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Capítulo 45: Hogwarts Sorting

The steady rumble of the Hogwarts Express slowed to a gentle crawl as the iconic scarlet engine pulled into the tiny station of Hogsmeade. Plumes of steam billowed out, swirling in the crisp evening air scented with woodsmoke and heather. Through the compartment windows, the twinkling lights of the village beckoned invitingly.

"Finally! We've arrived!" Hermione squeaked, practically vibrating with excitement as she peered out at the quaint platform. She smoothed down the folds of her newly donned Hogwarts robes, the thick black fabric still crisp and stiff.

Lucas couldn't help but smile at her infectious enthusiasm, feeling his own sense of eager anticipation stir within his chest. While he had prepared extensively for this moment, nothing could quite match the thrill of experiencing it firsthand.

Justin, already changed into his uniform, came closer to the window for a better view. "Wow, would you look at that?" He let out an impressed whistle. "It's just like the pictures, but better!"

The platform swarmed with students old and new, a churning sea of black robes interrupted by splashes of colored house ties and crests. Prefects shouted hoarse instructions over the din, trying to herd the younger pupils towards the exits.

Neville shifted his weight anxiously from foot to foot with a flushed face. "I can't believe we're actually here. At Hogwarts." His voice dropped to an awed murmur as his eyes widened with wonder. "Where my parents went to school."

Lucas felt a pang of wistful melancholy at those words. While he had studied all he could about this world, actually being present was something else entirely. He found himself oddly moved by the weight of history surrounding them.

"It's rather overwhelming, isn't it?" he murmured, more to himself than his friends. With a look, the compartment door slid open as if of its own accord. "Shall we go and experience it for ourselves?"

Hermione beamed at him, looking rather proud of her pristine appearance with her shiny black shoes and neatly pleated skirt. "I'm ready!"

She stepped out into the corridor with Justin following close behind, his tie already slightly askew. Neville hesitated for just a moment before squaring his shoulders and trailing after them, clutching Trevor the toad securely to his chest.

The busy crowd on the platform swelled as more and more students disembarked, the din of chatter and laughter intermingled with the raucous squawking of caged owls. Lucas brought up the rear of their little group as his gaze swept over the assembled students.

"Firs' years! Firs' years this way!" a booming voice called out, cutting through the cacophony.

There, towering over even the tallest of students, stood the unmistakable bulk of Rubeus Hagrid. His shaggy mane of hair and beard were impressively unkempt, framing a broad ruddy face creased with a welcoming smile. He cupped his massive hands around his mouth to amplify his voice.

"Any more firs' years? Follow me, this way now!"

Hermione's eyes went comically wide at the sight of the imposing groundskeeper. She leaned in close to whisper urgently to the boys.

"That man is enormous! Do you suppose he might be...a giant?"

Justin looked equally gobsmacked as his mouth hanged open. "Well, I wouldn't be surprised! Just look at the size of him!"

Neville merely gulped audibly with his chubby hands trembling as he clutched Trevor even tighter to his chest.

"I'm not sure," Lucas replied, keeping his tone light. "But I suppose we'll find out soon enough."

With that, he fell into step behind Hagrid as the groundskeeper began to lead the gaggle of first years away from the train station and down a gently sloping path.

Hermione frowned, seeming torn between curiosity and uncertainty as she hurried to keep pace. "If you say so. He's just...well, rather large, isn't he?"

"Aye, tha's righ', you lot!" Hagrid's gruff voice boomed out again. "Jus' stick close behind me now. Don' want any stragglers wanderin' off inter the Forbidden Forest!"

His words had the desired effect - the cluster of students huddled closer together, their eyes darting apprehensively towards the looming treeline just visible in the gathering dusk. Justin swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing nervously.

"The...Forbidden Forest?" he echoed in a thin voice. "What do you think lives in there?"

Neville let out a pitiful whimper as his face went pale. "N-n-nothing good, if it's called the F-Forbidden Forest."

