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Capítulo 46: Chapter 46

Dear Readers,

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As the gravity of the situation sank in, the narrative surrounding the events began to shift. My actions in dispatching the two CP agents who had failed to protect the Celestial Dragon were quickly overshadowed by the enormity of the Celestial Dragon's death. In the new narrative, I was portrayed as a Marine driven by righteous anger at the challenge to the Celestial Dragon's authority. My supposed retribution against the incompetent agents became twisted into a tale of Marine loyalty and devotion to the Tenryubito.


Meanwhile, upon receiving news of the Celestial Dragon's demise, the elders of the World Government were left with no choice but to respond decisively. They understood the importance of maintaining the perceived inviolability of the Celestial Dragons' authority. Thus, they issued a directive for a sweeping cleansing of the entire Sabaody Archipelago. Every pirate, criminal, and dissident who dared to challenge the supremacy of the World Government became the target of this ruthless purge.

In the midst of this turmoil, conversations buzzed among the Marines and government officials, debating the appropriate course of action in the wake of such a brazen act of defiance. The need to uphold the sanctity of the Celestial Dragons' status was paramount, and drastic measures were deemed necessary to quell any further dissent.


"The Celestial Dragons are the pillars upon which the World Government stands," one elder declared, his voice echoing with authority. "Their authority must be upheld at all costs. We cannot allow anyone to believe that they can challenge their supremacy without facing dire consequences."


Others nodded in agreement, recognizing the delicate balance of power that rested upon the shoulders of the Celestial Dragons. The incident had shaken the very core of their dominance, and decisive action was needed to restore order and assert their dominance once more.

As the sun set over Marineford, the plans for the cleansing of Sabaody were set into motion, casting a dark shadow over the future of the archipelago and all who dwelled within it.


In Grove 66, the Marine base pulsed with frenetic energy as Sengoku himself took charge of the impending purge. His presence alone commanded respect and instilled fear in both allies and enemies alike. Yet, amidst the bustling activity, there was one notable absence: Garp, the legendary Marine hero, had flatly refused to participate in the bloodshed.


Kong's orders fell on deaf ears as Garp stood firm in his decision, his principles unwavering despite the gravity of the situation. He wanted no part in the wanton slaughter that was about to unfold on Sabaody, a sentiment that resonated with many but went unheeded by those in command.


As the night descended, the streets of Sabaody ran crimson with blood as the combined forces of the Marines and the World Government unleashed their fury upon the island. The purge knew no bounds, sparing neither the lawless nor the innocent, as chaos reigned supreme.


Civilians cowered in their homes, praying for salvation as the violence raged outside their doors. It was not just the lawless areas that were targeted; the entire island felt the wrath of the purge, leaving no corner untouched by its indiscriminate fury.


However, amidst the chaos and carnage, a glimmer of hope remained. The purge had been initiated without proper preparation, and the sheer scale of the operation meant that the Marines and World Government forces were unable to completely encircle the island. As a result, many pirates and criminals with sufficient strength managed to slip through the cracks, fleeing towards Fishman Island in a desperate bid for survival.


The streets of Sabaody bore witness to scenes of unimaginable horror and despair, as the once vibrant island was plunged into darkness by the very forces sworn to protect it.

"Yes, it does. So tell me, why did you do it? Sengoku believes your interference led to the death of the Celestial Dragon, and although he may not have evidence, I trust his judgment," Garp declared, his tone serious and unwavering. His words carried the weight of authority, indicating his trust in those present.


"So, Sengoku-san is more concerned about concocting a theory for the Celestial Dragon's death rather than the loss of an innocent mother?" I retorted, still gazing out the window at the chaos below.


Garp's frustration was palpable; both Bogard and Kuzan looked on in disbelief at my words.

"Let's suppose for a moment that I am somehow responsible. Wasn't my action a manifestation of true justice from the perspective of that mother? She avenged her child's death at the hands of evil. While your so-called justice stood idly by, I took action," I continued, a hint of scorn in my voice.


Garp's temples pulsed with anger as he struggled to maintain his composure, refraining from lashing out physically.

"Ross, don't you understand what your actions have caused? The entire Sabaody is suffering because of your actions. Do you even know how many innocents will suffer because you couldn't control your impulse?" Garp stood up, his anger flaring. If not for his moral dilemma, I'm sure he would have punched me by now.


"Heh, innocents? It was those same innocents who stood by and watched, Garp-san. And don't forget, since day one, I've told you this: I am no Marine. I simply follow what my heart says. I may not be a good person in the eyes of the majority, but my conscience is clean. Unlike you, who has the strength but still parades himself as the hero of the Marines when in reality, the Marines are all but the World Government's lapdogs," I retorted, my anger matching Garp's.


I knew deep down that I may not be a good man, nor would I ever be seen as one in the eyes of the majority. But I had my principles, a bottom line I would never cross. That's why I put so much effort into changing Doffy when I was young, even going so far as to stake my own life to achieve that. Was my brother, Doffy, evil? In the eyes of the majority, yes. But he cared for his family, and with my influence in this life, he had a bottom line. The same principles applied to the Donquixote family.


