to the Church Duo. "Well, since we're going with blatant threats rather than pretty words, I might as well call it kickboxing rather than chess. So. First. We don't know where the Holy Swords are, but we know that the Genocide Archbishop is currently trying to combine them into the original. Second. We will be helping you, even if you protest until your face turns blue."

Rias stiffened, and opened her mouth to protest. I cut her off. "No, Rias. This is a public event, which the entire Moonlit world knows about. If the Church is the only one fighting the 'Final Boss', then it'll prove nothing. If we all work together, though, we'll prove that sustained peace is possible. That's the endgame here, right?" I glanced around. "We all want peace. So. Tomorrow after school, a team consisting of two Knights will be sent to aid you in your search. They both have the same kind of weapons as you."

Just… better in every conceivable way.

Xenovia blinked, looking at me as if for the first time. "I… see." She murmured. "Well. Valper Galilei is involved as well?" Her expression turned pensive. "Hmm… if that's true, this may be more complex than we think. However." She sent me a cutting glare. "You're mad if you think we will ever work with those like you."

I snorted. "Right. Okay. So, you start out accusing us of helping the Fallen. That's fine, until you realize that you would be dead by now if that were the case. You're two undefended pawns in the middle of Devil territory. As far as you know, we're not even here. We might well be illusions, put here to lure you into a trap. Then, you move on to a threat so flimsy it falls under its' own weight. 'Even if you are the Maou's sister, we will kill you.'" I mocked. "That means that either you're idiots, or have a sense of self-worth so inflated you think a pair of flimsy nightsticks will ward off a force strong enough to level this continent."

Xenovia snorted. "Please. Even Lucifer himself has to respect the might of the Church."

I stared at her for a good five seconds. "…So, a little of both." I turned to her partner. "And you?"

Irina swallowed, looking pale. "Um… I just want to solve this without any bloodshed."

I smiled. "Smart girl. Good instincts. Well, the team will be waiting outside Kuoh's gates tomorrow at three. They both hate those Holy Swords more than they do you, so you're mostly safe. Am I understood?"

Irina covered her partner's mouth, smiling cheerfully. "Oh, yes, we're fine! Thank you for the aid, it'll be greatly appreciated!"

I nodded once. "Good."

Removing her hand, Irina rose and bowed. Xenovia rose as well, looking irate. "I apologize for taking up your time."

Rias smiled politely, gesturing to Akeno. "As long as you're here, would you like some tea?"

Xenovia scowled. "No, thanks. I'm not here to make friends with Devils."

"We'll be taking our leave, then." Irina continued, shooting her partner a worried look.

They both turned and began to head towards the door. Xenovia paused a few steps away, turning to face us once more. "My apologies, but I fear I must confirm something." Her gaze zeroed in on Asia, who had been silently watching the entire conversation. "You're Asia Argento, aren't you?"

Asia tilted her head. "U-um, yes?" She frowned. "Is that an issue?"

Xenovia shook her head. "I simply didn't expect to meet a witch in a place like this."

Asia frowned lightly, but said nothing.

Irina looked surprised. "Ah, so you're the former Saint who became a witch?" She smiled, apparently not realizing the effect her words were having. "I heard you got excommunicated because you could heal Devils and Fallen, but I didn't know you'd become a Devil!"

Xenovia scoffed. "For someone who had been called a Saint to be a Devil… I suppose there's no saving a rotten egg."

Irina frowned. "Xenovia…" She warned.

Asia stayed silent.

"Do you still believe in our God?" Xenovia asked callously.

"Xenovia… she's become a Devil." Irina pointed out, obviously trying to steer the conversation into safer waters.

"No, there are still some who remain pious even in the midst of their betrayal." Xenovia corrected, completely missing the cautionary tone as she scrutinized the girl on my lap. "She seems like one of them."

"Oh, really?" Irina laughed pathetically, shooting her partner a look that was completely missed. "I see."

"So? Do you still believe in God, even after you've become a Devil?" Xenovia asked.

Asia tilted her head, unrattled by her pointed questions. "Well, yes, but—"

"Then you should let yourself be executed by us right now." Xenovia interrupted. "Even if you are sinful, God will reach out his hand in forgiveness." Her eyes hardened. "At least let yourself be convicted by my hand, under God."

Rias rose to her feet. "Isn't that a bit far, Xenovia-san? Why would it matter if she cares for faith?"

"As a believer, it's natural for me to feel pity for her feeble struggles." Xenovia dismissed. "So? How about it?"

Asia sighed. "Xenovia-san, I don't think you're listening." She matched the bluenette's gaze with one of flint. "I am not a Devil, nor will I ever be. I pray to God because I believe in Him, not because the Church 'lets me'. And the only reason I was ever a Holy Maiden in the first place was to help people, not to receive praise."

Xenovia scoffed. "And yet there you are, the pet of a Devil. Sinners are just as corrupt as the scum they serve."

Asia's eyes flashed, and something in her mind shifted. "Oh?" She rose to her feet, somehow managing to look taller than her adversary even though she was a good few inches shorted. "And what would your mother think of that, Quarta?" She asked pointedly. "Your mother, the woman who gave you that sword you adore so much? The same woman who fought alongside Devils as if they were her own brothers? The woman who married a Fallen Angel out of love?" He face twisted, expression becoming distinctly different, cold and unforgiving. She slipped into a foreign tongue as she continued, a rolling tongue I vaguely recognized as Welsh. "Are you a harlot? A rebellious wench who stabs the one who nurtures her?"

Xenovia flinched at her words—not just the words themselves, but the odd tone she said them in. As if it were someone else speaking. "E-excuse me?" She spluttered.

Asia sighed, returning to Japanese. "I'm calling you out on your bigotry." She explained slowly. "Do you need me to repeat myself using smaller words?"

Xenovia's face darkened. "If it is a fight you want, then I shall give it." She growled, reaching for her blade.

"I could've sworn you picked the fight, Slebog." Asia replied politely.

I found myself wondering exactly what went wrong.

Kiba stepped forward, smirking eagerly. "Let's call it a double battle, shall we?"

Irina gave up on her attempts to leave peacefully, and decided to embrace the change. "All right, fine with me." She agreed, pulling at her ribbon.

I sighed, using a simple Phase Shift to move us to a Mirror World built to look like a scenic area of Norway. If this is going to happen, then I might as well limit the damage. People stumbled slightly, but didn't comment otherwise. Both nuns threw off their white cloaks, smirking and taking their stances. Xenovia's grip on the wrapped bundle tightened, and she made to pull off the cloth.

Asia sighed, shaking her head. "No."

Xenovia faltered, pausing in the cloth's removal. "Excuse me?"

"Not with that." She gestured with disdain at the cloth-wrapped sword. "That is a mockery of an imitation. Fight me with your real blade, disgrace."

Issei sat on the couch beside me, leaning over. "Is it just me, or did Asia pull several personality swaps in a row?" He whispered.

"Reality Marble." I whispered back.

He nodded, turning back to the show.

Xenovia looked startled, as if she had heard those same words before. "V-very well." She managed, returning to her previous expression. "If you insist. But I must ask, how will you fight?"

Asia smiled coldly, reaching behind her and into a sudden ripple in the air. "A little birdy gave me a key to her toy room. Even if it's the Gate Phantasm rather than the original, I suppose it's only fitting that I fight you with it."