Lucas frowned, considering Hagrid's warning. While he knew the forest housed many magical creatures, some quite dangerous, he didn't want to unnecessarily frighten his new friends.

"I'm sure it's perfectly safe so long as we stick to the edges," he said in a reassuring tone. "Hagrid and the professors won't let any harm come to students."

Justin seemed to relax somewhat at that, though Neville still looked unconvinced, clutching Trevor so tightly the toad was in danger of being squashed.

Before anyone could say more, they crested a small rise - and the path opened up to reveal a breathtaking vista of the castle itself. Turrets and towers soared majestically against the velvet backdrop of the night sky, their windows winking like a thousand golden eyes. The very air seemed to hum with tangible magic.

A collective gasp of awe spread through the assembled first years. Even Lucas found himself struck speechless for a moment with his previous thoughts forgotten in the face of such splendor. Hermione's eyes shone with unshed tears of wonderment as she drank in every detail.

"Oh, it''s just like the pictures," she whispered reverently. "Only a million times better!"

Lucas could only nod mutely in agreement, utterly transfixed. No book or film could possibly do justice to the sight before them.

Hagrid's rumbling chuckle drew their attention back to the massive groundskeeper. "Aye, she's a beaut', alrigh'. Yeh'll get plenty o' time ter admire her once we arrive."

He gestured towards the edge of a vast, glassy lake that stretched out before them, its inky black surface reflecting the twinkling stars above and the warm golden glow from the castle's many windows.

"But firs', we cross the lake the traditional way. Four to a boat, mind yeh! Don' want any mishaps this year!"

With that, Hagrid strode down the embankment towards a small fleet of wooden rowboats bobbing gently in the shallows. The first years hastened to follow, jostling eagerly to claim their places in the weathered crafts.

"Come on, then!" Hagrid boomed cheerfully. "Inter the boats with yeh! Don' be shy, now!"

Neville hesitated, looking rather green around the gills as he eyed the rippling waters dubiously. " it really safe to cross the lake like this?"

Lucas shot the other boy what he hoped was a reassuring look as he stepped lightly into one of the unoccupied boats. The wooden slats creaked faintly under his weight.

"I'm sure it will be fine, Neville," he said while giving him a smile. "Hagrid seems trustworthy enough, doesn't he?"

Hermione was already settling into the boat next to him as her eyes went alight with fresh excitement. "Oh, this is so delightfully atmospheric! Can you imagine, we're about to approach the castle just like the founders did all those centuries ago!"

Justin clambered in next, nearly overbalancing the small craft before Lucas steadied it with a subtle magical nudge. Neville remained rooted to the bank with his hands twisting anxiously.

"I dunno..." the plump boy wavered. "What if the boat capsizes? Or...or something comes up from the water to get us?"

Lucas opened his mouth to offer another reassuring reply, but then paused. While he was certain nothing too dangerous would befall them, he realized his usual nonchalant confidence might only increase Neville's fears.

So instead, he settled for a small, understanding smile as he extended his hand in a wordless invitation.

"Have a little faith, Neville. We'll be just fine, I promise."

After a moment's hesitation, Neville finally relented with a tremulous nod. Steeling his courage, he climbed gingerly into the boat and settled onto one of the wooden benches with a relieved exhalation.

"There, was that so bad?" Lucas said gently. "Just sit back and enjoy the approach. This is a night we'll never forget."

True to his word, the little fleet of boats began to glide smoothly across the mirrored surface of the lake, propelled by some unseen magic. The looming silhouette of the castle grew ever larger, its many windows glittering like a thousand jewels scattered across black velvet.

Hermione sighed happily, hugging her arms around herself as the chill evening breeze ruffled her bushy hair. "It's all just so...magical."

Justin looked equally captivated. "You know, I don't think any of the books did this place justice."

Neville remained completely silent, simply staring at the approaching castle with wide, unblinking eyes. His earlier fears seemed to have melted away entirely in the face of such wondrous enchantment.