Suddenly, as I spat out my outburst, my observation Haki detected an incoming strike, but I did not dodge it.


"Smack!" A crisp slap resounded through the room. It was Bogard who moved to slap me right across the face.


"You never speak to him like that ever again; is that understood?" Bogard bellowed as I held my stinging cheek. Bogard didn't hold back; he had infused Armament Haki in that slap. But I didn't get angry at the man; instead, I held my gaze at Garp defiantly.


Seeing no response from me, Bogard bellowed again, "Am I understood, Marine?" He unleashed his dominance, something that Bogard never tolerated—disrespecting Garp. My last words had crossed that bottom line. With a sigh, I decided to back down and give the man a nod.

With that, the room descended into silence again, and the matter of Kuzan's anger was now completely forgotten as Garp sank back into his chair.


"Bogard, make preparations; we are leaving for the New World," Garp declared to catch his right-hand man's attention.


"Garp-san, Fleet Admiral Kong has already relayed his orders. He wants everyone to return to Marineford after the issue with Sabaody is settled; there are no exceptions. It's wise to first get back to HQ. It seems like there has been some major movement from the Golden Lion Pirates Armada," Bogard explained, quickly returning to his usual expression.


"Ross, are you alright?" Kuzan stood next to me and whispered, trying to provide some comfort.

"Remember, Kuzan-san, in the future, you might come to a crossroads before you have to make a choice. I hope you choose the thing that you truly believe in your heart," I commented while rubbing my stinging cheek and turning back to admire the moon once again.

Two days after the cleansing of Sabaody, the Marines returned to HQ. There was a heavy backlash from the Elders regarding the failure of the Marines to carry out their prime directive: the safety of the Celestial Dragons. Kong had to bear all the heat regarding the matter; the Elders came down hard on him and pressured him immensely regarding the vacant Admiral position.


After the recent fiasco of losing a World Noble, the World Economy Newspaper attempted to publish this matter to the world. However, the World Government firmly put their foot down, going so far as to threaten Morgans with erasing the entire newspaper from existence. While Morgans sometimes challenged authority and published news that the World Government snubbed, this was not a matter they were willing to compromise on.


According to the Elders, the idea of even challenging the World Nobles was taboo, and anyone who even remotely entertained such a thought needed to be put down immediately.


I found myself at the elite Marine Academy's training ground, engaged in a sparring session with Vergo while under the watchful eyes of Zephyr. Zephyr, as promised earlier, had begun teaching me about resistance training. He mentioned that it wouldn't be effective for me since I had yet to consume a devil fruit. However, it was a different story for Vergo. He appeared pale and drained, all due to the sea stone cuffs he wore around his arms and legs.


Sea Stone, believed to embody the essence of the sea, could easily restrain Devil Fruit users with just a touch. In the canon, many formidable combatants fell victim to these restraints due to their lack of resistance to Sea Stone. According to Zephyr, mastering this resistance training could allow a Devil Fruit user to exert close to 80% of their peak combat power. There was even a belief that surpassing this limit could grant the ability to swim freely in the sea without being hindered. However, this remained a myth, as no one in recorded history had achieved such a feat.


"Shigan!" I exclaimed, unleashing a barrage of thrust attacks aimed directly at Vergo's chest. With Vergo still hampered by the restraining effects of the Sea Stone, I opted to gradually increase the intensity of our spar, starting with the techniques of the Marine Six Styles. The plan was to escalate to full-blown Haki-infused attacks later on.


"Tekkai," Vergo responded swiftly, attempting to bolster his defenses with the Tekkai technique. Despite his efforts, I could sense that his Observation Haki was not as finely honed as mine, rendering his attempts to anticipate my movements futile. Instead, he focused on bolstering his physical defenses.

As my thrust attacks landed, Vergo grimaced in pain, the impact of each strike making him feel as though he was being skewered by a spear. The strain of the sea stone only heightened his discomfort, amplifying the sensation of each blow.


Despite the pain, Vergo remained resolute, determined to weather the storm and continue the fight. With each strike, he gritted his teeth, his determination shining through despite the odds stacked against him.

The training ground crackled with energy as Vergo and I faced off, the tension palpable in the air. I could see the determination in Vergo's eyes, despite the fatigue evident on his face due to the Sea Stone cuffs restraining his Devil Fruit abilities. Zephyr stood nearby, observing with a keen eye.


As the spar continued, I wasted no time, launching into a flurry of strikes with the Marine's Six Styles. Vergo, though weakened, defended himself with skill, his movements fluid yet strained under the weight of the sea stone. Blow after blow rained down on him, and with each impact, I could feel his resistance growing weaker.

"Is that all you've got, Vergo?" I taunted between strikes, my voice laced with amusement.


Vergo gritted his teeth, his determination unwavering. "Just wait, young Master Ross. Someday, when you've consumed a devil fruit, I'll make you regret this," he thought to himself through clenched teeth, his thoughts strained but defiant.


Vergo's eyes burned with a fierce determination as he endured the onslaught, his resolve unbroken despite the overwhelming odds. With each strike, his will to fight back only seemed to grow stronger, a testament to his unwavering loyalty to his beliefs.

Silent_stiele Silent_stiele

Dear readers and fans,

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