She pulled out a long, unblemished blade out of the odd warp, its' ornate golden handle decorated with black and its' pommel a cloudy crystal orb. Xenovia's eyes widened at the aura the blade exuded, taking a step back in shock. "T-that's impossible…" She whispered, staring at the blade.

Asia sighed, shifting naturally into a stance. The crystal orb glowed softly, turning a pure white. "Even if it's not the original, it's still more than enough to use as a demonstration." She mused, swinging the blade. "In fact…" She turned to face me, eyes a pale yellow. "Millicas, would you mind?"

I skimmed her intentions off the surface of her thoughts, avoiding the obvious presence of a set of unknown memories. I concentrated, spinning the World into a different shape. Gritting my teeth, I finally succeeded in my efforts as I pushed the blueprint in my mind into reality.

))Denial of Nothingness((

A seemingly identical blade spun into existence, albeit with the hilt much thicker and heavier. Though it was extremely similar to the one pulled from the Gate of Babylon, this blade was closer in composition to the one Xenovia had than the one from Gil's treasury. I absently created a matching sheath and tossed it to her, knowing she would catch it with ease.

She did indeed catch it with ease, smirking as she tucked her original blade into the ripple in space once more. "Much better." She cooed, testing the weight of the blade in her hands. "Thank you, good Inventor. I appreciate it." She called, smiling politely. An odd tone of voice combined with calling me 'inventor' rather than 'Cas'? Definitely not Asia, then.

She turned to her foe, tilting her head and holding her new blade at her side. "Well? Don't just laze around, girl." She snapped. "Take it out!"

Xenovia started, eyes wide. "Y-yes ma'am!" She blurted automatically. "Sorry, ma'am!"

Irina watched the scene with similar surprise. "G-Griselda?" She murmured softly, voice a bare whisper. I caught it on the edge of my hearing, but it was enough to confirm my theory.

'Asia' just huffed. "Does it matter, girl? You started this fight, so you're damn well going to finish it."

"Y-yes ma'am." Xenovia agreed quickly, tossing aside the cloth-wrapped Holy Sword and concentrating. "Right away."

Asia nodded once. "Good. Now, Kiba?"

Kiba just made this kind of… awkward cross between a smile and a grimace. "Yes?"

She smirked, eyes flashing. "Give her hell."

Kiba blinked, but his face shifted into a determined smirk. "You too, Asia-san."

Asia laughed. "Lad, we're comrades-at-arms. Call me Asia." Then she charged.

I really wish I could call what followed a 'fight', but… well…

"Move, girl!" Asia shouted, effortlessly dancing around Xenovia's clumsy slashes. She made a single swing of her own, easily knocking Xenovia five feet back using only a glancing blow. "Come on, you were talking all that big shit earlier, what happened?! Did you lose your brain in the last ten seconds? Did you break an arm? Well? I know Griselda taught you better than this!"

Xenovia barely managed to block another hit, her feet digging furrows into the ground as she slid back. Asia laughed. "Come on, girl, I'm not even trying! So stop-" She unleashed a savage blow that knocked her foe back another ten feet, before blurring into motion as she followed. "-Holding-" She caught the bluenette by the arm as her clumsy swing missed her completely. "-Back!" She shouted, flipping her and twisting her arm behind her back.

…I think I'll leave the rest of that fight up to your imagination…

Kiba and Irina watched in morbid fascination as the curb-stomp continued. "It's okay, Xenovia!" Irina cheered half-heartedly. "You can always just go for her—no… never mind…"

"…As entertaining as this is…" Kiba began, tearing his eyes away from the 'fight'. "I do believe we have a match of our own to get to."

Irina nodded determinedly, pulling her ribbon out and pouring mana into it. It formed into a simple katana, ribbons dangling from the hilt. "I won't lose!" She exclaimed, taking a stance.

Kiba laughed, unsheathing his own sword. The entire clearing immediately shimmered with golden light, the sheath glimmering with the same runes the blade was. It was a magnificent sight, one that easily outshone even the Peerless Blades clashing next door. I felt a slight stirring in my mind, an almost comforting hum brushing against my thoughts. Asia paused as well, giving the blade in Kiba's hand a fond smile before returning to her task. As the blade began to shine, whispers caught the edge of my hearing. Soft, soothing, yet impossible to hear.

I sighed, shaking my head. "It's not awake, yet. He still won't listen to it."

Issei snorted. "If that is it asleep, then what will it do when it wakes up?"

I shrugged. "Whatever Kiba asks it to, really. As long as he fulfils the conditions for being a user, there is literally nothing it wouldn't do for him. If he rises to the light, the blade will show the way. If he turns to the darkness, the blade will reflect his heart. It's a Divine blade, not a Holy one."

Issei raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off as Kiba launched forward into an attack. Irina tensed, swinging her katana to the side, and managed to block a hard swing to her ribs. Kiba simply continued his assault, using the sword and sheath in unison to block all her counters. Rias gasped softly, watching in awe as her )Knight( effortlessly wove a pattern of deadly steel around his opponent, using his speed to its' fullest effect and easily pushing back his less experienced opponent.

I glanced over at Rias. "…Do you think I pushed him too far? I don't think he was this overpowered before I taught him how to use that thing."

"…No kidding." She agreed absently. A smirk crossed her face, and her eyes flashed. "Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I quite like the change." She paused, face concerned. "What did you do, anyway?"

My eyes unfocused as I remembered the 'training' we had together.

I glanced down at the exhausted swordsman, not a drop of sweat on my brow. Lowering my book, I sighed. "All right, kid. I gave you fifteen minutes straight with me not doing anything but dodging." The book slammed shut with a heavy thump. "Now, I'm going to start using this book to attack. It'll be non-lethal, I assure you, but it'll still hurt like hell. Now, start moving."

Kiba groaned, stumbling to his feet, and immediately took a heavy hit to the ribs that made an audible crunch. Gasping, he stumbled back, looking up in shock. I just shrugged. "Hey, I warned you. Now, if you can last five minutes, I'll stop. But keep in mind…" I blurred forward, and suddenly the spine of the book was an inch from Kiba's eye. "I'll be increasing my speed as time goes on." An innocent smile crossed my face, looking natural on my youthful features. "Now have fun, Kiba-kun!" I cheered.

Kiba shivered in terror.

"Nothing much. Just some basic running exercises." I decided, returning to reality.

Rias eyed me. "…Right."

I just smiled, returning my attention to the fight. Asia was still effortlessly beating the tar out of Xenovia, calling out advice and warnings before every blow. Kiba and Irina seemed to be getting more and more evenly matched, as Irina gradually wore down Kiba's endurance.

My smile twitched slightly at that. 'I guess Kiba-kun needs a bit more training. This should be fun.'

I ignored the disturbed expressions of the people sitting beside me, as well as Akeno's giggles. My smile is perfectly natural.

I finally pulled us all back to the clubroom, Asia smiling smugly as she dragged an exhausted Xenovia behind her. Kiba and Irina had simply agreed on a draw after they both ran out of steam, and watched the other 'fight' until Asia inevitably won.

Dropping Xenovia on the couch across from mine, a satisfied Asia returned to her spot on my lap, the last traces of the foreign mind dissolving like the fog in a midday heat. I wrapped my arms around my precious Angel, smiling and kissing her on the cheek. "You did wonderful, love." I murmured.

She giggled. "Thanks, Cas. But it wasn't all me, you made the sword."