Lucas leaned back, letting the gentle rocking of the boat lull him into a sense of contented peace as he too took in the majesty of Hogwarts for the first time.

The little boats continued their gentle glide across the glassy surface of the Black Lake, carrying the awestruck first years ever closer to the towering silhouette of Hogwarts Castle. A hushed silence had fallen over the students, broken only by the soft lapping of water against the wooden hulls.

The quiet was suddenly shattered by a tremendous splashing sound, causing everyone to start violently. Hermione yelped in surprise and clung to Lucas' arm with both hands, while Justin's grip on the sides of the boat made his knuckles turn white.

"Wh-what was that?" Neville's voice trembled, eyes widening in fear as he swiftly turned his head, searching for the source.

A gigantic tentacle as thick around as a tree trunk broke through the inky surface just meters away from their boat. It hung suspended for a breathless moment before sliding back beneath the dark depths with a sullen plop.

"The giant squid!" Hermione exclaimed in a high-pitched voice tinged with equal parts fear and excitement. "I read about it in Hogwarts: A History but I never imagined..."

Another tremendous splash erupted further out in the lake as more massive tentacles thrashed through the water. Then, with a final heave, an enormous bulbous head crested above the waves - its saucer-sized eyes blinking slowly as its parted beak revealed rows of tooth-lined suckers.

"Aaah!" Justin screamed, scrambling backwards on the bench until his back was pressed against Lucas. "That thing could swallow us whole!"

Neville whimpered pitifully with his entire body trembling as he sat frozen in fear. Lucas remained utterly still, watching the giant squid with a look of rapt fascination.

"It's alright," he said in a low, calming tone. "The squid is perfectly harmless to humans. It's just curious about all the new arrivals."

As if to prove his point, the leviathan slowly swiveled one unblinking eye towards their boat. Its great bulbous head dipped in what could almost be interpreted as a cordial nod before it slipped back beneath the inky surface, the tentacles trailing behind with a final mighty splash.

The other first years all let out a collective sigh of relief as the regular rhythm of the lake's gentle lapping returned. Hermione pushed her wild curls back from her face and let go of Lucas' arms, looking rather flushed.

"Well! That was...certainly an experience, wasn't it?"

Justin let out a shaky laugh, beginning to regain his composure. "You can say that again! I don't think any book could properly prepare you for something like that."

Neville remained frozen, still visibly shaken. "I'll say," he mumbled weakly. "I thought we were done for, I really did."

Lucas gave the other boy's shoulder a reassuring squeeze before replying in an easy tone. "Not to worry, Neville. Like I said, the squid is quite harmless. It was merely being curious."

He angled his body slightly so he could look Neville in the eye, offering him a warm smile. "Nothing at Hogwarts is going to hurt you so long as you use basic common sense and follow the rules, alright? You're perfectly safe here."

Neville seemed to draw some comfort from Lucas's words, managing a shaky nod as some of the tension bled from his shoulders. "If...if you say so, Harry."

Further conversation was halted as their boat slid smoothly onto the pebbly beach that served as the small pier for the Hogwarts boats. The looming silhouette of the castle rose before them, its many turrets and towers casting long, spindly shadows in the moonlight.

Hagrid's booming voice rang out once more as the massive gamekeeper strode from boat to boat, making sure all the students disembarked safely.

"Righ' then! Everyone out an' mind yer step. Don't go wanderin' off just yet!"

Lucas climbed out first, steadying the rocking boat with a pointed finger as he offered the other to Hermione. The bushy-haired girl accepted with a grateful smile, allowing him to assist her onto the solid ground.

"Thank you, Harry," she murmured politely before turning to watch as Hagrid helped Neville clamber out with far less grace.

The rest of the first years slowly congregated on the pebbly shore, a cluster of wide-eyed faces all turned expectantly towards the towering castle awaiting them. Even Lucas couldn't quite keep the sense of wonder from his expression as he drank in the sight before them.

Hogwarts was everything the books and films had promised...and so much more. The sheer weight of its magic and history seemed to fill the very air, charging it with an almost electric crackle of power.