Kiba coughed, interrupting the moment. "If you'll excuse us, Buchou, I'd like to go wash up." He turned to his former foe. "There's a girl's shower as well, if you want."

Irina perked up. "Really? Is there shampoo?"

Rias nodded in amusement. "Yes, you may, and yes, there is shampoo. Though, the water in the public showers is always a bit cold, so I prefer to use the one here."

"Okay!" Irina chirped. "Mind showing me the way, Kiba-kun?"

Kiba smiled politely. "Of course not. It's right this way." He led her out the door of the clubroom, closing it after himself.

Xenovia groaned loudly, tiredly swinging her legs into a sitting position. "How." She growled, once she finally managed to assume a somewhat stable seat. "How did that sword… those skills… how?"

Asia sighed, pulling away from my embrace and reluctantly turning to face her once more. "What do you mean?"

"The sword." She finally decided, loosely gesturing to the place Durandal leaned against the wall. "How do you have one that feels just like it? And why does it look so different?"

Asia tilted her head. "You mean you don't even know the history of your own sword?" She asked innocently.

Xenovia gritted her teeth. "No." She spat. "So please, enlighten me."

Asia took no offense from the rough tone, smiling kindly at the blue-haired girl. "Of course. You only had to ask. Now. First, answer me this. Where did Durandal come from?"

Xenovia paused, considering. "The Lord gave Roland—"

"Nope, before that." Asia interrupted. "Try again."

She scoffed. "The Lord made the blade with three miracles, and gave it to Roland of Charlemagne. There is no 'before that'."

Asia sighed, shaking her head. "It was originally the sword of Hector, which he converted into the spear Durindana. After it later lost its features as a spear, it became Durandal. Yes, it was reforged, and yes, it has three miracles imbued within it, but it's still the Ultimate Unbroken Hallow from the age of Hector." She eyed the sword. "It seems it's also been reforged at least once since then, judging from its' design."

Xenovia scowled. "The form it has now is the form given to it by our Lord—"

"It's blue." Asia pointed out.

Xenovia faltered. "E-excuse me?"

Asia sighed. "Durandal, or at least that version of it, is blue. Roland wore black and violet. No metallic dyes or paints of that kind existed in his day. Not to mention, it's closer to a large scimitar to a European broadsword. It's a remake, Xenovia."

Xenovia was about to argue further, but her adrenaline-based energy rush finally ran out. Her words melted on her lips, and her eyes fluttered shut.

I smiled, deciding to move on before she woke again. "Well. That was certainly a lively evening. Is there anything else you need from me, Rias?"

Apparently deciding to ignore the past five minutes, she shook her head once. "No, it should be fine. Thank you for your help, and have a good night."

I chuckled, waving to Akeno and giving Issei a manly nod. "See you tomorrow, auntie." I teased.

Then, a moment later, we vanished from the room.

We landed softly on my bed, startling Gil. As soon as she was sure we were back home, Asia gave me a glowing smile and pulled me into a kiss. It lasted for a decent amount of time, and I could feel her joy through the Bond. She finally released me, pulling away and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Her glowing smile remained firmly in place.

Ruby cleared her throat. "So? I take it that it went well?"

Asia nodded enthusiastically. "It did! There were these two adorable nuns, and they offered to fight us! It was great!"

Ruby blinked. "There was a fight?"

"Spar." I corrected. "An unofficial one. They talked big game, and Asia called them on it."

"Asia did?" Ruby smirked. "Hell yeah. You go, girl!"

Asia flushed prettily. "A-ah, i-it was n-nothing…" She mumbled bashfully.

"You kicked Xenovia's ass." I pointed out. "That's hardly nothing."

She shook her head. "No, I just used my Marble. I wouldn't have been able to do half those things without it. Plus, Griselda got really mad when Xenovia insulted me, so…"

I raised an eyebrow. "So? It wasn't Griselda who picked up a sword and started dancing circles around Xenovia. You did that. Griselda's memories just helped."

"Sounds like Asia's tests were successful, then." Ruby smiled. "That's good. I was worried for a bit, there."

I felt a tug on my sleeve, and I turned to look at Gil. She was wearing her collar in full view, and looking adorably smug about it, albeit with a slight blush and a shy disposition.

"Gil…" I sighed. "You don't have to keep wearing that. I told you that you could turn it invisible again a week ago."

"I know." She replied, smug expression intensifying. "But you told me you wanted to see it, no you Commanded me to show it, so I'm wearing it as much as I can."

I frowned. "…Didn't you say it was embarrassing, though?"

She shook her head. "Of course not. I take Pride in being yours, and I want everyone to know it."

"Right." I sighed. "So, if I asked you to wear it to school…"

Her face flushed, and she coughed into her hand. "I-if that is what you desire, Millicas-sama."

Ruby huffed. "Damn it, how did you do in three seconds what I couldn't in three years?" She grumbled, shutting her notebook and tossing it on a pile of completed schoolwork.

I raised an eyebrow. "Probably because if she let you tell her where to wear it, soon enough she'd be an exhibitionist."

Ruby frowned. "I wouldn't make her strip."

"But you would lead her around on her collar." I finished. "Yes, Ruby. We all know you love to Dom her, so don't bother hiding it."

Ruby opened her mouth to respond, but never got the chance to as the door burst open, admitting an excited Sera. I spared a moment of sympathy and silent respect for the poor door, which had gone above and beyond the call of duty by bearing Sera's constant entries. She tackled Gil, Asia and I in a hug, pushing us back onto the bed and pulling us close. "You're back!" She proclaimed imperiously. "And now you must entertain me!"

I rolled my eyes. "Could you not tackle me when there's someone on my lap? I think Asia is getting squished."

Sera's smile pulled into a perverted smirk. "Oh, I know exactly what's getting squished, and I'm quite liking it."

Ruby laughed, watching our cuddle-pile from the desk chair. "She really has gotten used to us." She called.

"Lovely." Gil agreed drily. "More perverts."

"Oh, hush you." Sera scolded. "You know you like it. So shut up an accept the cuddles."

Several seconds passed.

"U-um… Sera?" Asia asked hesitantly. "Can you please stop feeling my chest?"

"Sure!" She chirped.

Another second passed.

"…That's my ass, Sera."

"You said to stop feeling your chest." Sera crowed victoriously. "This is your ass."

"And a very fine ass it is." Ruby called in amusement. "The way those innocent panties frame that charming derrière…"

Asia squeaked, squirming slightly. "S-Sera!" She cried, cheeks flushing. "D-don't touch th-that!"

I sighed, deciding to save poor Asia from further molestation. "Sera, this is a cuddle pile. It's for cuddles." I pointed out wryly. "If you want to feel up Asia, then ask first and do it behind closed doors. The rest of us still have homework to do."

"I don't!" Ruby called.

"…Not helping."

Sera pouted, but I could feel Asia relax against me once more. "Fiiine." She grumbled.

A few more moments passed, and I could feel Gil nuzzle against my side. Smiling, I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her tight against me.

Cuddles ensued.

Elsewhere, I suddenly felt extremely irritated. My cuddle senses were tingling, meaning that Master was giving someone else cuddles. Without me. I shook it off, stepping around a bloody, disintegrating corpse on my way down an empty hall. I'd already cleared this area some time ago, but I still haven't found the records room of this particular base. Which meant walking, and lots of random doors.