"Righ' then!" Hagrid's gruff voice boomed out once more as the last student joined them on the beach. "Let's be off, shall we? Welcome to Hogwarts!"

With that, the massive gamekeeper turned and led the way up the sloping path towards the castle's main entrance. The first years hastened to follow with their earlier fears and apprehensions forgotten in the thrill of finally reaching their destination.

The group of first years followed along behind Hagrid as their footsteps crunched on the gravel path leading up to the castle's imposing oak doors. Hushed whispers and excited murmurs sounded as they drank in the sight of Hogwarts' ancient stone façade.

"Just look at the size of those doors," Justin said in an awed voice. "You could fit someone thrice the size of Hagrid!"


Hermione gave the heavy wooden doors an appraising look. "I wonder what kind of security enchantments are in place? There must be powerful magic at work to keep the castle safe…"

Lucas listened to their speculation with an indulgent smile, though he kept his own counsel for the moment. Despite all his preparations, he felt a little bit excited at finally experiencing Hogwarts for himself.

"Jus' a bit further now," Hagrid called over his shoulder in his gruff brogue. "Keep up, all o' yeh!"

The great oak doors swung open as they approached, seemingly of their own accord. A tall, black-haired witch in emerald green robes stood framed in the entrance with her hair pulled back into a severe bun. Lucas instantly recognized her as Professor McGonagall, the Transfiguration teacher and Deputy Headmistress. She looks much younger compared to the movies, though it's only natural considering the actor was older than the character and magicals age slower to begin with…

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," Hagrid said with a respectful nod.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here."

With a curt gesture, Professor McGonagall ushered the students inside and into a small antechamber just off the main entrance hall. The first years crowded in, their excited whispering echoing off the stone walls as they craned their necks to look around.

Lucas took the opportunity to study the stern witch, noting the proud tilt of her chin and her impeccable posture. McGonagall seemed to be the very picture of crisp competence and no-nonsense discipline.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," she began in a clear, precisely enunciated voice that instantly commanded attention. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses."

Neville fidgeted anxiously beside Lucas as his round face scrunched in worry. "How exactly do they sort us into the houses?" he whispered.

Before Lucas could respond, McGonagall continued her prepared speech. "The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts..."

As the professor launched into an explanation of the four Hogwarts houses, Lucas half-listened with one ear while he surveyed his fellow first years. Many of them, like Neville, looked increasingly nervous at the prospect of being sorted. Others, such as Hermione, practically vibrated with eagerness.

Scattered whispers began to circulate through the group as eyes were drawn to the distinctive, but faint, lightning bolt scar on Lucas's forehead.

"Blimey, d'you reckon that's him?" a red-haired boy murmured to the person next to him. "Harry Potter himself?"

"It has to be!" his companion responded in a hushed voice. "Just look at that scar!"

A small girl with pigtails was hopping up and down, craning her neck for a better view. "I can't believe it! The Harry Potter!"

Lucas suppressed a smirk, ignoring the scrutiny and whispers for the moment. Let them have their look - soon enough, he would command far more than just idle curiosity.

"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school," McGonagall informed them, oblivious to the quiet buzz. "I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting."

Her sharp eyes lingered for a moment on the red-headed boy's smudged nose and Justin's untidy tie. The two boys squirmed self-consciously under her scrutinizing gaze.

"I shall return when we are ready for you," McGonagall stated. "Please wait quietly."

With a swish of emerald robes, she swept back through the doors and out of the antechamber, leaving the cluster of first years to wait with bated breath.

The moment she had gone, hushed whispers broke out as the students began to speculate about the mysterious sorting ceremony. Hermione turned to Lucas with wide, anxious eyes.

"Do you have any idea how they'll sort us, Harry?" she asked in a trembling voice. "I've read all about the four houses, of course, but nothing about the actual mechanics of the sorting..."

Lucas offered her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Hermione. It's just a test of some kind to see which house best suits your personality and talents. Nothing too difficult, and I'm sure you will have a choice in the end."

He refrained from revealing the true nature of the Sorting Hat. While he wanted to put his friends at ease, he also didn't want to ruin the surprise of the occasion.

Several tense minutes ticked by with the first years shuffling anxiously and stealing sidelong glances at Lucas. At last, the doors opened once more and Professor McGonagall reappeared.

"We are ready for you now," she announced crisply. "Form a line and follow me."

Exchanging nervous looks, the first years hastened to obey, arranging themselves into a ragged queue behind the stern professor. As McGonagall led them through the doors and into the entrance hall, a sudden hush fell over the gathered students.

The double doors to the Great Hall swung open at a wave of McGonagall's wand, allowing the line of first years to stream inside. Lucas couldn't help but gaze around in open wonderment. The Great Hall was even more magnificent than he had imagined - the enchanted ceiling glittering with a cosmic array of stars while thousands of floating candles bathed the room in warm, flickering light. Four long tables stretched out before them, each filled with students wearing robes emblazoned with the crests of their house.

This is much more impressive than Diagon Alley, that's for sure.

At the far end of the hall, the staff table was arrayed on a raised dais with Dumbledore's throne-like chair in the center. The wizened headmaster surveyed the proceedings with a serene expression as his eyes twinkled merrily behind his half-moon spectacles.

Professor McGonagall came to a halt before a rickety three-legged stool, upon which rested an ancient, battered wizard's hat. Lucas hid a smile - at last, the famous Sorting Hat was about to make its appearance.

The first years clustered around the stool as their eyes became fixed upon the tattered headpiece. After a few moments of breathless silence, a long tear near the brim opened wide like a mouth - and the hat burst into song!

As its merry tune filled the Great Hall, animating the fabric with a jaunty sway, Lucas allowed his eyes to roam over the assembled students once more. A fresh wave of murmurs and pointing fingers rippled through the crowd as those nearest the first years got a glimpse of his distinctive scar.

"There, did you see?"

"It's him, Harry Potter!"

"The Boy Who Lived!"

Lucas caught Hermione shooting him a worried sidelong glance. He responded with a subtle wink and an easy smile, hoping to set her at ease.

The song reached its crescendo, the final notes fading into expectant silence once more. Professor McGonagall stepped forward, a long roll of parchment clutched in one hand.

"When I call your name, you will come forth to be sorted," she announced, her clear voice carrying through the hall. "Abbot, Hannah!"

A rosy-cheeked blonde girl stumbled forward trembingly. McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat upon her head, where it promptly slipped down to cover her eyes.

A tense few seconds passed before the hat's brim opened wide once more.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" it bellowed, and the table on the far right exploded into loud cheers and applause.

Hannah Abbot shuffled over to the Hufflepuff table, looking dazed but relieved as she was welcomed with vigorous back slaps and handshakes. The sorting continued without pause.

"Bones, Susan!"

A pink-cheeked redhead walked towards the stool and sat down. The hat had barely touched her head before it cried out "HUFFLEPUFF!" sending her scurrying towards the cheering table with obvious relief.

"Boot, Terry!"

A stringy boy with mousy hair and an upturned nose was next, shuffling forward with his hands wringing together anxiously. The hat took far longer to deliberate over him before finally announcing "RAVENCLAW!"

Terry Boot let out a shaky sigh and made his way to the second table from the left, receiving a few polite handshakes from his new housemates.

"Brocklehurst, Mandy!" 

Another Ravenclaw. Then "Brown, Lavender!" who was the first new Gryffindor, dashing over to raucous cheers and applause.

"Bulstrode, Millicent!"

A large, surly-looking girl lumbered up to the stool. The hat took almost a minute before declaring her a "SLYTHERIN!"

Millicent grunted and joined the raucous Slytherin table with a distinct air of someone who expected nothing less.

Several more names trickled by until at last, McGonagall reached the F section of her scroll.

"Finch-Fletchley, Justin!"