I sighed, heading over to the first door. It opened without much issue, and I stepped inside. Hundreds of spells glowed to life around me, lighting up the darkness and revealing a room full of cloaked figures. The spells fired, and I took a deep breath. The corrupted Nature Chakra around me hissed and spat, but I ignored its' protests. It worked for me, not the other way around. It flared to life as the spells neared, a poisonous flame roaring to life around me, hissing and shrieking as it greedily devoured the mana from the spells, using it to power its' own growth. I didn't stop it as it filled the room, agonized shrieks filling the air. Not even the smell of burning flesh was left over as the flame finished its' task.

I glanced about the room, not seeing anything but the ashen husks that were all that was left of the life-consuming fire. It was once a library, or so the empty shelves lining the walls implied, but I could see several piles of ash that still contained Chakra. I suspected that they had burnt the books upon hearing of my arrival.

My mouth twitched. 'Huh, so they really can strategize. I wouldn't have thought so, considering the fact that they tried to use darkness to cover an attack against someone they should have guessed had night vision. Ah, well.'

The flames I used were corrupt Nature Chakra, which meant they couldn't harm objects. That's what makes them so convenient. The only reason Senjutsu ever leaves a trace is because of the buildup of corruption that was filtered out in order to use a technique. Without that buildup, it's impossible to see any evidence of its' use—hence why it's so valued as a method of subtlety. That left me with flames that harmed only enemies, leaving all evidence behind. Very useful for busting underground bases.

I turned, moving on to the next door. I didn't expect much from it, and I wasn't disappointed as I saw what looked like a supply room. I couldn't sense any life forces anywhere inside, so I closed the door and moved on. Five doors later, I finally found what I was looking for. A dimly lit study with no visible occupants greeted me, and I stepped inside.

A screaming man swung a battleaxe at my head from his spot behind the door—

I blinked, watching his remains spatter the wall. I glanced down at my hand, noting with amusement the blood dripping off of it from where it held the man's shattered skull. Idiot. I eyed the blood with distaste, stepping away from the fresh corpse. Say what you will, blood tastes nasty. I've met a few people with blood-licking fetishes, but I never really saw the point. The only one whose blood isn't worth less than trash is Master, and I would never spill such precious blood for such a worthless endeavor.

Kicking the corpse aside, I allowed my flames to devour its' remaining life force as I walked towards the desk. It seemed to be locked with several dozen sealing and security arrays, but that didn't matter. A moderate application of Touki later, and the contents of the desk were free to browse. I pulled open the first drawer, and saw only a brass key on top of a pile of assorted pens and pencils. I picked up the key, glancing around the room. I spotted a file cabinet in the corner, and walked over to investigate. The brass key easily opened it, and I began to browse its' contents. While the files were useless for the most part, I eventually found my quarry.

'Oh, Master.' I sighed to myself. 'You make cleaning up after you so difficult.' I giggled, tucking the file into a Storage gem for later use. 'But so worth it! Oh, I can't wait to see what he'll give me after I show him what I did for him!'

"Oh, Shirone." He murmured kindly. "You didn't have to do all this for me."

"But I wanted to!" I protested, ears folding back. "It's for you, Master!"

He laughed, pulling me into a deep kiss…

I turned, a skip in my step as I contemplated where the leader of this base might be hiding. Heads don't just collect themselves, you know. And if I was smiling from ear to ear, well, that's my own business.

I cast my net wide, searching for the largest life force in the underground network. Not an easy task, mind you, especially underground. But I still managed, and was soon on my way to what I suspected to be the boss room.

As I walked, I let my flames flicker alongside me, not stopping them as they seeped through the frames of several other doors, humming softly to myself to drown out the sound of their screams. They were all monsters, so it didn't bother me to kill them. Rather like swatting a mosquito, really. My sensitive ears flattened against my skull, and I twitched slightly at a particularly loud cry. Really noisy mosquitos.

I reigned in the flames as I approached a large pair of double doors, sighing to myself. 'As if the décor weren't tacky enough. I mean, do they make these things just to feel important? Honestly… if they're going to hide when I come to kill them, at least make it hard for me. These doors literally shout, 'here I am, come get me!' to anyone looking for the boss.'

I shook my head, deciding to leave the griping for later. Right now, I have a head to get.

'…Actually, come to think of it, didn't Sera say something about Hassan liking to take heads?' I mused, smashing in the oversized doors. 'Plus, killing people is right up her alley. Maybe we can do this together sometime. Like a bonding exercise or something.'

I stepped into the dark room, seeing only a lone figure sitting in a plush chair before a fireplace. I raised an eyebrow, summoning my flames around me. Dramatic opponents come in two varieties—idiots and savants. Either their confidence comes from overconfidence, or surety in their own ability. But no matter what…

I flicked a small gem to the side, setting it to explode in five minutes regardless of the circumstances. When underground, even the Maou can't tank a concentrated explosion combined with several tons of rock falling on their heads. I know exactly when it goes off, so if it turns out he's actually competent, I can just stall until the last second. Anti-teleport spells don't affect Gates, after all.

I set several bursts of corrupt Chakra around the room, undetectable to all but other Senjutsu users. Then, dark flames smoldering around me, I charged. The figure in the chair snapped his fingers, and a brilliant light shone through the room, making me squint my eyes. When I opened them, I found myself in the middle of a large green magic circle, oppressive force preventing me from moving a muscle. I twitched my power experimentally, noting that I could easily escape if I tried. This circle is about as useful as a gun against someone of my power level, even without my Senjutsu giving me an out.

But still…

Binding. Not killing.

That meant he wanted to talk.

If he wanted to capture me, he'd send a sleep or mind-control spell. I know enough about my Distortion to know that it's impossible to affect a mind without an equivalent level—he can't catch me in any illusions or mind control, but I can't use any on him, either. But, on the other hand, if he wanted to kill me, he'd use a lethal attack of some sort. Since he didn't do either…

'Well,' I mused, relaxing. 'Might as well see what he wants. I have four and change minutes to spare. I can escape at any time, but he doesn't need to know that. People reveal more when they think they're in charge.' I smirked. 'Doesn't mean I can't mess with him, though.'

The man stood, swirling wine in his glass. He was of average height, and looked to be in his thirties. His hair looked grey, but then again, the lighting left much to be desired.

"Ah, my guest has arrived." He smiled. "Please, do relax. You'll be here for a while."

"Forty-seven." I replied conversationally.

He blinked at the non-sequitur. "Excuse me?"

"I'm keeping track of how many times someone's told me a phrase." I yawned. "It gets really repetitive after a while."

He elected to ignore that. "…Regardless, I have a proposition for you, should you be willing to listen."

"Two thousand, one hundred and eleven." I listed absently, wondering why my mouth was free.

"I have some information for you, which I will give you in exchange for your aid." He continued.

I blinked. "Fifty-two for the first part, three hundred some odd for the second. Huh. You aren't very original."

He smiled, ignoring my words once more. "I won't just say that much, in fact, I'll even give you some information for free. How does that sound?"


"Very well." He took a sip of his wine. "I don't expect you to take me too seriously until I explain." A smirk grew across his face. "I know where your sister is."

I giggled. "Ten. You're getting better~!"

"Now, I'd be more than happy to tell you, and I do have it on good authority that she is looking for you, but you're going to have to do something for me first."

I blinked. "Six."

"How do I know that you would be interested in this?" He sipped his wine once more, a smug expression crossing his face. "Well, there are only two Nekoshou left in the world, and everyone knows of the massacre. But did you know the cause?" He tutted. "Well, because you're ever so cute, I'll give you another piece of information, free of charge." He tilted his head, his insufferably smug smirk solidly in place. "Your sister didn't go mad, she killed her master of her own free will."

My eyes narrowed. "…One."

He smiled. "Well, it would seem I've caught your attention. Now. There is a certain… undead… which has been a thorn in my side for some time. Should you bring me his head, I will tell you where your sister is."

"Six. Again." I sighed, visibly exasperated. "For a minute there, I thought you were on to something."

His jaw tightened, but he didn't react otherwise. "Miss White, I don't believe you understand your situation…"

I rolled my eyes. "You seem to be making some very faulty assumptions of your own."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? How so?"

"First." I listed, mouth twitching into a smile. "You assume you have information I didn't already have. I've heard variations of everything you said at least once."


"My sister killed her master after it became clear he intended to use me for experiments in creating Super Devils." I began, enjoying his twitch of surprise. "Now, second, you assume that I care." I spat the last word, grimacing in distaste. "Kuroka Hamoru may be kin, but she is not family. She can burn in hell for all I care."

He blinked in surprise. "You don't want to clear her name, then?" He asked, sounding genuinely curious.

I laughed. "Once, but I stopped caring about that at the same time I learned what a family felt like." My smirk turned dark. "I gave her a deadline of five years to find me and explain, a deadline that passed nearly five years ago. She can go and rot. Hell, I'll watch her die if I have to."

"Oh?" He smirked, as if hearing something useful. "Then you'd kill her yourself?"

"No." I replied, watching him blink in shock. "Like I said, she is kin. And if nothing else, I owe her for my life. Because of that, she has one free pass. If she wants another, she'll have to save my life again. I'll still beat the piss out of her, but that's out of love more than anything."

"I… see." He murmured, taken aback.

I nodded easily. "Yep. Your entire speech was worthless. Try it on someone who cares next time." I paused. "Oh, and you made one more wrong assumption."

"And what might that be?"

I smirked. "You assume your circle can actually hold me."

Then, I called on my magic.

Devil magic is based entirely on imagination, making Conceptual spells incredibly simple. Married to the decreased cost and inherent space-time warping properties of Senjustu, you get an incredibly efficient escape method.

I called up a familiar spell, a craft of my own make, unique to myself. A Concept of 'Absolute Evasion', allowing me to escape from even abstract prisons such as time and space. My trump card against binding and imprisonment spells.


I sighed, stepping forward and tilting my head. "I'm sorry, sir, but I don't think you quite understand your situation." He flinched, eyes widening in surprise. "Yes, your bonds are about as sturdy as toilet paper. I was only bound by them because I like toying with my prey."

He snapped his fingers once more, and another circle appeared. I replicated my spell, and stepped forward once more. "Stop that, it's annoying." I grumbled, crossing my arms. "You didn't see me interrupting your grandstanding."

I took another step forward, and he stumbled back, holding up a large green circle in defense. "Stay back!" He shouted, the circle beginning to glow. "I will defend myself if I—"

))Reduced Earth((

I was suddenly less than a foot away from my prey, his eyes widening as I effortlessly bypassed his defenses. Before he could react, I caught his outstretched arm in a lock and brought my elbow down on it. It snapped with a clean snick and he screamed. I folded back my ears in irritation, sweeping his legs out from beneath him and smashing his ribcage into the ground with a stomp hard enough to crack the ground. He was too busy gasping for air to scream as I pulled his broken arm behind his back. Of course, he miraculously found his tongue as I knelt on it, a bloodcurdling screech that only stopped as I wrapped an arm around his throat and yanked. Hard.

I smiled to myself at the hollow pop that sounded as his neck snapped, and busied myself removing his head from the rest of his body. I could cut it off, but that would be cheating. I have to bring gifts to my Master using only my own strength, or it ruins it. I know it doesn't matter to my Master how I hunt as long as I'm safe, but it matters to me.

As soon as I freed his head, I set it aside as I searched through his pockets. I found his wallet and several odd orbs, which I dropped in a Storage gem along with the file from earlier.

My work done, I stood and glanced down at myself, sighing at all of the blood on my clothes. 'Master won't be happy that I ruined another outfit…' I worried, picking up the head and summoning a Gate. 'I hope he likes his gift enough to not care. I don't want to him to make me wash the blood out myself, it shows how hard I worked to get his gift.'

I stepped out into Master's bedroom, frowning at the large cuddle pile taking place on the bed. On one hand, I really wanted to join. On the other, all of my sisters but Asia would kill me for getting blood on their clothes. Choices, choices.

Master sat up, my newest sister still clinging to his chest. He looked me over, probing my mind cautiously to check for any pain, and sighed. "Shirone, we've talked about this…"

I frowned, glancing down at the head. "But… I brought you a gift!" I protested, tail drooping.

Sera blinked, noticing the head for the first time. "You brought… a head?"

I nodded proudly. "He was very tough."

"A head." She repeated.

I nodded once more. "You can join me next time, if you want. It's a lot of fun, hunting prey for Master."

Sera looked rather lost. "But… whose head is it?"

I frowned. "I don't know his name, but he was the leader of the base I raided. Why?"

She looked to Ruby, face now distinctly worried. Ruby sighed, sitting up, Gil asleep in her arms. "Normal cats bring dead animals to their masters in order to please them." She began, brushing Gil's golden hair out of her face. "Some housecats bring miscellaneous clothing items. Hellcats bring severed heads."

"…Oh." Sera murmured, taken aback. "So… this is normal, then?"

"Only when she's really happy about something." Asia agreed, yawning and sitting up. "You aren't hurt, are you?" She asked me, concern seeping into her tone.

I shook my head. "Master would never forgive me if I got hurt." I replied, shifting. "So I always make sure not to."

Master smiled, looking relieved. "Good. I'm glad."

Ruby eyed the head I was holding by the hair. "Weren't you supposed to wrap it, though? It's staining the carpet."

My eyes widened. I forgot to wrap it? Inexcusable. This gift isn't worthy of Master. But where will I find another one on such short notice? It took me a week to track down this one, already making me late for showing my appreciation for returning my collar. But if I had to, I suppose—

"It's fine, Shirone." My Master's soft voice soothed, his arms wrapping around me. "Now, why don't we get you cleaned up?"

I straightened, beaming with pride. This is always my favorite part of bringing gifts to Master—if he's happy with me, he'll wash the blood off himself, with his own two hands. I shivered slightly, already anticipating the bliss my body would experience as he ran his hands over my entire body…

I felt Master pick me up, and I released his gift in order to be able to wrap my arms around him. Master…

{I love you, Master.} I murmured, burying my head in his chest.

{I love you too, Shirone.} He replied easily, holding me close.

"…I'm not sure what to make of this." Sera decided. "On one hand, it's adorably sappy. On the other… how many people did you kill?"

I frowned. "I don't know. A lot."

"And… you don't see a problem with that?" She asked, looking worried once more.

I tilted my head. "Why would I? They're enemies of Master, after all. It's only right that I should end their sorry lives."

She shivered at something in my voice, though I didn't know what. I didn't particularly care either, being too busy enjoying Master's hold on me. "S-so, what happens now?" She asked, glancing to Ruby once more.