The curly-haired boy took a deep, steadying breath before striding forward with more confidence than most of his peers had mustered. The hat slipped over his head, pondering for almost a full minute before finally calling out "HUFFLEPUFF!"

Justin beamed as he hurried over to join the cheering Hufflepuffs, looking immensely relieved. He shot Lucas a thumbs up as he settled onto the bench beside Hannah Abbot.

A few more names were called before McGonagall finally reached the G section.

"Goldstein, Anthony!"

A slight boy with artfully tousled brown hair stepped up to the stool with an expression of haughty indifference. The hat had scarcely brushed his head before bellowing "RAVENCLAW!"

Anthony Goldstein rolled his eyes as he slid off the stool and ambled over to join the polite applause of his new house.

Then, finally, a name Lucas had been waiting for.

"Granger, Hermione!"

The bushy-haired girl startled, then scurried forward with her head held high. As the hat slipped over her eyes, she shot Lucas one final, anxious glance.

There was a lengthy pause during which Hermione seemed to be holding her breath. The hat furrowed and twitched, seemingly engaged in intense deliberation. A full four minutes ticked by in tense silence before, at last...


Hermione's eyes went wide with shock for the barest instant before a brilliant smile bloomed across her face. She all but ran to join the cheering Hufflepuffs as she slid onto the bench beside them before looking at Lucas with wide hopeful eyes.

The sorting continued at a steady clip, with "Longbottom, Neville!" being called shortly after.

The plump, round-faced boy stumbled his way up to the stool with his face blushing furiously under the weight of the stares and whispers. The hat took almost a full minute to decide, furrowing contemplatively, before it finally shouted:


Neville froze for a split second with his mouth hanging open in stunned surprise. Then he seemed to shake himself and hurried over to the Hufflepuff table, greeted with cheers. He slid in beside Justin, looking utterly gobsmacked but relieved.

Lucas paid little attention to the rest of the names before finally it was his turn.

"Potter, Harry!"

A deafening silence fell over the Great Hall, broken only by the shuffle of countless craning necks trying to catch a glimpse of the famous Boy Who Lived.

Lucas ignored the stares and gossip as he walked forward with unhurried steps until he stood before the three-legged stool. Turning with deliberate grace, he met the sea of curious faces with a polite smile before lowering himself onto the stool.

As McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat over his head, the ancient fabric slipped down to cover his eyes, plunging his vision into blessed darkness. Lucas closed his eyes and turned his focus inward, allowing the world to fade away as he sank into the depths of his mindscape.

The vast, tranquil sea stretched out before him, its glassy surface reflecting the brilliant azure sky above. A few wispy clouds drifted lazily across the endless expanse as the golden sun cast its warm rays over the gentle swells.

Lucas inhaled deeply, drawing in the familiar, bracing scent of salt and brine. This was his sanctuary, his inner world where he held dominion. The representation of the Sorting Hat materialized in the sky above, bobbing and spinning as it strained to take in its unfamiliar surroundings.

"Well now, this is rather unexpected," a dry, reedy voice whispered inside his mind. The hat seemed to twist and turn, straining its awareness against the formidable barriers of Lucas's occlumency shields.

"I've sorted many students over the centuries," it muttered, sounding almost affronted. "But never have I encountered such a clear mind!"

The hat gave a ponderous little shrug, its tattered folds rippling faintly. "No matter. I shall simply have to apply myself with greater focus."

With that, the hat surged downwards like a falcon folding its wings, aiming to pierce the placid surface of Lucas's mental ocean. But the moment it made contact, a series of powerful ripples exploded outwards in concentrated rings.

The hat retreated hastily as the waves battered against its metaphysical form. "Remarkable!" it exclaimed with bewilderment. "To have honed your mind to such an impregnable degree at so tender an age..."

Lucas allowed his visualization to show him lounging upon the swells of the sea, his chin propped on one hand as he regarded the hat with an air of faint amusement. An inward chuckle, barely more than an exhalation, escaped his lips.