She shrugged. "Millicas washes the blood off Shirone, and we watch."

"What?" Sera looked truly baffled at that. "Why doesn't she wash herself?"

I huffed. "I would never disrespect Master's gift! These bloodstains are proof that I fought for his sake, so washing them off is something only he can do!"

There was a moment of silence. "She looks really cute when she's mad, doesn't she?" Ruby whispered loudly.

Sera nodded in agreement. "Her cheeks are puffed out and everything. Like an indignant kitten."

I frowned, put off by the sudden shift in tone. "I'm serious!"

"Her ears just went down." Sera squealed quietly. "I want to hug her!"

Master sighed, finally speaking. "You can come with if you want." He offered, taking a step back towards the door. "I just didn't want to rush you."

A large blush crossed Sera's face. "I-it's fine!" She managed, apparently realizing what was being offered. "B-but, n-not s-s-se- that, r-right?" She asked meekly, poking her pointer fingers together.

Ruby blinked. "You're a thousand years old, but you can't say the word sex without stuttering?"

"Shut up!" Sera grumbled, crossing her arms. "I have zero experience with this kind of thing."

"…Again, you're a thousand years old, how do you have zero experience with anything?" Ruby pointed out.

"Y-you didn't have any experience with love, either!" Sera spluttered. "You can't point fingers!"

"I was being chased by a sociopathic Dragon hell-bent on destroying anything I loved." Ruby deadpanned, setting Gil in bed and tucking her in. "I could not possibly have had more than a one-night stand, and I didn't even do that in case I got pregnant. So sue me if I didn't want to chance giving Albion another target."

"…Oh." Sera murmured. "R-right. Sorry."

Ruby sighed, walking over to the dresser and pulling out one of Master's old shirts, as well as a pair of plain white panties. "It's fine, you'll learn the buttons not to press in time." She handed me the folded clothes, her own tucked under her arm. "You got your soul fused to five other peoples' less than a month ago, and you're still confused about who you even are. Serafall Leviathan wasn't that shy, and she probably wouldn't have even noticed that she hurt another person's feelings. You're changing, for good or for ill."

"But I've been a part of the Bond for a week now, and I still feel all fumbly and awkward!" Sera protested, picking up her night bag. As if she hadn't practically moved in with us already.

Ruby sighed. "Well, yes, but weren't you like that already?"

Sera frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ruby smiled, pulling the little Devil into a hug. "It means that you're adorably awkward, and it's one of your endearing qualities."

"Oh." Sera smiled, returning the hug. "Well, thanks, then."

Master cleared his throat awkwardly in the silence that followed. "Um, not to intrude on the moment, but we should probably wash Shirone before the blood dries on. Who all is coming?"

"Me!" Asia chirped, startling me. I hadn't seen her move.

Damn Angelic grace…

She brushed a lock of golden hair behind her ear as she opened the door, a pile of clothes held to her chest.

And what a lovely chest it is…

I can't wait to see it covered in a wet bath towel as Master washes my body.

Who says Devils can't see heaven?


I have overcome my sudden bout of laziness! It can happen!

I was actually working on the storyboard of my next fic, which never seems to want to come together quite how I like. I will have the prologue posted by the end of the Kokobiel arc for sure.

Side note, during my laziness period, I finally finished my Millicas art. It is now set as this fic's cover, so enjoy~

Now, for the omake.

OMAKE: Fear my ridiculousness! (Requested by nanayakiri)


"You're going to what?"

I laughed, sticking a hand in my pocket. "What, you don't like the idea?"

Ruby blinked, raising a hand. "I'd like to see it."

Issei groaned, rubbing his eyes. "All right. So. You're going to perfect what you call the 'Sexy Jutsu'… for what?"

I shrugged. "Fun. Profit. Tactics."

"For the hell of it." Issei finished. "Right. So, how do you plan on doing it?"

I smirked. "Well, frankly, I have no idea."

"You have no idea how you're going to turn yourself into a girl." Issei repeated. "Okay, then why are you even mentioning it?"

My smirk shifted into an innocent smile. "Oh, no reason."


"Because I want you to cancel the spell if something goes wrong." I admitted, not bothering to hold to my paper-thin defense.

Issei frowned. "So… you do have a spell?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm just going to concentrate on becoming a girl and pour a shitload of mana into it. It's not even a spell so much as a proof of concept. If it works, I'll make a better version later."

"Right." He sighed, sitting on a worn tree root. "Okay." A smirk crossed his face. "Turning yourself into a girl, eh? All right, go for it."

I smiled at him. "See? I knew you'd see it my way."

Ruby subtly pulled out her phone and began recording. I pretended not to notice. "All right, let's do this."

I closed my eyes, concentrating on what I knew about being a girl. Everything I had ever felt over the Link, from how it felt to how the body moved differently. I factored in what I knew about chromosomes, and the difference a single X could make in place of a Y. I gathered all I had ever learned about the difference between the male and female form, then focused on shifting from my current form to that of a female. Then, I connected my Core to the 'spell', and began shoving mana into it.

I felt my body change, bones popping and tendons shifting. My face tingled, and I could feel my hair and nails growing. I waited until the last of the changes completed, before opening my eyes. I blinked for a moment, pupils adjusting, before looking back at the stunned faces of my two companions. "W-well?" My voice cracked, and I stumbled slightly as I heard my higher, reedier voice.

Ruby blinked. Twice. "Oh my God, you're fucking adorable."

Issei's shoulders began shaking, and he turned his face away so I couldn't see him stifling his laughter. I frowned, tilting my head. "So? Did it work?"

"It worked." Ruby replied, a wide smile crossing her face. "And you are so cute!"

I noted how much taller she suddenly seemed as she wrapped me in a tight hug. "R-Ruby!" I squeaked, back creaking ominously. "Don't break me!"

"No promises."

I groaned, turning and walking towards the nearby river. Ruby allowed me to tug her along, humming happily. Draconic strength allows me to easily lift her even in female form, it would appear.

I glanced down at my reflection, and abruptly realized that I was weapons-grade adorable. Even though my chest was less than C cup and compared more to Valerie than Rias, I was short enough to fit the size perfectly. My casual baggy grey sweatshirt draped over my now tiny frame, highlighting my delicate features and soft curves. My hair went to my mid-back, and its' sunset red was tinged with hints of black. But that wasn't nearly as distracting as the honest-to-God ahoge sticking out of my head.

My hands flew to my soft cheeks, wide blue-green eyes peeking out from a doll-like face. A single, fang-like canine poked over my lower lip, and I could see several other odd features hinting at my draconic origins. However, despite knowing I was actually a male, I was forced to admit. I was fucking adorable.

Issei finally burst into laughter at my squeak of shock, falling off his root and rolling on the ground. I flushed, ignoring Ruby's giggle. "I think something went wrong." I muttered, using Structural Grasp on myself. I sighed, immediately realizing the issue. "Right. I wanted to be a girl, not be sexy. The spell just used my knowledge of chromosomes to swap my Y for an X. Dammit."

"Language, young lady!" Issei called, still snickering as he rose to his feet. "That's no way for a loli to be talking."

I turned, smiling sweetly up at him. "Do you want me to give you more training, then?" I asked innocently, voice high and clear.

He flinched. "Right. Still Sensei, just more moe."

I nodded once. "Yep! Same Millicas as always… though, I suppose you should call me Mira in this form. It works better."

Issei nodded awkwardly, looking away and rubbing the back of his head. "R-right." He coughed. "Can you please stop with the adorable expression, now? It's wrong to picture you as a cute girl."

I frowned. "Adorable expression? What do you mean?"

Ruby squealed, squeezing me into a hug once more. "Oooh, you're so cute! Just look at that face! You're not even trying to be, but that adorable little frown…"

Issei coughed. "Okay, so I think we can call this one a failure."

I shrugged, ignoring marshmallow hell for the time being. Experience breeds indifference, after all. "Unless they're a lolicon. Not every guy likes big boobs, after all. Saji even prefers them small."

"Point." He acknowledged. "But seriously, dude, you're diabetes-level cute. It's freaky."

"Right." I sighed. "Well, time for some trial and error, then."


"…Okay, you managed to turn yourself into Shura Kirigakure from Black Exorcist. Not quite what we're going for."

"I have no issues." Ruby mused, eyeing me. "Seems like fine eye candy."

"It's a step in the wrong direction." Issei corrected. "Try again."


"Yui Yuigahama." Issei deadpanned. "Seriously? You couldn't think of anything better?"

I smirked. "I can, actually." I shifted my mental image, and the air shimmered.

"Yui Yuigahama in a bikini?" Issei whistled. "Nice. You're getting better."


Issei choked. "H-how?"

Ruby smirked, snapping a picture. "I'm calling this Onee-sama mode."


Issei covered his nose to staunch the flow of blood. "I call this one a success." He decided, eyeing my form's impressive curves. "You even got the hair color right. It's like you cranked your girl form up to eleven."

I nodded, crossing my arms under my now bountiful chest. "I really just simulated ten years of growth. Devil genes are practically a guarantee of a good body, so I tested the idea."

I suddenly felt a pair of hands cupping my new breasts, and I felt Ruby pressing against my back. "Ruby, stop groping me." I deadpanned, glancing back at her.

She pouted, squeezing a few times. "But the weight… the supple curve… the smooth skin…"

"Is my skin." I pointed out, irritated. "So stop groping me."

Her pout intensified, but she pulled her hands out of my shirt. "Fiiine."

I dismissed the transformation, returning to my smaller female form. I frowned, realizing that layering transformations meant I had to remove multiple layers of magic in order to turn back. But before I could dismiss the next layer, I was abruptly tackled to the ground.

I groaned, feeling my ribs crack. "R-Ruby, why?"

"You're so smol!" She squealed, cuddling me. "Loli Millicas is so cute!"

I huffed, glancing up at Issei. "Go ahead…" I grumbled.

He stopped holding in his laughter, cackling with mirth at my predicament. "Y-you could go on TV!" He managed, wiping a tear from his eye. "A child model!"

"Fuck. You." I groused. "We're doing another experiment."

"Aww… does that mean no more Mira?" Ruby asked, looking disappointed.



"All right, so now what?" Issei asked, sitting on the tree root from before.

I had changed back to my original form, but Ruby still clung to my back like a red, scythe-wielding limpet. I ignored her, summoning my magic once more. "Well, I've been wanting to do some status-changing spells for a while. It would be invaluable to paralyze or confuse an opponent for long enough to fire off a volley of offensive spells."

Issei nodded once. "All right, have at it."

I smirked, channeling my mana and concentrating on the concept of 'confusion'. I struck a ridiculous pose, and shouted at the top of my lungs. "))Douchery!(("

There was a stunned silence. "What… the fuck." Issei deadpanned.

I smirked. "I remembered tales of a certain skill from a certain game, an ultimate skill of the cosmos that transcends the power of Gaia. Behold… ))Douchery((!"

There was another silence. "On the one hand," Issei began, "you look like a moron. But on the other, I genuinely could not have attacked you if I tried. What did you do?"

I laughed. "By preforming actions that make the enemy doubt the mental state of the user, it has a chance to confuse the target for several seconds. I overpowered a Conceptual spell of confusion, and since you were already confused, it was doubly effective."

Issei paused. "That… is either the most overpowered spell in history, or the most ridiculous."

I checked my Mental Partition, smirking. "Oh, yeah?" I pulled the formula for my newest spells from my Partition, casting them simultaneously and striking a chunnibyou pose. "))Douchery!(("

There was a silence as both of my companions stared at my adorable form. "I take it back." Issei decided, still staring. "That spell is overpowered to hell. I literally cannot understand what I'm looking at right now."

I smirked, crossing my arms. "The spell amplifies natural confusion. You weren't expecting me to turn into Mira, and you were thrown off by the odd pose combined with my natural moe. And you were expecting to be confused. Just imagine how powerful it'll be if I pull it off in the middle of a heated battle."

Issei blinked. "Holy shit, you're serious. Right. Um…" He glanced away with a cough. "You are going to get mobbed by lolicons if you do that. You look adorable."

"You do." Ruby agreed, snuggling me once more. "But don't worry, Big Sis Ruby will keep you safe from all those filthy men."

I sighed. "I'm going to get zero respect in this form, aren't I?" I asked rhetorically.


"None at all."

"Figures." A thought occurred, and I began to grin. "Hey, Ruby, how do you think the Satans will react if it turns out that the big, scary Red Man is actually Mira?"

Both of my companions froze. "…That's evil." Issei began to grin, mischief sparking in his eyes. "I love it."

Ruby smirked. "Oh, no. That's not nearly evil enough. Maybe if you sat on Sera's lap and spoke extremely formally the entire time."

I cleared my throat. "This one accepts your proposal." I proclaimed imperiously, my high voice holding a haughty tone. I paused, hesitating. "But seriously, no one must know it's me. The Red Man does not exist."

Issei started laughing again.


"…The fuck are those?"

I smirked, crossing my arms. "Superman glasses."

"…Right." Issei sighed, rubbing his eyes. "So why are you still in girl form?"

I gave him an innocent smile. "Why wouldn't I be?"

He twitched. "No. Never do that again. It's dangerous."

My expression didn't change. "Do what?"

"…I hate you sometimes, Sensei." Issei grumbled, glancing away.

Ruby frowned at him. "What do you have against adorable little Mira?"

He gestured to me. "She's wearing glasses. Really, really nerdy glasses."

I frowned. "These are perfectly ordinary glasses, thank you very much."

"I know, they're still really nerdy." He paused, shifting languages. "Otaku. Otaku glasses. Better?"

I nodded. "Much."

"So, what are the Otaku glasses for?" Ruby asked, shifting to Japanese as well.

I sighed. "They're a prototype of a Superman enchantment."


I held up a delicate finger and tapped the frames. "Watch closely, now. Ready?"

They both nodded. I smirked, sending a pulse of mana into the glasses, and the tiny script on the temples of the frames glowed to life. There was an invisible pulse of magic, and both of my companions blinked. Issei frowned. "Mira-chan? What are you doing here? And where's Sensei?"

Ruby swatted him on the arm. "Be nice to my adorable little sister, all right?"

"Siscon." Issei mumbled.

Ruby huffed. "How could I not adore the utter cuteness of Millicas's little sister? I mean, she's practically a mini-him!"

I smiled. 'Oh, this is gonna be good.' "Onee-san, where's Nii?" I asked innocently.