"You'll find my defenses difficult to penetrate, I'm afraid," he said mildly. "The usual manner of sorting seems...unwise to attempt."

The hat bobbed in a grudging nod of acknowledgment. "Indeed, indeed. Sadly, I wasn't made with a skilled Occlumens in mind."

It drifted closer, peering at Lucas with an intense sort of scrutiny despite lacking any discernible eyes. "If you would permit me a glimpse of your memories, however brief? Just enough to get a sense of your fundamental nature. You have my solemn vow not to pry deeper than you wish."

Lucas arched one dark brow as he considered the request. After a moment, he inclined his head in a slight nod. "Very well. But only what I choose to show you."

With a subtle exertion of his will, Lucas projected a series of meticulously constructed scenes across the vast mental ocean. They showed tender moments of him assisting younger students, offering patient guidance with a warm, encouraging manner. Flashes of him burning the midnight oil over daunting academic books flickered past, alongside images of him selflessly investing in companies to help his uncle monetarily and calming his blustery cousin's infamous tantrums.

Throughout the memories, an aura of steadfast loyalty, diligence and nurturing compassion shone through Lucas's actions like a brilliant flame.

The hat watched in silence as the final memory faded, seeming almost dazed by the display. When at last it spoke, its reedy voice rang with clear conviction.

"My word...I have rarely encountered such noble virtues in one so young. Yes, I can see the truth of you now, clear as day."

The hat straightened itself with an air of finality as the tear in its brim widened like a opening.

"Better be...HUFFLEPUFF!"

With those words, Lucas allowed his visualization to dissipate like a receding tide. He opened his eyes to find the hat being lifted from his head, the hushed Great Hall holding its collective breath.

A small, enigmatic smile played about Lucas's lips as he rose to his feet. Giving the hat a respectful nod of acknowledgment, he turned and strode towards the Hufflepuff table with easy strides.

The Hufflepuffs exploded into thunderous cheers and applause as Lucas approached their table. The older students leapt to their feet, pounding the tabletops with their fists as they bellowed his name over and over.

"Potter! Potter! Potter!"

Lucas found himself engulfed in a crush of yellow-and-black robed well-wishers, being ushered along the bench amidst a whirlwind of enthusiastic back-slapping and jostling. Cedric Diggory, a third year, seized Lucas's hand and pumped it vigorously.

"Welcome to Hufflepuff, Harry!" he cried over the din with a broad grin. "We're honored to have you join us!"

Lucas managed a polite nod of thanks before being passed along to the next overexcited badger. A pair of fifth year girls tittered excitedly as they made room for him on the bench with their faces flushed with giddy smiles.

"Oh Harry, we can't believe it!"

"Our house, the Boy-Who-Lived!"

Lucas found himself squashed between Hermione and Justin, both beaming at him with unrestrained delight. Hermione threw her arms around him in a fierce hug that drove the air from his lungs.

"Isn't this wonderful?" she exclaimed as her bushy hair tickled his nose. "We're in the same house!"

"I knew you'd be a Hufflepuff!" Justin added with a hearty clap on Lucas's shoulder.

All around the Great Hall, the cheers of the puffed-up Hufflepuffs echoed off the enchanted ceiling. But the other house tables weren't quite so enthusiastic about the news.

Over at the Gryffindor table, the Weasley twins were booing loudly with their thumbs stuck in their ears. Ron joined in from where the unsorted first years were still standing as his freckled face scrunched up petulantly while he jeered and hissed at the Hufflepuffs.

"Oi, you lot of duffers!" one of the twins shouted derisively. "How'd you con the great Harry Potter into your rubbish house, eh?"

"Should've been a lion like his parents!" Ron hollered, prompting a fresh wave of boos from the disgruntled Gryffindors.

Even the Ravenclaws, normally a more reserved and studious lot, looked decidedly put out. Their polite applause was strained at best, with murmurs of disappointment clear along their table.

"Did you see that? Potter's just been sorted into Hufflepuff!"

"But all his academic achievements! What a waste in that house..."