Ruby jerked as if she had been slapped, and Issei covered his nose before nodding once. "I concede your point." He told Ruby. "Her moe is too much for mortal eyes to bear."

I tilted my head. "Moe? Onii-chan, what's that?" I used a bit of telekinesis to make my ahoge twirl, as if I were confused. It felt weird, but I had a feeling that the ahoge would be my greatest ally in this little prank.

Issei stared. "Ruby, I take it back. She has transcended mortal levels of moe and is ascending to the heavens."

Ruby nodded once. "As is only right for my Mira-chan."

I pouted, puffing out my cheeks. "Mou… you aren't listening to me."

"Sorry, Mira-chan." Ruby apologized, wrapping her arms around me. "We don't know where Millicas is."

I frowned, ahoge drooping. "O-oh."

Issei chuckled. "Sensei's not usually late, so he should be here soon." He pulled back his sleeve, glancing at his watch. He froze, and I could see the gears in his head turning. Suddenly, he cursed, a film of Touki forming around him as he forced himself to concentrate. "Dammit, Sensei!"

I tilted my head, ahoge moving in the opposite direction. "Onee-san, what does 'dammit' mean?"

"Nothing!" Ruby chirped, giving Issei a glare. "Nothing at all. It's just something Issei says when he's mad."

Issei sighed. "Cut the bullshit, Sensei. Is that what the glasses do? Make it impossible to discern your identity?"

I nodded, cutting the power to the runes. Ruby blinked, noticing who exactly she was holding, and squeezed me close to her once more. I sighed. "Ruby, I'm not a squeak toy."

She frowned. "No, but you're completely adorable. And that's more than enough reason to cuddle you."

I grumbled to myself, turning back to Issei. "The glasses are a prototype that's a mix of the SEP Field and a Perception Filter, built to mimic Sera's identity blocker. I based the effects off of Karsakoff's Syndrome, actually. Everyone around me sees me, but can't register who I am. So their brains automatically make their own story about me using what they do know, minimizing the amount of work I have to do. You see a little girl who looks like a mini Millicas, your brain tells you the name Mira, and you don't even think twice." I frowned, idly twirling my ahoge once more. No use wasting a perfectly good prank. "It works best in the long-term, because then the brain actually starts making memories to fill in the perceived gaps. In about ten minutes, you'd have sworn to high heaven that 'Mira' had existed your entire life."

Issei whistled. "Wow. That's some serious cover, there. I assume that, since it's still a prototype, it has flaws?"

I nodded. "You used the biggest one. When what your brain tells you and your eyes tell you conflict, you tend to believe your eyes. You realized that the time was much later than it should've been, meaning either I was already there, or I was really late. That was enough of a shock for you to realize you were under a spell."

He grimaced. "Still really nasty, though. Karsakoff's, right? Damn, that's bad enough without magical enhancement." He paused, considering. "But I can see how having a foolproof alternate identity could be useful. I could certainly use it when I get bored of acting like a pervert. Got an extra pair?"

I shrugged, taking off the glasses and tossing them to him. "I got those for a buck at the drugstore. Go crazy."

He slipped on the rectangular glasses, before crossing his legs and taking the thinker pose. "How do I look?" He asked, flashing a smile.

"Like a nerd who stuck his finger in an electric outlet." I deadpanned.

He frowned. "Hey, my hair is extremely fashionable."

"Sure." I agreed drily. "Keep telling yourself that."

He pointed at my ahoge. "Look, if my hair's weird, then what's that?"

I smirked. "A cuteness factor. It raises my moe stat by over nine thousand." I gave it a smug twirl, crossing my arms.

"…All right, are you actually trying to do that?" He asked, staring at me.

I tilted my head, my ahoge tilting once more. "Do what?"

"That." He pointed to my ahoge.

I frowned, glancing up. "I don't know what you're pointing at. Is Ruby doing something to my head?"

Issei blinked, eyeing the apparently possessed strand of hair. "…Never mind." He muttered. An odd expression flickered across his face. "Actually, do you think you could give me the gender change spell? I want to see if I get one of those."

I nodded, borrowing Gil's Noble Phantasm. "Sure. Give me a moment, here." I concentrated, bringing the Phantasm to bear. ")Sha Naqba Imuru(." I murmured, projecting the information outwards.

Issei blinked, pausing as he digested the sudden info dump. "Okay, then. Wow. I was kind of expecting you to just tell me how to do it, I didn't think you'd already have the Dream equivalent made up."

I smirked. "Thought Acceleration plus Memory Partition. Bow before me, mainstream pleb."

He snorted. "Dude, I use those, too."

Ruby interrupted before I could retort. "Can you please transform, now?" She asked, squeezing me close. "I want to see if you're as cute as Mira-chan is."

Issei nodded once, striking a chuuni pose. "Behold!" He called dramatically, mana flickering around him. "My new form!"

I have indeed taught him well.

There was a flash, and I got my first look at Issei's female form. Before promptly bursting into giggles.

Ise-chan was a fairly petite young girl, standing at roughly 4'10 with pale blonde hair reaching slightly below her waist. She was well-endowed, close to Irina in size, her school uniform stretching to fit her new assets. Her violet eyes were wide and expressive, sparkling with anticipation, and sure enough, she had a single strand of hair poking out of her scalp.

Ise-chan frowned, her newly adorable face making the expression look like a pout. "Why are you laughing?" She complained.

I reigned in my mirth, managing, "You look like Chocolat from Noucome!" before bursting into giggles once more.

Ise blinked. "Wait, really?" Her face fell. "Aww, I was hoping for someone badass like Margery Daw or Chitoge."

I snorted. "W-what, is Chocolat not badass enough for you?" I managed.

She huffed. "Shut up. At least Chocolat is bigger than Chitoge is." She paused, reaching up to touch her new assets. "Especially here."

I finally finished laughing, gasping for air. "O-oh, that totally made my week."

Ise struck a pose. "Behold, my epic new form!" He shouted.

"Your pants are falling off." I pointed out.

She froze, realizing exactly how tiny she now was compared to her previous form. "Oh, right." She paused, turning to look at my immaculate clothing. "Wait, how did you…?"

"Self-adjustment spell." I told her smugly. "Saved a fortune when I hit my growth spurt."

"Dammit." She mumbled, staring down at her own loose gakuran. "I should've thought of that." She blinked, looking up at my baggy sweatshirt once more. "Wait, I'm bigger than you are!"

I shrugged. "I've got a hot chick cuddling me."

She twitched. "Dammit Sensei, that's not the point!"

I smirked. "With my mom's genes, just give me a week and I'll top you by a cup size. Your argument is invalid."

She drooped. "R-right." She cut the power to the spell, flickering back to her male form. "Well, I should probably be going. It's a school night, after all."

I nodded. "Go ahead, I'll see you tomorrow."

He chuckled. "By then, ladies." He waved, turning and walking away, a hand in his pocket."

I smiled evilly. "Bye, Onii-chan!" I called in an innocent voice. "See you tomorrow!"

He stumbled, but still managed to keep his balance. I snickered, glancing up at Ruby. "We should probably get going too."

Ruby nodded. "Oh, yes." A smirk grew across her face. "Just wait until we show the rest of the girls how cute you are!"

I paled.


All right, there you go. I hope you liked it 

I will probably be using these experiments later in the story, just for the hell of it, so be prepared for that. The sheer WTF value of using Douchery in a real fight is more than worth it.


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