Up at the staff table, the professors' reactions were far more muted - though no less intriguing to observe. Dumbledore's eyes twinkled merrily as always with his hands steepled before him in a posture of serene approval.

Professor Sprout, the plump little Herbology instructor and Head of Hufflepuff, was quite literally quivering with delight as she beamed at her newest badger. Her batty colleague, Professor Trelawney, seemed utterly oblivious to the proceedings with her eyes unfocused behind her trademark glasses.

Professor Snape, however, wore a distinct sneer as his black eyes bored into Lucas from across the hall. The dour Potions Master looked utterly revolted by the very notion of Harry Potter, the son of his hated schoolboy rival, being cheered on by anyone.

Minerva McGonagall maintained her usual stern composure, though her lips were pursed just a touch tighter than normal. As Deputy Headmistress, she likely expected the famous Boy Who Lived to have been sorted into her own house of Gryffindor.

But Lucas paid no mind to the grumblings and jeers from the other tables, nor the reactions of the professors. He warmly returned the greetings from his overjoyed housemates, exchanging smiles and handshakes with the various students crowded around him.

As the cheers from the Hufflepuff table gradually died down, Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and called out the next name for sorting. A few more students were called up - "Parkinson, Pansy!" became a Slytherin while "Patil, Padma!" joined Ravenclaw.

Finally, with "Zabini, Blaise!" being the last new student sorted into Slytherin, the ceremony came to a close. Dumbledore rose from his throne-like chair at the staff table with his arms spread wide in a welcoming gesture.

"Welcome, welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" His magically-enhanced voice rang out. "Before we begin our start-of-term feast, I'd like to take a moment for a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

Laughter spread through the students at the headmaster's nonsensical utterances. Dumbledore smiled gently as he surveyed them all over the top of his half-moon spectacles.

"Ah, such simple joys in life," he said with an indulgent smile. "And now, a tradition as ancient as the founding of this very school - the singing of the Hogwarts song!"

With a casual flick of his wand, a long ribbon streamed from the tip to form the lyrics hovering in midair. Dumbledore flicked his wand like a conductor's baton as the ribbon began to twist itself into a bouncing musical score.

"Everyone, pick your favorite tune and sing along!" 

At once, the Great Hall was filled with singing voices. The Weasley twins opted for a slow, funereal march while other students went for upbeat, jaunty melodies. The Hufflepuffs around Lucas launched into a hearty, rousing shanty.

Lucas just leaned back, letting the wild singing surround him, a small smile moving across his lips. He observed the various antics - Draco Malfoy mouthing wordlessly like a gasping fish, Neville's off-key bellow, the rude gestures exchanged between Slytherins and Gryffindors.

When the last straggling voices finally trailed off, Dumbledore's eyes crinkled behind his spectacles. "Ah, music," he sighed contentedly. "A magic beyond all we do here! And now, I'm sure we're all quite famished. Let the feast...begin!"

He clapped his hands sharply, and at once the gleaming golden plates and platters arrayed along the tables filled with a sumptuous array of delicacies. Tureens of thick stew and pots of buttered peas appeared, their scents wafting through the air. Plump roast chickens, succulent hams studded with cloves, and tender beef ribs materialized as if conjured.

A collective "Ooooh!" of delight went up from the first years, including Hermione. She gazed around at the groaning tables with wide-eyed wonder.

"This is amazing!" she breathed. "How does all this food just appear like that?"

Justin looked equally amazed as his eyes roved over the bounty before them. "I've no idea," he admitted with a bemused shake of his head. "I didn't know magic could do something like this!"

Lucas hid a small smile as he began filling his plate, taking a bit of everything to sample. While not quite the cuisine he'd experienced at world-class restaurants, it was still excellent food.

All around them, the Great Hall had descended into a cheerful din of clattering plates and animated conversation. Ghosts drifted serenely between the tables while older students greeted old friends from across the houses. Up at the staff table, Dumbledore and the other professors looked on with benign indulgence as their charges dug into the feast.

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